Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pebbles Flintstone Comments On This Cartoon


INTRODUCTION Two notes from the outset to '"shattered" ke follow. The pristine nature of music. The second, of less importance, the linguistic-lexical. Primero ke you will notice about the pieces of music they are accompanied by other pieces of musical and aesthetic sign "parafilosòfico, and riflessioncelle, k, all in some way and to varying degrees, year ke do with the language of 'sound and its abstracting and abstract constructions. Pole does not deny the substance point rhapsodic, and synthetic and volatile, de 'these pieces, from their ideal sibbene together normally surface, equal to impertinence insistently, some red threads, or patterns central role in karst. For example, the concept of musical crisis in Western civilization, which, in our opinion Verecondo, principles from the beginning of the ninth and tenth century el crash 'n the twentieth century until it touches the abyss of silence and a clear-el gap between taste of 'musicians and taste of el public. Again: the primacy of European brilliant twinkling of two Italian operators such as Gaspare Spontini and Cherubini, and the absolute peak of the Italian musical theater consists of the Works of Gioachino Rossini. By contrast, a reduction of the art of Giuseppe Verdi, whose reputation draws nourishment also, and this Above everything from extra-musical reasons, and a musical "plebeian." Not unlike the analysis of the performers, among them get here the palm of victory Wilhelm Furtwaengler, Bruno Walter and Herbert von Karajan for conducting, while the figure of Arturo Toscani is reduced to more realistic figure, for reasons not very different from those of Verdi ABOVE-MENTIONED. How to monitor, support, counterpoint them on musical pieces, there are shards of beauty and figure parafilosòfica: concezioncella a rhapsodic moments of life and the human being who would define excessive optimism: as experience shows, and reality shows: the man and discounts . Other pieces in more than drifting into vilesca record of customs and chronic. The note refers to the lexical character of the use of a mixture of words taken from various Italian dialects (including those of Corsica, Istria and the Canton Ticino), from writers who stretched from the fourteenth century to modern, and by fragments of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(Nederland, French, English, English, German, Gaelic, Afrikaans, Norwegian etc ...) and Latin. They were also given written summary of the ways and forms used by young people to communicate on the walls, phones, computers, etc. .... Moreover, the said mixture is applied to the relationship between adjective and noun, between article and noun, etc.. so the first can be an, say, of Neapolitan origin and the second Danish. The result is a language (even if it is permissible to call it) of overflowing anacoluthon and of other rhetorical figures of words, concepts and construct (1), a language artifiziale and absolutely unreal, and this Above all, very often irritating unless complicated. But not too unjustified, if gave it to them to express content and the accidents of music: ke are known to be very unreal and artifiziali. The numerous footnotes 'page includes, in addition to the translation of' foreign words or dialects, often, wandering and disparate allusions to historical, geographical, mythological, cooking, autobiographies, etc. .... The reader and the reader, as lovable as unlikely, I dare autorello bows his head with reverence and devotion lu core lift.
(1) anaphora antistrophe, epanalexis, asindeto, Zeugma, antithesis, omoteleuto, paranomasia, apostrophe, prolepsis, aposiopesi, hyperbaton, sillessi ....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Plugin Folder In Simcity 4

I hope it snows

To celebrate Christmas with the PENTA awaits Giau From Sunday, December 21, a new location for a new appointment.
Opening the evening's "ORANGE" in concert, and then continue with Dj Ronzo.
To make the festival even more Christmas Panettone and PANDORO FOR ALL !!!!!
many other surprises are waiting for a slap-up Christmas .... snow!


