Giuseppe Sinopoli and the "Seventh"
Giuseppe Sinopoli AND THE "SEVEN" Mahler "It jire lu (1) of the age it, of the year, or else along the accustomed Concento de l'immortal performances, forged from cast avec lu lu quartet of seasons, and 'cases exhausts (2) of the standard and' the following two contrary. Od ol (3) brain progresses Gaiardo, et iscaltrisce are refined et, et + enters via real-lu et ig (4) imaginary, et unveiled thesauri progressive de l 'I' (his sou et others), et isfòlgora sezz knows from (5) et postrema late age it: as it happened, verbigrazia, Wolfgang Goethe. O ver, ul (6) ciarvello (7) stops at a point 'of mpreveduto er et xcorso pija from there to tremble, and afterwards to recoil, hence s'involve et soaking' n a saccharine alienation 'n an oblivious Vanir , inquando of insanity: yes ke lu et ig real imaginary dovèntano, x cellevriello esto el-carrier (8), recalcitrant goal, vaguest, fugitives: Denied known as x-eyed in the ER phenomenon, co 'contours its annexes, k 'Istà inante to look put Sujo et el regret. Now, ir (9) conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli Venetians, nui ke is cognosco et PRECIA (10) from 'Primieri its perils, they run the year, und the on 'constant of a substance enriched sensibilitade und subtleties, its ac analysis' of NTERPRETATION arricchìscon xspicacità und xtinenza historico-stylistic. Ke nn Sontu scorched glamorous, flamboyant nn - Sinopoli, if he wants, DE (11) Music, at x 'y Nossa abundance, aut pappator popular point of emphasis - Subtil But for a taste of a strenuous und aesthetic solace x those due pòngonvi atención, et + proper crop: x how many of the circus rifuggon. Sinopoli although sometimes careful listens to (12) pages (sic) by Gustav Mahler, zu (13) relationship between lu Musurgia (14) et 'or musician faces Kalist + striccus (15) c close, complicity xcorso from groundwater by gusts of similarities secreted et absenteeism sibillini, flows from karst ke chiddu universe charmeur Xverso atque de l'egrìssimo Bohemian artist arrècan et allotted 'to NSIN ul nuestro (16) was this, id est to 'nost (17) times: perhaps much - Xverso (ke x while the xversione Edi (18) of END ir counterpart of a below ground und ethics of a fantastic bloom k'oggidì are missing), But some x - charmeurs. It would send over s'accenna k'apo (19) zu Theatre de l'Opera 'n Rome ir master ada sa "Symphony No. 7 in E minor" faced: very harsh 'N between sas (20) noeuv (21) er of Bohemian composer (22): pro veretade, sa +' ntricata 'n paradoxically the Scriptures nor the eruptions' ncessanti of an enormous talent, feverish drama of acres , grim mockery, scathing sneer, y the sudden sharp cacophony of melodious balms congregations ports of nocturnal lemurs: 'n becoming an exceptionally facere y' ncasinato 'lu NZI in spasm. Yes doventar propio ke Havva from insane to read, probe ordered life in BC according to sound Quillo thicket of cataclysmic score ke hard n'ora et à peu près half, corn + xò seem to much: elle stick together n'operona Digna de sa grandeur Wagner, et a usual ke S'Ardia symphony concert of the propuorre ig listening to de la stalls s'inturgidisce y expands beyond, as if, 'stead of an n MUSEC, resound over ig audience, static shock und (23), a Dies Irae 'nesorabil: magma' eternal ncuboso et overflow. MUSEC poignant discarìssima y, a deformity of sharp, vibrant + living atque, et cuello ke vàceno + current (24) iscombiccherando such a cavalier musicistùcoli, oggidiani y de lu the recent past, lordanti ul mummified staff notes: fresh which made passing x pools. MUSEC, sa "Seventh", k 'n the year of Our Lord 1905 et abhors zu past warning (25) of un'avenire; ke und cries implores 'na requirements x atque xl'inaudito disgrace himself with the music of civilization' n ke afterwards it shall fall, nor the augunìa (26) el of the twentieth century: from the dirty business "Symphony" divine cun (27) xfettuosa vision foretold ac avec xforazion und sorrowful singing ruined. And the face I listen Sinopoli, CHEST tragedy Mahler, cum nu nu tor implacable rigor atque concertazion, nec (28) dynamic estraordinariamente acute, a gnawing emotional tension, k from head to isfèrzan er et funn xcòrron relief funèbre monster: 'n ke tutt'edè dicto et iscolpito, neente omitted, aut al'accidente committed. The keenness, sa superb form of the aforesaid master brain sovvèngon lu 'nl'iscabrosa' ntrapresa, mapper, diciamoncèlla papal papal hip n'orchestra over Huns Dice knows what the Philharmonia of London "from him directed at Theatre de l'Opera lu 'n Rome: ello und directs the instromentisti: chiddi obedìscon atque: as if noffink fùssino chille straight (29) und daddovero demanding virtuosity: as' n a iucariello Mimmi, and if they Vaun (30) straight and proud, the Englishman, ke you will askest, 'ntontonito, Cume (31) faghn Kakko (32) to hold up yes' mpertèrriti og (33) x Tuosto so great tiempo ... * In Rome, alli 23 d'abbrile 1992 ******** ************************************************** NOTES *************************** - (1) "go," nap. (2) "are" (3) "the", berg. (4) "the", "the", Tosca. (5) "the", Sardinia (6) "the", gen. (7) "brain", Roma. (8) "brain", nap. (9) "ir," Piem. (10) "appreciate" (11) "is", Tosca. ant. (12) "busy" (13) and "the" maturity. (14) "interpreter" (15) "tight", T. Folengo (16) "our", spag. (17) "our", mil. (18) "is", Calabar. (19) "APPO", "near" (20) "le", Sardinian (21) "nine", mil. (22) pro veretade, Mahler sketched dua hip movements of a Tenth Symphony, ke hath been bold to draw someone INTEGRAR et afterwards: vain, already ke the work of art toujours belongs to the face ki, ki nn already in the draw et integral, whence nn nn sorting na pol + or - ambiguous bastard. Istesso The reasoning is the traduction litterarie x: u "Canzoniere" of Petrarch east el Chill 'n lenga Italian: the traduction' n lengua Englishman, Nederland, tudesca, et cetera, kon other words, other colors, other accents and other nuances, other sounds, other things sunt: \u200b\u200bnn already opus summum of your great poet. Among lu "Canzoniere" Petrarch and the thousand traduction if nn nn Havva Relation Varuna chilla ke 'ntercorre between dicto "Canzoniere" et la translation de la "Comedia" of Dante in Chinese language (23) "ecstatic" (24) "go" , nap. ant. (25) "despair" (26) "agony", nap. (27) "with", Sardinian (28) "a" sal. (29) "signs", Roma. (30) "should", otr. ant. (31) "as" et al. (32) "make", par. (33) "e", Norvir.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Old Fashioned Katydids Candy In The Can
