Friday, June 13, 2008

Can You Detect Std From Urine Test

"Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg"

"Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg" by Wagner Ol (1)'ll think of the modern age it, nor the incunabula of the 'classical ideals, "s'origina from the formula of el titanic philosef tudesco Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), to 'the subject puts himself istesso - "I am I" (2) - lu order to project its yearning towards an ethics und cognoscitiva' ke Nfiniti while negasi: et nègasi ' nzino to Franger volition und tension de l'istesso Subject: 'er nzino to lead the drama of contemporary man: so thirsty for the Absolute' mpotente. Likewise, the present civiltade occidental de la Musik DeScenna (3) from the Wagnerian Arsicci crumbs of the universe, 'which the haves (4), x itself alone, sensed n'armonia cosmic mythology na aesthetic, molded in three secula poetry, and in a legacy to posterity and commit them 'sentimiento (5) of a finitude ke, under penalty Diffin, eni (6) If the clotted 'n riddle: dilated' n Myth: vanity 'n utopia. Since the 'Idealism' ava shattered ego abiando (7) proclaimed him a long time (8) dominus de l'universe (9), indeed ke zuo interlocutor: acussì, 'n nn manera similar, Wagner have' nfranti et scombugliati the rhythms de la historia de la MUSEC x ol forge a sound sur rhythm 'Nfiniti et de lu soaring spirit: yes ada ke ol sound appriesso yielded the yearning' nsostenibili of the "Tristan und Isolde" from the difficult (10) spasm 'er "Parsifal" und de muziek (11) x expired. Then Wagner: it was (12) and was Snervatezza Decadence was Mask and delightful ol 'de ll'Illusione deception, and ll'Incredulità les Chagrins. Nu sabbiàn (13) mo 'on the threshold of silence lu: dop (14) assumed havere atque experienced lamb' deception in order to sing lu, from scratch, it was glory was munificence et de muziek. Et xò (15) the song came on the CryptoStream to harness assecchite and planed our lips: Guaso k'avess (16) de lu experience all the genius lipsiense (17) out of breath. Wagner avia postrema the cosmogony of the music INASTI, beyond which the disclosed has run the 'void, et access to which x and fabric only to' trusting allowed: AUT to apostasy (18) ke known valgon quai supernal acts d'amour, atque of faith (19): voila mon memorable event Nietzsche. Wagnerian ideology Ll'unitarietà de esti (20) und tetragona radical myth, saga, legend, history, chronic risolvonsi it the transcendental dimension of the space-time: it the identificazion de la redelijkheid (21) in a huge bath dusche of (22) ecstatic 'n proportionate to the performance of the contradictions de la conscience' n Katharsis a mystical pantheism. From "Der fliegende Hollaender" in "Lohengrin" from "Tristan und Isolde" to "Parsifal", the human el und sensitive matter of the live und d'el lucubrar, the undertake action (23) und the cogitations, nature und determinations will transcend its own borders, the assuperano musura (24) of symbol x el annihilate 'n el ke them sound remodels' n consider it (25) of them will fall the Infinite. At the dawn of the "Romantik", Art field All Avia lu, ir with Wagner (26) report capovòlgesi: Everything or al'Art aims: the esti und accident 'extraordinary und unrepeatable' ol ntravvenuto xokké language ac Architecture de la MUSEC oats (27) 'nver the poetry of their absoluteness, which cchiù s'adeguan nn er of them contained real, But it facune (28) INTAKE sublimated. From cheste condigioni (29) and did not fail evadon "Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg" or is "We Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" the only great deed-long comedy tour ir monumental Wagner (30). What is of any effort to extrapolate from the corpus monument chiste de paced the music er "Ring" at the end of the conziderar istessa na happy mundane sort of brace on the floor of the linguistic expression et de 'content Dramatic, ave it removed the significazion + ima de la yl'essenza on 'bieltà which, xl'avverso, Whole risiedon it the act of foundation el Mito de la Historia I: lu + solemn homage and sfurgiuso (31) - Iusta exegesis inobliato Guido de l'Manacorda - ke jamais be made to the fabric Allemagna: und in the civiltade Soy (32). There, through the epic of raffigurazion d'el cotidiano, The Renaissance in effigy tudesca s'aderge und emblem of a Puopolo (33). Sed the istesso cotidiano, 'n Wagner, if nn nn Pones if comm'etterno und yearn for ol divine inspiration, such a self-resolving them "Meistersinger" in the religious epic from Germany Country, complementary poems tragic berth al'antri et de lu Musiker Alemannic. The inexhaustible interest emanates from chissu ke opus summum satisfàcesi onninamente will score the ocean, which, on a metaphysics of "do more" to Goethe Majesté (34) lies, 'nvoca self,' raising to imago of mondizia (35 ) atque to austere romantic sentimentalism, the expression Lutheran Reformed spirituality und Bach's counterpoint. However, appeased turbine in el nn el chromaticism of Tristania music tradition tudesca mondasi Iscor de l'Academie de l'y de to the pedantic rules through the irony about the Wagner essercitata istesse with lu xsonaggio of Beckmesser. On the "Tablature" d'el Meistersang impressed ol song lyric winged und Walther von Stolzing und hailing to the reasons for the fantastic trasfigurazion de la libertad de l'inspiration, which dominates over the "morality tough" by Hans Sachs (36), or both may de l'Alma Wagner to the everlasting glory of 'homeland' nTry: to reconcile the co 'destinies of the people been Thovar (37): the obligations to protect from dangers of' toxic lethal et de k'insulse the fatuity so gay, de la Oima Latin (38) corrupt: og (39) corrupting. ************************************************** ************************************ NOTE - (1) "the 'berg. (2) "Ich ich well" (3) "follows", nap (4) "has," arc. (5) "feeling", spag. (6) "is", dial. (7) "having", arc. (8) "him", the course (9) someone, No members ki farther, ada called the universe a by-product of the Nossa sadness. In true tragic diffinizione und imperfettibil to assess the strunzaggine de l'ke man will never cease No, despite the wounds, blows k'ogni votes received, to set 'n Cup in reality, in the center of the universe munno lu, to believe a smitten lion de savannah mentreké is poor nu et co unknown worm crawling 'the caves billion vermicelli it lu und boundless dark motionless air (10) "sublime", Dante (11) "music", nl. (12) ", the" pious. (13) "we", Lucca. (14) "after" emi. (15) "But," written. Thurs. Eur. (16) "had" Lomb. (17) "the", emi. (18) 'denial of their religion ", a word derived from greek lu" apostasy "," apòstasis "in Italian lengua strive to start from lu sec. XIV (19)" faith "poet. (20)" is "ant. sic (21). "rationality", lengua nederl. istesso the concept x ke use some skill yet the motto "verstandelijkheid", albeit with different nuances (22) "light", luc. (23) matre all the vices, the sape (24) " measure ", sic (25)." contemplation ", sec. XIII (26)" the ", Piem. (27)" have ", otr. (28)" do ", sal. (29)" conditions "(30 ) the deed compuosizione de l'collacasi 'n from "Tristan und Isolde" und "Goetterdaemmerung", sed them Primieri sketches date back to the glorious fulfillment of the register at 1845 und in The 1867: The premiere site abbe in Monaco di Baviera, el apo National Theater, 21 of them giugnu of the year 1868 (31) "pompous", nap. (32) "his" nap. (33) "people", Roma. sec. XIV (34) "majesty", fr. (35) "purity" (36) choirmaster Calzolaro (37) "his", instr. (38) "now", arc. (39) "e", Norvir.


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