H. 22:00
with consumers ... and then ...
BEER € 3 € 3.5

for info:

or write to:

Roxy's Bridesmaid Dresses


BENGASI SQUARE: Take the direction of Moncalieri, Via Sestriere, continue straight and turn right just before the sign indicating the entrance NICHELINO, the road is small and slightly downhill. Go straight, shortly after Giau find on your left. You can park at the end of the street, or in the street parellale where there is a square.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Picnik Sayings For Sisters

After last night we had to thank. Once again with your enthusiasm, we created a memorable evening for us and hopefully for you too. You are always more numerous, more and more loads and full of energy, and even when minor problems arise suddenly, as in the past for audio (sound of shit) always respond to the great and the end result is always a fantastic evening ... !!!!!! You are the true engine of Penta, and right now the engine is running at 1000 why we will continue to work and think, even now, the next party, because the emotions that give us, are many and too good to leave leave.
Thanks again!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Roshan Prepaid Minutes

Halloween night is ... ErrorHoror

The Penta back in better shape than ever with a new event sPentacolare. After the great success of HalloweeNight last year, we could not miss this event has become the meeting point for our festivities. The location of ERRORHORROR will, for the second time, the pavilion 14 of Collegno (Parco della Certosa Reale). But when you ask?? Friday 31 October, of course, the night of Halloween! I tell you that you must be dressed is superfluous, but I remind you that, as is now usual, this time there are GREAT PRIZES FOR THE BEST DISGUISE !!!!!!!!! then started thinking about the dress more monstrous or more monstrous mistake that there is all together to create an unforgettable night.
The evening will begin at 22:00 with a concert of ITALIAN BREAKFAST electrofunk pace that will get the party started, followed by all on the floor with Dj Ronzo until late at night.
Admission € 3 + Chupito
and then ...
Beer 2.5 € 3 Cocktails €

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Conforming Loan Cutoff Boston 2010

"PENTA PARTY @ T Roccafranca "

Roccafranca The House in association with La Penta presents an evening full of entertainment and fun. "PENTA PARTY @ T Roccafranca" On 13 September at the Farm in Roccafranca VIA RUBINO 45 ... Juggling, Performance, Music and more, all accompanied by an aperitif PENTA from 18:00
consumes 5 € + DRINK
and post-drink ...
2.5 BEER € 3 €
2 € 1 €

Gta Vice City Unhandled Exception C0000005

evening program

How To Fix A Braided Leather Bracelet


Saturday September 13 will be hosted in LA PENTA LIVE A "COMMUNITY RADIO NICHELINO" in the "voiceovers" by Marco LOMBARDO broadcast from 10:30 to 12:00. WE WILL MAKE THEM FOR THE FEAST FARM Roccafranca, tell our story and make you feel a few pieces chosen by us!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ap Bio Lab 4 What Are The Accessory Pigments