Mahler's "Cinderella" by Gioachino Rossini
"Cinderella" Gioachino Rossini's "Cinderella, or Goodness in both the Arc de Triomphe, the UTEM (1) et ingenious 'n between 1 of the deeds of a comic Gioachino Rossini' n ond age of twenty-four 'years. The x and all probable ke twenty-four zornae (2) Siena to Guaso never esto munnu sute 'n + estraordinaria adoprate guise of chill'occorse lu musician in order to crear Pesaro,' n about the year inicio de of Our Lord 1817, ol (3) dicto masterpiece. Ké lu + popular "The Barber of Seville", you will, a cultivar rimansi Nevertheless nu cquarche shop with her (4) et grueling reality lacking the Mayan: 'mpelagato' n er routine ac-presses presses de l'ruffled Monno, 'ntanto ke "Cinderella", sublimely, in one sprint, sgòmbrasi off ties of the empirical mean el cotidiano involasi and, voila, it crowds the Empyrean + atque de la vague voluptuosidad (5) geometric: for Alchemy rush them sweaty, the beats of immature quassotto (6) 'n translucent desmontable deben ser:' n vispìssima trash (7) motor. Yes k'ir (8) rice ke fate I label (9) peeled, irresistible: esquís and glittering. Assistiam in "La Cenerentola" on the progressive, like Dice?, Desquamazion et de slogans them to the bold denunciation of the scorched attached to Iddi: verbigrazia, y worn the accustomed affection. Gosse atque mottos ke unmasks Rossini 'n their ambition to be the inane, et esquisitamente cuckoos' n them looking silly and inane (10) y to be worth counting on the sunken Fazza de la tera (11). Und Dunca (12), Motta et scorched if valid + ke nn nu stupid prestige (13), or are 'nfime pinzellacchere - lu says musicus - sconvolgiàmole, sferziàmole, et prennèmole to mocked, put a naked, giving na fickle (14) gigs (15) to 'their skeletons (16) dangling. And frankly she posciaké (17) Have the original face to pose ol rice + abstract, being in the true wellspring und Pasco et virginal Benenati (18), in the flush the MUSEC yes (19) lu ke motor inexpressible move, reorder und satisface the ethereal textures of space on the que (20) geometrically carola mone (21) Ponna, net et brilliant, the ischeltri de lu munnu. Ah! The Estate inenarràbil et imago, k n'infonde Wellness und gives it feeds (22) and sensual pleasure (23) 'n one. Crèpasi in "La Cenerentola" by Rossini, und crusher, she secular tale of the pious to her boyfriend y de stolidìssime stepsisters, prince et d'er: champion of excellent cquelle ke fate costùman normally they Rie. Nor miss Havva cchiù foot, surrogate al'uopo from ductile + Emery - "smeriglium ne lu medieval Latin - k'esti na pulser (24). And the orrèvol mincing fairy gives quine (25) and functions to countenance Alidoro, nu philosef rational de l '"Aufklaerung", or the age it is de de' Enlightenment, atque este maestro y mentor of Prince ir, este et + et vivid dried them, rather - moinante, 'n the tale is Menara al'agnizion: na vote thrown back direction de l'accident: Inzino to there dimolto deplorable. In el booklet miss evil Jacopo Ferretti also covered xe u papa de la womanish atque candidate triad: yes no sbevazzator chionzo ke je little lacking in Minus Habens lu: 'n ridiculous softness in the compass Rossini ol' sensational NCIDE arabesques et cloves alma buffoonery. And she brings pullulan unrestricted educational and jests of Dandini, the family of prince ir; nu Leporello pregnant d'el lambrusco Sprill ke lu et watering praised for father. "La Cenerentola" yes facto materials and phantoms of umanitade nn exhausts (26) k'el gluten de la springboard from which an amazing lightning und egregious "exercitium Mathematicae" sound, sophisticated shock goddess chilli ke ke neither wise: et auno (27) joy. Well understood, nn x Essercizi scientific question of a counterpoint in the manner ac sebastianbàcchica: ke ideal et i 'disasters chiddu masterly tudesco lu north volgèan: abstractions of a tapered Baroque' n sfuorgio metaphysical (28). Er calamus de Pesaro eni lu, au contraire, the sunny, Mediterranean, romagnolosìssimo: Notes ac the image of "La Cenerentola" willing sunt ke fate of them accounts rièdino ere 'ncora of ire. The estuose their dances on the sunken realiteit (29), the indiademate revelry, the irrepressible garrulity, the flashes of gunfire hedonistic ac fry (30), the one al'altre 'Ncastonate and entered lu squadrato barbaglianti x' ncendio de l'universe Rossini, zo (31) daddivero it ironic Quintessenza terrestrità d'una ke, rather than alienate und prosciugata go Musiker (32) mit Rimir (33) Cuella great voracitas ( 34) and ghiottoneria tìpiche to him terre, to him to scinniri colture (35) da l'Alpe 'n juso (36). ************************************************** ********************************** NOTE - (1) "last", nap. (2) "giornate" look. (3) "il" berg. (4) "the", issue. (5) "Pleasure", spag. (6) the shaggy munnu id est: 'n veritate: sad planet, stinking et periculante structure, warehouse and signs of false idols rebussistici, repository of sobs, tears petrified ISSU same: issue itself, alas, on this side of a er of Nothing (7) "purity", arc. (8) "the", Piem. (9) "is", sal. (10) "search" (11) "land", pronounced d'el dial. rom. (12) "So," sic. (13) "illusion", nor the vulgar idiom of 'Primieri secula d'el SECUNDO millennium p. No Ch (14) "whirling", en. arc. (15) nowadays direbbesi "rokkenrol" (16) "skeletons" (17) "freedom", sec. XIII (18) "happiness" (19) "is", dial. (20) "which", ant. Lomb. (21) "hour", "now" dial. (22) "peace", Roma. (23) "pleasure" (24) "bracelet", spag. (25) "here," lt Merida. (26) "are" (27) "have" (28) "fast", nap. (29) "reality", nl. (30) "thrills" (31) "are", dial. (32) "musician", Norvir. dan et. (33) "with" ted. (34) "greediness", lat. (35) "down", sic. (36) "down" nap.