"A Florentine Tragedy" by Alexander Zemlinsky

"A FLORENTINE TRAGEDY" by Alexander Zemlinsky Re (1) Vienna including the arc of it lu tiempo extended from 1895 to 1915 marked lu fop (2) et exalted by dizzy 'ntersecazioni pictorial litterarie, poetic, architectural ke besides music: those from Gath (3) the "finis Austriae," the apocalypse Hapsburg, 'n ol (4) mantle (5) of an ashen sfuorgio (6)' ntellettuale: jamais ennante apparatus. Xe 's tiempo' n ke them toxic de 'tres (7) Summi patri dilagan: Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche und Richard Wagner. Ir (8) Time 'n ke decadence he leads the aestheticism and generates the "Jugendstil", k frieze goddess (9) to the aristocratic rejection of the existence of y' in the nseme fumée de 'dreams, to be sipped from the 'Anema épuisée (10). Wien slight mìscida them to 'flowers, throws to the anathema na undone Wilhelmine middle class, giving you a ke von Richard Strauss trivialize King grotesque imago; Libras' n el sophisticaded iuocu of an auto da fe ke the humid breezes of a corrosive sensuality panic rinvìan inante to the altar of mysticism Ancipa + er; carola (11) at dusk lu avec de rege ol 'waltz king postrema festival on the bank of the Donau er (12); ariccojje (13) to re aching (14) self-drops of the ùrtime tiènnero vanume (15) "fin de siecle", Karl Kraus und k'irride sweeps, lauded by many visionary lu Georg Trakl: formidable poet. Wien disappears from the reality sur chariot Hofmannsthal u messed up: the hiave (16) de la polis eno (17) donated to sute Epicurus ac Maeterlinck, Baudelaire atque Wilde, in Novalis und in Poe, Keats and to Pater. .. giuti spirits in Vienna (18) x points to the sublime to the de Bilt (19) de ke '"values" et de le "certainties"' n pàscesi ruin. Ir taste funeral resonates aisi (20) to join with the king of soft inebriated hedonism, 'n er and' the Central European civilization tristore leisure chiste dorzemente filter or the cells Floreal de l'introspection. Lu Hapsburg Myth comes drop by drop to a harness, and the ISSU et kon (21) society of k and the artist, the intellectual Viennese Remain cattiù (22): take the dipintura Gustav Klimt (23) the "Secession "G + of lemurs of both opulent eroticism of how desperate eccitazion de solitude. Since nu sanz'eroe caballo, the "decoration" rimansi the sovvivuta (24) to OL did. U "Weltschmerz," the dolorazion of Monno er, right from the cusscienza romantic aquì ae (25) und folded alchemy (26) s'edè 'n a rare feeling, et Guaso morbid: rag (27) winding. The plane dè (28) from 's Perfume (29) surrogate; el golf 's tepidarium. On the other lenguaggi de lu of art, the hip MUSEC (Vienna), he desecrated the color nocte tristanian - disparso Johannes Brahms, composer of the last empire - a horse of 'two contrary secula floats' n el de la lake dissoluzion tonal 'n between the call to the ponderous phantasmagoria coloristic harmonic Strauss et et ir late romanticism of Schoenberg. Where x Ir nn already had turned the complaint Mahler et lu recùpeto piercing (30) er of the past, But to the radicalizzazion de la crisis from which were chosen cum Alban Berg und Anton Webern the (31) Mazor lenguaggio El Music Revolution by the seventeenth century in Josca (32): a twelve-tone technique. De ' composers 'n kello period of years, agents' n the cosmopolitan Austrian cmnq aut (33) from cuddu (34) climate peculiar expression 'Influence, the Commun genta music lovers cognosco figures + orrevoli: Chill' n cup. Sed to go back to 'Mahler, Schoenberg, Berg und Webern, Erich Wolfgang Korngold aggallàron, Joseph Matthias Hauer, Egon Wellez, Franz Schreker: und maybe un'anticchia mejo of Chisti, Alexander Zemlinsky. Rise 'n Wien' n el und 1871 in New York will burst the year of Our Lord 1942, Zemlinsky este Atatà at first (35) from the pubbricazione de ke Brahms' try his (36) initially sustains. Established cordial relations with the Second Wiener Schule of Schoenberg, Berg und Webern, But No identified with idda, indeed, n'ir hereinafter de l'years, emphasizing the love separaciòn. He turns the gentle reverie 'n derezione opposed to the impending drama expressionist or true, to the stately cruosco Angoisse diligere nu (37), a disruptive lu cry from the soft Afan interioritade ol (38) de lo ke look Frugola y hails ultem (39) scraps of veggiu er (40) Fri Juso munno ke (41): et crusher 'n trucioletti d'Elegance. Ol seju (42) este calamus' ntinto postrema it the stain of Hue, a luxuriously mester (43) variegated, from nu taste, from national technical mastery of the settlement agreed fonno ke el Admira Viennese music. Lu lu where nn Prenn unquemai flight, But stay co 'I know the fine stylistic baggage' n a field of virtuosity "retrospective", na finished second recital (44) ke opera vibrates on them with upsets of muffled. Cozzi labeling (45) nor the brief "Eine florentine Tragoedie", "A Florentine Tragedy," d'el 1916, at the fragmentary text of Wilde, 'n Germany lengua Meyerfeld turned to Max. Simu (46) in front of an "advent" (47) of rarefied spiritual aestheticism, k and the meanders of a wet sensuous pathos. Er (48) Italian Renaissance + turgid, paints his demonic, er passion 'ngorda, er cupidezza fera de l'impurzi (49) de tension ac: all scorched from the disheveled Oscar Wilde Musa delicious: yes ke "A Florentine Tragedy" self Quazi (50) na picineta Salome (51). Ol plot: nu narrow Ciraolo (52) este cuckold. Er Moger cornìfica lu la granne kon er er fiol of Duke of Florence, and in a way + frank manera, et immodest. U cornutazzo face 'n on the first cumulative if gniente FISE (53), talk of cave, if he breaks them cojoni et mappoi addresses moje "They bbona, Stop, right?". Manco p '' a capa. Ala (54) avec le Intignano Duchetti tasty, 'nzino quanno them to do Ommin vèngheno a fatal collision. Er er Duchetti c'arimette fijio of pens, from accortellato ciervo lu (55). Ir apara under which Lumera na (56) unpublished, como hero et d'paragulo 'n 1, the eye of the faithless wife, ke je caruccetta ago: "Too bad you m'a nn (57) ke finger never SIEI acussì garnet (58)?". And he, young dandy, cum facial (59) de pisco soaked to the Valentino: "And you, Pekka nn ke hast never SIEI acussì Bedda finger?" (60 ).... Lu Zemlinsky text wild importance of a continuous sound currents, density of all esquís particulari: na tournure stamps swarming ac ke imaginìfichi Spigno the musicality of the phrase y de la parladura poetic blend (61) do the efflorescence of the kaleidoscopic orchestrazion . Ir job 'nflessìbil of the decoration, k refers to at the Straussian ideals of Huns xò hulled boldness firefighter King replaces cca own substance de l'invention melodic motivic y, + rather weak. Sunnu ri (62) jewelry de 'xsonaggi, nn re xsonaggi, chilli k'el composer paints (63). Et nos poeva (64) otherwise be, given the aesthetic collocazion et de poetic attitude of the 'ways in zemlinskyani s'edè just now mentioned. "A Florentine Tragedy" x n'opra symbol of the age-and culturally significant maar (65) from an historical reference pronounced lu, ke re nonpossa denunciation of independent living ac absoluta: ava, moreover, as already noted TW Adorno. N'edè further example, then the vocal line ke 'n an (66) recited lyrical expressive nuance of gray stagnates, unless absorb unreal 'Mpulsi Wagner, which they learned na' ntelaiatura harmonic og (67) Polyphonic sottèndon. Opra taste praying addonca (68), nn already résultat (69) of a great flood. Zemlinsky 1 x Menor. ************************************************** ******************************** NOTE - (1) "The" rotated. (2) "was" Romag. (3) "envelop", T. Folengo (4) "the 'berg. (5) "mantle" (6) "fast", nap. (7) "three", spag. (8) "the", Piem. (9) "gives" (10) "exhausted" (11) "dancing" "Dance" (12) el Donau (Danube, Dunay 'n lengua czech) SECUNDO lu x x length of river course in Europe: Well km. 2850. Johann Strauss "and young" je dedicated among them a seductive waltz + de la historia d'er um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa: "An der Schoenen blauen Donau, Op. 314". No one so well played by the pe lu podium as conductor Herbert von Karajan. Mais sunt hip sfiziusi assaje, among them four hundred Straussian waltz, "Kaiserwalzer. Op. 437", "Rosen aus dem Sueden, op. 388", Wiener Blut, op. 354 "," Kusswalzer, op. ".... 400 (13) "collects", Roma (14). "Regret" (15) "frivolous" (16) "keys", liv. (17) "is" ant. Patav (18). "joints", sec. XIII (19) "Beauty" (20) "so" (21) "his", cas . (22) "widower" (23) "suggests" (24) "survivor" (25) here, "spag. (26)" transformed "(27)" exhaustion "(28)" is ", Tosca. Merid. (29) "perfume", T. Folengo (30) "recovery" nap. (31) "the", Lucca (32). "nowadays", Puglia. (33) "Anyway" (34) "that", ant. Puglia. (35) "helped", sec. XIV (36) "his", Calabar. (37) "restlessness", nap. (38) "distress", Correggio (39) "last", mil. ( 40) "old", Jan . (41) "down" nap. (42) "his", Laz. (43) "trade", mil. (44) "contemplation" sec. XIII (45) "is", sal. (46) "we", Elba (47) "event", Roma. (48) "the", tick. (49) Pulse, G. Belli (50) "almost", instr. (51) "fine", sec. XIII (52) "merchant", nap. sec. XVII (53) "was" lig. (54) "she", ant. berg. (55) "horned", nap. (56) "light", Provence. sec. XIII (57) "you", instr. (58) "strong" (59) "eyes", Dante (60) except the last x dui sentences, the free time by Sunu antre ki writes' n lenguaggio a blunt: Guaso Guaso borgataro (61) "merge" (62) "i", luc. (63) "paints" ant. (64) "could", loins. sec. XIII (65) "but" nederl. (66) "a", mant. (67) "e", Norvir. (68) "So," nap. (69) "outcome", Br.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Neutralize Stomach Acid In Throat

Giuseppe Sinopoli and the "Seventh"

Giuseppe Sinopoli AND THE "SEVEN" Mahler "It jire lu (1) of the age it, of the year, or else along the accustomed Concento de l'immortal performances, forged from cast avec lu lu quartet of seasons, and 'cases exhausts (2) of the standard and' the following two contrary. Od ol (3) brain progresses Gaiardo, et iscaltrisce are refined et, et + enters via real-lu et ig (4) imaginary, et unveiled thesauri progressive de l 'I' (his sou et others), et isfòlgora sezz knows from (5) et postrema late age it: as it happened, verbigrazia, Wolfgang Goethe. O ver, ul (6) ciarvello (7) stops at a point 'of mpreveduto er et xcorso pija from there to tremble, and afterwards to recoil, hence s'involve et soaking' n a saccharine alienation 'n an oblivious Vanir , inquando of insanity: yes ke lu et ig real imaginary dovèntano, x cellevriello esto el-carrier (8), recalcitrant goal, vaguest, fugitives: Denied known as x-eyed in the ER phenomenon, co 'contours its annexes, k 'Istà inante to look put Sujo et el regret. Now, ir (9) conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli Venetians, nui ke is cognosco et PRECIA (10) from 'Primieri its perils, they run the year, und the on 'constant of a substance enriched sensibilitade und subtleties, its ac analysis' of NTERPRETATION arricchìscon xspicacità und xtinenza historico-stylistic. Ke nn Sontu scorched glamorous, flamboyant nn - Sinopoli, if he wants, DE (11) Music, at x 'y Nossa abundance, aut pappator popular point of emphasis - Subtil But for a taste of a strenuous und aesthetic solace x those due pòngonvi atención, et + proper crop: x how many of the circus rifuggon. Sinopoli although sometimes careful listens to (12) pages (sic) by Gustav Mahler, zu (13) relationship between lu Musurgia (14) et 'or musician faces Kalist + striccus (15) c close, complicity xcorso from groundwater by gusts of similarities secreted et absenteeism sibillini, flows from karst ke chiddu universe charmeur Xverso atque de l'egrìssimo Bohemian artist arrècan et allotted 'to NSIN ul nuestro (16) was this, id est to 'nost (17) times: perhaps much - Xverso (ke x while the xversione Edi (18) of END ir counterpart of a below ground und ethics of a fantastic bloom k'oggidì are missing), But some x - charmeurs. It would send over s'accenna k'apo (19) zu Theatre de l'Opera 'n Rome ir master ada sa "Symphony No. 7 in E minor" faced: very harsh 'N between sas (20) noeuv (21) er of Bohemian composer (22): pro veretade, sa +' ntricata 'n paradoxically the Scriptures nor the eruptions' ncessanti of an enormous talent, feverish drama of acres , grim mockery, scathing sneer, y the sudden sharp cacophony of melodious balms congregations ports of nocturnal lemurs: 'n becoming an exceptionally facere y' ncasinato 'lu NZI in spasm. Yes doventar propio ke Havva from insane to read, probe ordered life in BC according to sound Quillo thicket of cataclysmic score ke hard n'ora et à peu près half, corn + xò seem to much: elle stick together n'operona Digna de sa grandeur Wagner, et a usual ke S'Ardia symphony concert of the propuorre ig listening to de la stalls s'inturgidisce y expands beyond, as if, 'stead of an n MUSEC, resound over ig audience, static shock und (23), a Dies Irae 'nesorabil: magma' eternal ncuboso et overflow. MUSEC poignant discarìssima y, a deformity of sharp, vibrant + living atque, et cuello ke vàceno + current (24) iscombiccherando such a cavalier musicistùcoli, oggidiani y de lu the recent past, lordanti ul mummified staff notes: fresh which made passing x pools. MUSEC, sa "Seventh", k 'n the year of Our Lord 1905 et abhors zu past warning (25) of un'avenire; ke und cries implores 'na requirements x atque xl'inaudito disgrace himself with the music of civilization' n ke afterwards it shall fall, nor the augunìa (26) el of the twentieth century: from the dirty business "Symphony" divine cun (27) xfettuosa vision foretold ac avec xforazion und sorrowful singing ruined. And the face I listen Sinopoli, CHEST tragedy Mahler, cum nu nu tor implacable rigor atque concertazion, nec (28) dynamic estraordinariamente acute, a gnawing emotional tension, k from head to isfèrzan er et funn xcòrron relief funèbre monster: 'n ke tutt'edè dicto et iscolpito, neente omitted, aut al'accidente committed. The keenness, sa superb form of the aforesaid master brain sovvèngon lu 'nl'iscabrosa' ntrapresa, mapper, diciamoncèlla papal papal hip n'orchestra over Huns Dice knows what the Philharmonia of London "from him directed at Theatre de l'Opera lu 'n Rome: ello und directs the instromentisti: chiddi obedìscon atque: as if noffink fùssino chille straight (29) und daddovero demanding virtuosity: as' n a iucariello Mimmi, and if they Vaun (30) straight and proud, the Englishman, ke you will askest, 'ntontonito, Cume (31) faghn Kakko (32) to hold up yes' mpertèrriti og (33) x Tuosto so great tiempo ... * In Rome, alli 23 d'abbrile 1992 ******** ************************************************** NOTES *************************** - (1) "go," nap. (2) "are" (3) "the", berg. (4) "the", "the", Tosca. (5) "the", Sardinia (6) "the", gen. (7) "brain", Roma. (8) "brain", nap. (9) "ir," Piem. (10) "appreciate" (11) "is", Tosca. ant. (12) "busy" (13) and "the" maturity. (14) "interpreter" (15) "tight", T. Folengo (16) "our", spag. (17) "our", mil. (18) "is", Calabar. (19) "APPO", "near" (20) "le", Sardinian (21) "nine", mil. (22) pro veretade, Mahler sketched dua hip movements of a Tenth Symphony, ke hath been bold to draw someone INTEGRAR et afterwards: vain, already ke the work of art toujours belongs to the face ki, ki nn already in the draw et integral, whence nn nn sorting na pol + or - ambiguous bastard. Istesso The reasoning is the traduction litterarie x: u "Canzoniere" of Petrarch east el Chill 'n lenga Italian: the traduction' n lengua Englishman, Nederland, tudesca, et cetera, kon other words, other colors, other accents and other nuances, other sounds, other things sunt: \u200b\u200bnn already opus summum of your great poet. Among lu "Canzoniere" Petrarch and the thousand traduction if nn nn Havva Relation Varuna chilla ke 'ntercorre between dicto "Canzoniere" et la translation de la "Comedia" of Dante in Chinese language (23) "ecstatic" (24) "go" , nap. ant. (25) "despair" (26) "agony", nap. (27) "with", Sardinian (28) "a" sal. (29) "signs", Roma. (30) "should", otr. ant. (31) "as" et al. (32) "make", par. (33) "e", Norvir.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Old Fashioned Katydids Candy In The Can