"Cinderella" Gioachino Rossini's "Cinderella, or Goodness in both the Arc de Triomphe, the UTEM (1) et ingenious 'n between 1 of the deeds of a comic Gioachino Rossini' n ond age of twenty-four 'years. The x and all probable ke twenty-four zornae (2) Siena to Guaso never esto munnu sute 'n + estraordinaria adoprate guise of chill'occorse lu musician in order to crear Pesaro,' n about the year inicio de of Our Lord 1817, ol (3) dicto masterpiece. Ké lu + popular "The Barber of Seville", you will, a cultivar rimansi Nevertheless nu cquarche shop with her (4) et grueling reality lacking the Mayan: 'mpelagato' n er routine ac-presses presses de l'ruffled Monno, 'ntanto ke "Cinderella", sublimely, in one sprint, sgòmbrasi off ties of the empirical mean el cotidiano involasi and, voila, it crowds the Empyrean + atque de la vague voluptuosidad (5) geometric: for Alchemy rush them sweaty, the beats of immature quassotto (6) 'n translucent desmontable deben ser:' n vispìssima trash (7) motor. Yes k'ir (8) rice ke fate I label (9) peeled, irresistible: esquís and glittering. Assistiam in "La Cenerentola" on the progressive, like Dice?, Desquamazion et de slogans them to the bold denunciation of the scorched attached to Iddi: verbigrazia, y worn the accustomed affection. Gosse atque mottos ke unmasks Rossini 'n their ambition to be the inane, et esquisitamente cuckoos' n them looking silly and inane (10) y to be worth counting on the sunken Fazza de la tera (11). Und Dunca (12), Motta et scorched if valid + ke nn nu stupid prestige (13), or are 'nfime pinzellacchere - lu says musicus - sconvolgiàmole, sferziàmole, et prennèmole to mocked, put a naked, giving na fickle (14) gigs (15) to 'their skeletons (16) dangling. And frankly she posciaké (17) Have the original face to pose ol rice + abstract, being in the true wellspring und Pasco et virginal Benenati (18), in the flush the MUSEC yes (19) lu ke motor inexpressible move, reorder und satisface the ethereal textures of space on the que (20) geometrically carola mone (21) Ponna, net et brilliant, the ischeltri de lu munnu. Ah! The Estate inenarràbil et imago, k n'infonde Wellness und gives it feeds (22) and sensual pleasure (23) 'n one. Crèpasi in "La Cenerentola" by Rossini, und crusher, she secular tale of the pious to her boyfriend y de stolidìssime stepsisters, prince et d'er: champion of excellent cquelle ke fate costùman normally they Rie. Nor miss Havva cchiù foot, surrogate al'uopo from ductile + Emery - "smeriglium ne lu medieval Latin - k'esti na pulser (24). And the orrèvol mincing fairy gives quine (25) and functions to countenance Alidoro, nu philosef rational de l '"Aufklaerung", or the age it is de de' Enlightenment, atque este maestro y mentor of Prince ir, este et + et vivid dried them, rather - moinante, 'n the tale is Menara al'agnizion: na vote thrown back direction de l'accident: Inzino to there dimolto deplorable. In el booklet miss evil Jacopo Ferretti also covered xe u papa de la womanish atque candidate triad: yes no sbevazzator chionzo ke je little lacking in Minus Habens lu: 'n ridiculous softness in the compass Rossini ol' sensational NCIDE arabesques et cloves alma buffoonery. And she brings pullulan unrestricted educational and jests of Dandini, the family of prince ir; nu Leporello pregnant d'el lambrusco Sprill ke lu et watering praised for father. "La Cenerentola" yes facto materials and phantoms of umanitade nn exhausts (26) k'el gluten de la springboard from which an amazing lightning und egregious "exercitium Mathematicae" sound, sophisticated shock goddess chilli ke ke neither wise: et auno (27) joy. Well understood, nn x Essercizi scientific question of a counterpoint in the manner ac sebastianbàcchica: ke ideal et i 'disasters chiddu masterly tudesco lu north volgèan: abstractions of a tapered Baroque' n sfuorgio metaphysical (28). Er calamus de Pesaro eni lu, au contraire, the sunny, Mediterranean, romagnolosìssimo: Notes ac the image of "La Cenerentola" willing sunt ke fate of them accounts rièdino ere 'ncora of ire. The estuose their dances on the sunken realiteit (29), the indiademate revelry, the irrepressible garrulity, the flashes of gunfire hedonistic ac fry (30), the one al'altre 'Ncastonate and entered lu squadrato barbaglianti x' ncendio de l'universe Rossini, zo (31) daddivero it ironic Quintessenza terrestrità d'una ke, rather than alienate und prosciugata go Musiker (32) mit Rimir (33) Cuella great voracitas ( 34) and ghiottoneria tìpiche to him terre, to him to scinniri colture (35) da l'Alpe 'n juso (36). ************************************************** ********************************** NOTE - (1) "last", nap. (2) "giornate" look. (3) "il" berg. (4) "the", issue. (5) "Pleasure", spag. (6) the shaggy munnu id est: 'n veritate: sad planet, stinking et periculante structure, warehouse and signs of false idols rebussistici, repository of sobs, tears petrified ISSU same: issue itself, alas, on this side of a er of Nothing (7) "purity", arc. (8) "the", Piem. (9) "is", sal. (10) "search" (11) "land", pronounced d'el dial. rom. (12) "So," sic. (13) "illusion", nor the vulgar idiom of 'Primieri secula d'el SECUNDO millennium p. No Ch (14) "whirling", en. arc. (15) nowadays direbbesi "rokkenrol" (16) "skeletons" (17) "freedom", sec. XIII (18) "happiness" (19) "is", dial. (20) "which", ant. Lomb. (21) "hour", "now" dial. (22) "peace", Roma. (23) "pleasure" (24) "bracelet", spag. (25) "here," lt Merida. (26) "are" (27) "have" (28) "fast", nap. (29) "reality", nl. (30) "thrills" (31) "are", dial. (32) "musician", Norvir. dan et. (33) "with" ted. (34) "greediness", lat. (35) "down", sic. (36) "down" nap.
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"Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg"
"Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg" by Wagner Ol (1)'ll think of the modern age it, nor the incunabula of the 'classical ideals, "s'origina from the formula of el titanic philosef tudesco Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), to 'the subject puts himself istesso - "I am I" (2) - lu order to project its yearning towards an ethics und cognoscitiva' ke Nfiniti while negasi: et nègasi ' nzino to Franger volition und tension de l'istesso Subject: 'er nzino to lead the drama of contemporary man: so thirsty for the Absolute' mpotente. Likewise, the present civiltade occidental de la Musik DeScenna (3) from the Wagnerian Arsicci crumbs of the universe, 'which the haves (4), x itself alone, sensed n'armonia cosmic mythology na aesthetic, molded in three secula poetry, and in a legacy to posterity and commit them 'sentimiento (5) of a finitude ke, under penalty Diffin, eni (6) If the clotted 'n riddle: dilated' n Myth: vanity 'n utopia. Since the 'Idealism' ava shattered ego abiando (7) proclaimed him a long time (8) dominus de l'universe (9), indeed ke zuo interlocutor: acussì, 'n nn manera similar, Wagner have' nfranti et scombugliati the rhythms de la historia de la MUSEC x ol forge a sound sur rhythm 'Nfiniti et de lu soaring spirit: yes ada ke ol sound appriesso yielded the yearning' nsostenibili of the "Tristan und Isolde" from the difficult (10) spasm 'er "Parsifal" und de muziek (11) x expired. Then Wagner: it was (12) and was Snervatezza Decadence was Mask and delightful ol 'de ll'Illusione deception, and ll'Incredulità les Chagrins. Nu sabbiàn (13) mo 'on the threshold of silence lu: dop (14) assumed havere atque experienced lamb' deception in order to sing lu, from scratch, it was glory was munificence et de muziek. Et xò (15) the song came on the CryptoStream to harness assecchite and planed our lips: Guaso k'avess (16) de lu experience all the genius lipsiense (17) out of breath. Wagner avia postrema the cosmogony of the music INASTI, beyond which the disclosed has run the 'void, et access to which x and fabric only to' trusting allowed: AUT to apostasy (18) ke known valgon quai supernal acts d'amour, atque of faith (19): voila mon memorable event Nietzsche. Wagnerian ideology Ll'unitarietà de esti (20) und tetragona radical myth, saga, legend, history, chronic risolvonsi it the transcendental dimension of the space-time: it the identificazion de la redelijkheid (21) in a huge bath dusche of (22) ecstatic 'n proportionate to the performance of the contradictions de la conscience' n Katharsis a mystical pantheism. From "Der fliegende Hollaender" in "Lohengrin" from "Tristan und Isolde" to "Parsifal", the human el und sensitive matter of the live und d'el lucubrar, the undertake action (23) und the cogitations, nature und determinations will transcend its own borders, the assuperano musura (24) of symbol x el annihilate 'n el ke them sound remodels' n consider it (25) of them will fall the Infinite. At the dawn of the "Romantik", Art field All Avia lu, ir with Wagner (26) report capovòlgesi: Everything or al'Art aims: the esti und accident 'extraordinary und unrepeatable' ol ntravvenuto xokké language ac Architecture de la MUSEC oats (27) 'nver the poetry of their absoluteness, which cchiù s'adeguan nn er of them contained real, But it facune (28) INTAKE sublimated. From cheste condigioni (29) and did not fail evadon "Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg" or is "We Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" the only great deed-long comedy tour ir monumental Wagner (30). What is of any effort to extrapolate from the corpus monument chiste de paced the music er "Ring" at the end of the conziderar istessa na happy mundane sort of brace on the floor of the linguistic expression et de 'content Dramatic, ave it removed the significazion + ima de la yl'essenza on 'bieltà which, xl'avverso, Whole risiedon it the act of foundation el Mito de la Historia I: lu + solemn homage and sfurgiuso (31) - Iusta exegesis inobliato Guido de l'Manacorda - ke jamais be made to the fabric Allemagna: und in the civiltade Soy (32). There, through the epic of raffigurazion d'el cotidiano, The Renaissance in effigy tudesca s'aderge und emblem of a Puopolo (33). Sed the istesso cotidiano, 'n Wagner, if nn nn Pones if comm'etterno und yearn for ol divine inspiration, such a self-resolving them "Meistersinger" in the religious epic from Germany Country, complementary poems tragic berth al'antri et de lu Musiker Alemannic. The inexhaustible interest emanates from chissu ke opus summum satisfàcesi onninamente will score the ocean, which, on a metaphysics of "do more" to Goethe Majesté (34) lies, 'nvoca self,' raising to imago of mondizia (35 ) atque to austere romantic sentimentalism, the expression Lutheran Reformed spirituality und Bach's counterpoint. However, appeased