Mahler's "Cinderella" by Gioachino Rossini

"Cinderella" Gioachino Rossini's "Cinderella, or Goodness in both the Arc de Triomphe, the UTEM (1) et ingenious 'n between 1 of the deeds of a comic Gioachino Rossini' n ond age of twenty-four 'years. The x and all probable ke twenty-four zornae (2) Siena to Guaso never esto munnu sute 'n + estraordinaria adoprate guise of chill'occorse lu musician in order to crear Pesaro,' n about the year inicio de of Our Lord 1817, ol (3) dicto masterpiece. Ké lu + popular "The Barber of Seville", you will, a cultivar rimansi Nevertheless nu cquarche shop with her (4) et grueling reality lacking the Mayan: 'mpelagato' n er routine ac-presses presses de l'ruffled Monno, 'ntanto ke "Cinderella", sublimely, in one sprint, sgòmbrasi off ties of the empirical mean el cotidiano involasi and, voila, it crowds the Empyrean + atque de la vague voluptuosidad (5) geometric: for Alchemy rush them sweaty, the beats of immature quassotto (6) 'n translucent desmontable deben ser:' n vispìssima trash (7) motor. Yes k'ir (8) rice ke fate I label (9) peeled, irresistible: esquís and glittering. Assistiam in "La Cenerentola" on the progressive, like Dice?, Desquamazion et de slogans them to the bold denunciation of the scorched attached to Iddi: verbigrazia, y worn the accustomed affection. Gosse atque mottos ke unmasks Rossini 'n their ambition to be the inane, et esquisitamente cuckoos' n them looking silly and inane (10) y to be worth counting on the sunken Fazza de la tera (11). Und Dunca (12), Motta et scorched if valid + ke nn nu stupid prestige (13), or are 'nfime pinzellacchere - lu says musicus - sconvolgiàmole, sferziàmole, et prennèmole to mocked, put a naked, giving na fickle (14) gigs (15) to 'their skeletons (16) dangling. And frankly she posciaké (17) Have the original face to pose ol rice + abstract, being in the true wellspring und Pasco et virginal Benenati (18), in the flush the MUSEC yes (19) lu ke motor inexpressible move, reorder und satisface the ethereal textures of space on the que (20) geometrically carola mone (21) Ponna, net et brilliant, the ischeltri de lu munnu. Ah! The Estate inenarràbil et imago, k n'infonde Wellness und gives it feeds (22) and sensual pleasure (23) 'n one. Crèpasi in "La Cenerentola" by Rossini, und crusher, she secular tale of the pious to her boyfriend y de stolidìssime stepsisters, prince et d'er: champion of excellent cquelle ke fate costùman normally they Rie. Nor miss Havva cchiù foot, surrogate al'uopo from ductile + Emery - "smeriglium ne lu medieval Latin - k'esti na pulser (24). And the orrèvol mincing fairy gives quine (25) and functions to countenance Alidoro, nu philosef rational de l '"Aufklaerung", or the age it is de de' Enlightenment, atque este maestro y mentor of Prince ir, este et + et vivid dried them, rather - moinante, 'n the tale is Menara al'agnizion: na vote thrown back direction de l'accident: Inzino to there dimolto deplorable. In el booklet miss evil Jacopo Ferretti also covered xe u papa de la womanish atque candidate triad: yes no sbevazzator chionzo ke je little lacking in Minus Habens lu: 'n ridiculous softness in the compass Rossini ol' sensational NCIDE arabesques et cloves alma buffoonery. And she brings pullulan unrestricted educational and jests of Dandini, the family of prince ir; nu Leporello pregnant d'el lambrusco Sprill ke lu et watering praised for father. "La Cenerentola" yes facto materials and phantoms of umanitade nn exhausts (26) k'el gluten de la