turbine in el nn el chromaticism of Tristania music tradition tudesca mondasi Iscor de l'Academie de l'y de to the pedantic rules through the irony about the Wagner essercitata istesse with lu xsonaggio of Beckmesser. On the "Tablature" d'el Meistersang impressed ol song lyric winged und Walther von Stolzing und hailing to the reasons for the fantastic trasfigurazion de la libertad de l'inspiration, which dominates over the "morality tough" by Hans Sachs (36), or both may de l'Alma Wagner to the everlasting glory of 'homeland' nTry: to reconcile the co 'destinies of the people been Thovar (37): the obligations to protect from dangers of' toxic lethal et de k'insulse the fatuity so gay, de la Oima Latin (38) corrupt: og (39) corrupting. ************************************************** ************************************ NOTE - (1) "the 'berg. (2) "Ich ich well" (3) "follows", nap (4) "has," arc. (5) "feeling", spag. (6) "is", dial. (7) "having", arc. (8) "him", the course (9) someone, No members ki farther, ada called the universe a by-product of the Nossa sadness. In true tragic diffinizione und imperfettibil to assess the strunzaggine de l'ke man will never cease No, despite the wounds, blows k'ogni votes received, to set 'n Cup in reality, in the center of the universe munno lu, to believe a smitten lion de savannah mentreké is poor nu et co unknown worm crawling 'the caves billion vermicelli it lu und boundless dark motionless air (10) "sublime", Dante (11) "music", nl. (12) ", the" pious. (13) "we", Lucca. (14) "after" emi. (15) "But," written. Thurs. Eur. (16) "had" Lomb. (17) "the", emi. (18) 'denial of their religion ", a word derived from greek lu" apostasy "," apòstasis "in Italian lengua strive to start from lu sec. XIV (19)" faith "poet. (20)" is "ant. sic (21). "rationality", lengua nederl. istesso the concept x ke use some skill yet the motto "verstandelijkheid", albeit with different nuances (22) "light", luc. (23) matre all the vices, the sape (24) " measure ", sic (25)." contemplation ", sec. XIII (26)" the ", Piem. (27)" have ", otr. (28)" do ", sal. (29)" conditions "(30 ) the deed compuosizione de l'collacasi 'n from "Tristan und Isolde" und "Goetterdaemmerung", sed them Primieri sketches date back to the glorious fulfillment of the register at 1845 und in The 1867: The premiere site abbe in Monaco di Baviera, el apo National Theater, 21 of them giugnu of the year 1868 (31) "pompous", nap. (32) "his" nap. (33) "people", Roma. sec. XIV (34) "majesty", fr. (35) "purity" (36) choirmaster Calzolaro (37) "his", instr. (38) "now", arc. (39) "e", Norvir.
"Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg" by Wagner Ol (1)'ll think of the modern age it, nor the incunabula of the 'classical ideals, "s'origina from the formula of el titanic philosef tudesco Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), to 'the subject puts himself istesso - "I am I" (2) - lu order to project its yearning towards an ethics und cognoscitiva' ke Nfiniti while negasi: et nègasi ' nzino to Franger volition und tension de l'istesso Subject: 'er nzino to lead the drama of contemporary man: so thirsty for the Absolute' mpotente. Likewise, the present civiltade occidental de la Musik DeScenna (3) from the Wagnerian Arsicci crumbs of the universe, 'which the haves (4), x itself alone, sensed n'armonia cosmic mythology na aesthetic, molded in three secula poetry, and in a legacy to posterity and commit them 'sentimiento (5) of a finitude ke, under penalty Diffin, eni (6) If the clotted 'n riddle: dilated' n Myth: vanity 'n utopia. Since the 'Idealism' ava shattered ego abiando (7) proclaimed him a long time (8) dominus de l'universe (9), indeed ke zuo interlocutor: acussì, 'n nn manera similar, Wagner have' nfranti et scombugliati the rhythms de la historia de la MUSEC x ol forge a sound sur rhythm 'Nfiniti et de lu soaring spirit: yes ada ke ol sound appriesso yielded the yearning' nsostenibili of the "Tristan und Isolde" from the difficult (10) spasm 'er "Parsifal" und de muziek (11) x expired. Then Wagner: it was (12) and was Snervatezza Decadence was Mask and delightful ol 'de ll'Illusione deception, and ll'Incredulità les Chagrins. Nu sabbiàn (13) mo 'on the threshold of silence lu: dop (14) assumed havere atque experienced lamb' deception in order to sing lu, from scratch, it was glory was munificence et de muziek. Et xò (15) the song came on the CryptoStream to harness assecchite and planed our lips: Guaso k'avess (16) de lu experience all the genius lipsiense (17) out of breath. Wagner avia postrema the cosmogony of the music INASTI, beyond which the disclosed has run the 'void, et access to which x and fabric only to' trusting allowed: AUT to apostasy (18) ke known valgon quai supernal acts d'amour, atque of faith (19): voila mon memorable event Nietzsche. Wagnerian ideology Ll'unitarietà de esti (20) und tetragona radical myth, saga, legend, history, chronic risolvonsi it the transcendental dimension of the space-time: it the identificazion de la redelijkheid (21) in a huge bath dusche of (22) ecstatic 'n proportionate to the performance of the contradictions de la conscience' n Katharsis a mystical pantheism. From "Der fliegende Hollaender" in "Lohengrin" from "Tristan und Isolde" to "Parsifal", the human el und sensitive matter of the live und d'el lucubrar, the undertake action (23) und the cogitations, nature und determinations will transcend its own borders, the assuperano musura (24) of symbol x el annihilate 'n el ke them sound remodels' n consider it (25) of them will fall the Infinite. At the dawn of the "Romantik", Art field All Avia lu, ir with Wagner (26) report capovòlgesi: Everything or al'Art aims: the esti und accident 'extraordinary und unrepeatable' ol ntravvenuto xokké language ac Architecture de la MUSEC oats (27) 'nver the poetry of their absoluteness, which cchiù s'adeguan nn er of them contained real, But it facune (28) INTAKE sublimated. From cheste condigioni (29) and did not fail evadon "Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg" or is "We Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" the only great deed-long comedy tour ir monumental Wagner (30). What is of any effort to extrapolate from the corpus monument chiste de paced the music er "Ring" at the end of the conziderar istessa na happy mundane sort of brace on the floor of the linguistic expression et de 'content Dramatic, ave it removed the significazion + ima de la yl'essenza on 'bieltà which, xl'avverso, Whole risiedon it the act of foundation el Mito de la Historia I: lu + solemn homage and sfurgiuso (31) - Iusta exegesis inobliato Guido de l'Manacorda - ke jamais be made to the fabric Allemagna: und in the civiltade Soy (32). There, through the epic of raffigurazion d'el cotidiano, The Renaissance in effigy tudesca s'aderge und emblem of a Puopolo (33). Sed the istesso cotidiano, 'n Wagner, if nn nn Pones if comm'etterno und yearn for ol divine inspiration, such a self-resolving them "Meistersinger" in the religious epic from Germany Country, complementary poems tragic berth al'antri et de lu Musiker Alemannic. The inexhaustible interest emanates from chissu ke opus summum satisfàcesi onninamente will score the ocean, which, on a metaphysics of "do more" to Goethe Majesté (34) lies, 'nvoca self,' raising to imago of mondizia (35 ) atque to austere romantic sentimentalism, the expression Lutheran Reformed spirituality und Bach's counterpoint. However, appeased turbine in el nn el chromaticism of Tristania music tradition tudesca mondasi Iscor de l'Academie de l'y de to the pedantic rules through the irony about the Wagner essercitata istesse with lu xsonaggio of Beckmesser. On the "Tablature" d'el Meistersang impressed ol song lyric winged und Walther von Stolzing und hailing to the reasons for the fantastic trasfigurazion de la libertad de l'inspiration, which dominates over the "morality tough" by Hans Sachs (36), or both may de l'Alma Wagner to the everlasting glory of 'homeland' nTry: to reconcile the co 'destinies of the people been Thovar (37): the obligations to protect from dangers of' toxic lethal et de k'insulse the fatuity so gay, de la Oima Latin (38) corrupt: og (39) corrupting. ************************************************** ************************************ NOTE - (1) "the 'berg. (2) "Ich ich well" (3) "follows", nap (4) "has," arc. (5) "feeling", spag. (6) "is", dial. (7) "having", arc. (8) "him", the course (9) someone, No members ki farther, ada called the universe a by-product of the Nossa sadness. In true tragic diffinizione und imperfettibil to assess the strunzaggine de l'ke man will never cease No, despite the wounds, blows k'ogni votes received, to set 'n Cup in reality, in the center of the universe munno lu, to believe a smitten lion de savannah mentreké is poor nu et co unknown worm crawling 'the caves billion vermicelli it lu und boundless dark motionless air (10) "sublime", Dante (11) "music", nl. (12) ", the" pious. (13) "we", Lucca. (14) "after" emi. (15) "But," written. Thurs. Eur. (16) "had" Lomb. (17) "the", emi. (18) 'denial of their religion ", a word derived from greek lu" apostasy "," apòstasis "in Italian lengua strive to start from lu sec. XIV (19)" faith "poet. (20)" is "ant. sic (21). "rationality", lengua nederl. istesso the concept x ke use some skill yet the motto "verstandelijkheid", albeit with different nuances (22) "light", luc. (23) matre all the vices, the sape (24) " measure ", sic (25)." contemplation ", sec. XIII (26)" the ", Piem. (27)" have ", otr. (28)" do ", sal. (29)" conditions "(30 ) the deed compuosizione de l'collacasi 'n from "Tristan und Isolde" und "Goetterdaemmerung", sed them Primieri sketches date back to the glorious fulfillment of the register at 1845 und in The 1867: The premiere site abbe in Monaco di Baviera, el apo National Theater, 21 of them giugnu of the year 1868 (31) "pompous", nap. (32) "his" nap. (33) "people", Roma. sec. XIV (34) "majesty", fr. (35) "purity" (36) choirmaster Calzolaro (37) "his", instr. (38) "now", arc. (39) "e", Norvir.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How Much An Eagle Cost
Wagner's "Iphigenie en Tauride" Gluck
"Iphigenie en Tauride," Gluck's poetic wonder of affection Gajardo, high fascination, et inzembra (1) the emotional saccenza (2) in front of haver na mondizia absolute peak of (3) obtained from the art, every hour it (4) rapiscon al'ascolto of "Iphigenie en Tauride." Which Edi (5) the deed sezzaia (6), avec la vague "Echo and Narcissus," by Christoph Willibald Gluck went to the scene, the year of grace 1779: poster postrema und Gluck-fulfillment of the "reform" d ' el drama musical, with ol (7) lettered Raniero de 'Calzabigi (8) y known to elaborate theorized, tres (9) ennante decades,' n the preface to '"Orfeo ed Euridice" of el Alamanno Musiker (10). Giera (11) Understanding, dicta "reform," against the abuse of el vocal virtuosity al'italiana; against the feoffment subordinationists et de l'afflatus maker in hedonism singing half-naked: madness, chist'utema (12 ), one of Decadence 'n between + Sumptuous, und even kinky, de l'historia d'el tiatro 'n MUSEC: Mon lu tiempo beginning to present. Ol vocalism late eighteenth-century L'Italiano serious deed - the contents of the Old and the de-Roman mythology greek frustrated Vacuum stereotyped formulas reduced, redundant factories from papier-mache 'content henceforth prohibit aut atrophied tutt'affatto - libravasi' n hallucinated spasms ornamental: in such a voracious as sderenata (13) bieltade (14). Risen to supernal chance de 'artistic narcissism k'accompagnano et ab ovo celebrate and adorn the depletion of the gorgeous and followers of' mannerisms, the deed serious hopes dera (15) to a civiltade atque atque vitaiola aristocratic society, on the k'in Daemmerung d'el Seculo diecim'ottavo s'accomiatava from the historia: 'n el isconnesso swirling, ethical & aesthetic of a jig tumida Epicurean. The raison d'etre of the "reform" of Gluck risiedea onninamente 'n voglienza to revive the axiom in the poem text litterario et ol; to inhibit lu hand tinsel and UNGA will connect to the hysterical But in a indissoluble manera needs Dramatic de l'action; voglienza of the exalted role of the choir, to give an austere lu "recitative" to have the incunabula et de l 'air', to restore the pristine solemnity of el declaimed y aut rationalize censorship pantomimic et choreographic elements (16). The ancient greek and Roman mythology and would avec Gluck ascend due to 'values \u200b\u200bde la +' ncontaminata Fulgenzi moral: it fate, au contraire, a mantle funèbre, if x k to a corrupt world the operatic genre, the freeing ' n by the end of the scale of 'shameless hedonistic senility, x sanctioned another, across ol un'astrazion of intellectual rigor d'el musico language, simulation, the death mask of the deed istessa. Under this respect, "Iphigenie en Tauride" in the guise delineasi + unreal and the larval de selfsame deeds "in crisis" of them Italian composers, or true Italianized, de la postrema baroque decadence. Lords 'n the static elastic +' mponente; atque constant aspiration to constantly xseguita Edi lu "sublime." The xsonaggi is dazzled fonno spirits, 'n el while the tragic events they engender contradictions nn ac contender (17) mundane but longhi immense spiritual streams them as' n el cielo de l'universal s'espandon und vanish. The heroes chiste glukiano valgon divinity poetic masterpiece 'of a nl'aureola MUSEC to the Summo balanced ideals transcended in the space of a provocative and ineffable castimonia. Elle vibrates in a mysterious cosmic religious pathos, or reverse lay hidden from the liturgies the deed of serious Italian. Nn cchiù puppets, the xsonaggi, nn or-miss Ellin und attengon in the flesh to 'the nerve of man, et al paro, the MUSEC, ancorké vocalist freed from the abuse, not even xe el al'espression of concrete time: in fact, despises chiddu, ignoring him, making aut slightest thing: lu crushed under a great weight of pathos dehumanized, clotted. Manera nos in 'chilli mpari from sentimental motions by Gluck tapered' n atoms el starry void, the fast-paced action, he would have had to do ke 'reformist intentions it returns to a roll (18) leading, extinguished or the reason flight un'ispecie of inzzogno (19): kon, the final projection in a lyrical stasis. "Iphigenie en Tauride" mustra al'oratorio to aspire, and ol tiatro receives the final of the death penalty sentence. + Neighbor in Monteverdi Mozart contemporary kha lu, lu Höhepunkte (20) of the Gluck there epicedium sings of a tradition: since the will sing the Wagnerian drama 'n el Seculo avenir, und deed the expressions of Alban Berg in el Nosso: deeds held, very aspects x, x "progressive" and "reformist": 'n true archetypes déracinés (21) sanz'avenire, protagonists of the applicants Aguni (22) de la Historia de l'art og ( 23) d'el musical taste. ************************************************** *********************************** NOTES - (1) ensemble (2) "awareness", sec. XIII (3) "purity", arc. (4) "there" (5) "is" cal. (6) "last", P. Bembo (7) "the 'berg. (8) Tombeur de femmes, x girandolone Europe, valuable intellectual, poet, librettist und decent in Livorno birth nor the year 1714 et Napule expert in it the year 1795, afterwards essuto be in Vienna the emperor's advice x them more especially financial stores. (9) "three", spag. (10) "German", G. d'Arezzo (11) "was", ant. patav. (12) "last", nap. (13) "exhausted", Roma. (14) "beauty", arc. (15) "mirror" arc. (16) yet the aristocratic Venetian Benedetto Marcello, a magistrate, lettered ac emeritus composer, he wrote memorable lu d'el 1720 "The theater fashioned whims and puts them in ridicule them Ticchi de 'singers, composers,' mpresari, etc ...: in sum: the distortions dimolte de l ' Itala musical life (17) "contrasts" ant. (18) "role" (19) "dream", Roma. (20) "summit," Ger. (21) "disoriented", fr. (22) "agony", nap. (23) "e", Norvir.
"Iphigenie en Tauride," Gluck's poetic wonder of affection Gajardo, high fascination, et inzembra (1) the emotional saccenza (2) in front of haver na mondizia absolute peak of (3) obtained from the art, every hour it (4) rapiscon al'ascolto of "Iphigenie en Tauride." Which Edi (5) the deed sezzaia (6), avec la vague "Echo and Narcissus," by Christoph Willibald Gluck went to the scene, the year of grace 1779: poster postrema und Gluck-fulfillment of the "reform" d ' el drama musical, with ol (7) lettered Raniero de 'Calzabigi (8) y known to elaborate theorized, tres (9) ennante decades,' n the preface to '"Orfeo ed Euridice" of el Alamanno Musiker (10). Giera (11) Understanding, dicta "reform," against the abuse of el vocal virtuosity al'italiana; against the feoffment subordinationists et de l'afflatus maker in hedonism singing half-naked: madness, chist'utema (12 ), one of Decadence 'n between + Sumptuous, und even kinky, de l'historia d'el tiatro 'n MUSEC: Mon lu tiempo beginning to present. Ol vocalism late eighteenth-century L'Italiano serious deed - the contents of the Old and the de-Roman mythology greek frustrated Vacuum stereotyped formulas reduced, redundant factories from papier-mache 'content henceforth prohibit aut atrophied tutt'affatto - libravasi' n hallucinated spasms ornamental: in such a voracious as sderenata (13) bieltade (14). Risen to supernal chance de 'artistic narcissism k'accompagnano et ab ovo celebrate and adorn the depletion of the gorgeous and followers of' mannerisms, the deed serious hopes dera (15) to a civiltade atque atque vitaiola aristocratic society, on the k'in Daemmerung d'el Seculo diecim'ottavo s'accomiatava from the historia: 'n el isconnesso swirling, ethical & aesthetic of a jig tumida Epicurean. The raison d'etre of the "reform" of Gluck risiedea onninamente 'n voglienza to revive the axiom in the poem text litterario et ol; to inhibit lu hand tinsel and UNGA will connect to the hysterical But in a indissoluble manera needs Dramatic de l'action; voglienza of the exalted role of the choir, to give an austere lu "recitative" to have the incunabula et de l 'air', to restore the pristine solemnity of el declaimed y aut rationalize censorship pantomimic et choreographic elements (16). The ancient greek and Roman mythology and would avec Gluck ascend due to 'values \u200b\u200bde la +' ncontaminata Fulgenzi moral: it fate, au contraire, a mantle funèbre, if x k to a corrupt world the operatic genre, the freeing ' n by the end of the scale of 'shameless hedonistic senility, x sanctioned another, across ol un'astrazion of intellectual rigor d'el musico language, simulation, the death mask of the deed istessa. Under this respect, "Iphigenie en Tauride" in the guise delineasi + unreal and the larval de selfsame deeds "in crisis" of them Italian composers, or true Italianized, de la postrema baroque decadence. Lords 'n the static elastic +' mponente; atque constant aspiration to constantly xseguita Edi lu "sublime." The xsonaggi is dazzled fonno spirits, 'n el while the tragic events they engender contradictions nn ac contender (17) mundane but longhi immense spiritual streams them as' n el cielo de l'universal s'espandon und vanish. The heroes chiste glukiano valgon divinity poetic masterpiece 'of a nl'aureola MUSEC to the Summo balanced ideals transcended in the space of a provocative and ineffable castimonia. Elle vibrates in a mysterious cosmic religious pathos, or reverse lay hidden from the liturgies the deed of serious Italian. Nn cchiù puppets, the xsonaggi, nn or-miss Ellin und attengon in the flesh to 'the nerve of man, et al paro, the MUSEC, ancorké vocalist freed from the abuse, not even xe el al'espression of concrete time: in fact, despises chiddu, ignoring him, making aut slightest thing: lu crushed under a great weight of pathos dehumanized, clotted. Manera nos in 'chilli mpari from sentimental motions by Gluck tapered' n atoms el starry void, the fast-paced action, he would have had to do ke 'reformist intentions it returns to a roll (18) leading, extinguished or the reason flight un'ispecie of inzzogno (19): kon, the final projection in a lyrical stasis. "Iphigenie en Tauride" mustra al'oratorio to aspire, and ol tiatro receives the final of the death penalty sentence. + Neighbor in Monteverdi Mozart contemporary kha lu, lu Höhepunkte (20) of the Gluck there epicedium sings of a tradition: since the will sing the Wagnerian drama 'n el Seculo avenir, und deed the expressions of Alban Berg in el Nosso: deeds held, very aspects x, x "progressive" and "reformist": 'n true archetypes déracinés (21) sanz'avenire, protagonists of the applicants Aguni (22) de la Historia de l'art og ( 23) d'el musical taste. ************************************************** *********************************** NOTES - (1) ensemble (2) "awareness", sec. XIII (3) "purity", arc. (4) "there" (5) "is" cal. (6) "last", P. Bembo (7) "the 'berg. (8) Tombeur de femmes, x girandolone Europe, valuable intellectual, poet, librettist und decent in Livorno birth nor the year 1714 et Napule expert in it the year 1795, afterwards essuto be in Vienna the emperor's advice x them more especially financial stores. (9) "three", spag. (10) "German", G. d'Arezzo (11) "was", ant. patav. (12) "last", nap. (13) "exhausted", Roma. (14) "beauty", arc. (15) "mirror" arc. (16) yet the aristocratic Venetian Benedetto Marcello, a magistrate, lettered ac emeritus composer, he wrote memorable lu d'el 1720 "The theater fashioned whims and puts them in ridicule them Ticchi de 'singers, composers,' mpresari, etc ...: in sum: the distortions dimolte de l ' Itala musical life (17) "contrasts" ant. (18) "role" (19) "dream", Roma. (20) "summit," Ger. (21) "disoriented", fr. (22) "agony", nap. (23) "e", Norvir.
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