springboard from which an amazing lightning und egregious "exercitium Mathematicae" sound, sophisticated shock goddess chilli ke ke neither wise: et auno (27) joy. Well understood, nn x Essercizi scientific question of a counterpoint in the manner ac sebastianbàcchica: ke ideal et i 'disasters chiddu masterly tudesco lu north volgèan: abstractions of a tapered Baroque' n sfuorgio metaphysical (28). Er calamus de Pesaro eni lu, au contraire, the sunny, Mediterranean, romagnolosìssimo: Notes ac the image of "La Cenerentola" willing sunt ke fate of them accounts rièdino ere 'ncora of ire. The estuose their dances on the sunken realiteit (29), the indiademate revelry, the irrepressible garrulity, the flashes of gunfire hedonistic ac fry (30), the one al'altre 'Ncastonate and entered lu squadrato barbaglianti x' ncendio de l'universe Rossini, zo (31) daddivero it ironic Quintessenza terrestrità d'una ke, rather than alienate und prosciugata go Musiker (32) mit Rimir (33) Cuella great voracitas ( 34) and ghiottoneria tìpiche to him terre, to him to scinniri colture (35) da l'Alpe 'n juso (36). ************************************************** ********************************** NOTE - (1) "last", nap. (2) "giornate" look. (3) "il" berg. (4) "the", issue. (5) "Pleasure", spag. (6) the shaggy munnu id est: 'n veritate: sad planet, stinking et periculante structure, warehouse and signs of false idols rebussistici, repository of sobs, tears petrified ISSU same: issue itself, alas, on this side of a er of Nothing (7) "purity", arc. (8) "the", Piem. (9) "is", sal. (10) "search" (11) "land", pronounced d'el dial. rom. (12) "So," sic. (13) "illusion", nor the vulgar idiom of 'Primieri secula d'el SECUNDO millennium p. No Ch (14) "whirling", en. arc. (15) nowadays direbbesi "rokkenrol" (16) "skeletons" (17) "freedom", sec. XIII (18) "happiness" (19) "is", dial. (20) "which", ant. Lomb. (21) "hour", "now" dial. (22) "peace", Roma. (23) "pleasure" (24) "bracelet", spag. (25) "here," lt Merida. (26) "are" (27) "have" (28) "fast", nap. (29) "reality", nl. (30) "thrills" (31) "are", dial. (32) "musician", Norvir. dan et. (33) "with" ted. (34) "greediness", lat. (35) "down", sic. (36) "down" nap.

Can You Detect Std From Urine Test

"Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg"

"Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg" by Wagner Ol (1)'ll think of the modern age it, nor the incunabula of the 'classical ideals, "s'origina from the formula of el titanic philosef tudesco Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), to 'the subject puts himself istesso - "I am I" (2) - lu order to project its yearning towards an ethics und cognoscitiva' ke Nfiniti while negasi: et nègasi ' nzino to Franger volition und tension de l'istesso Subject: 'er nzino to lead the drama of contemporary man: so thirsty for the Absolute' mpotente. Likewise, the present civiltade occidental de la Musik DeScenna (3) from the Wagnerian Arsicci crumbs of the universe, 'which the haves (4), x itself alone, sensed n'armonia cosmic mythology na aesthetic, molded in three secula poetry, and in a legacy to posterity and commit them 'sentimiento (5) of a finitude ke, under penalty Diffin, eni (6) If the clotted 'n riddle: dilated' n Myth: vanity 'n utopia. Since the 'Idealism' ava shattered ego abiando (7) proclaimed him a long time (8) dominus de l'universe (9), indeed ke zuo interlocutor: acussì, 'n nn manera similar, Wagner have' nfranti et scombugliati the rhythms de la historia de la MUSEC x ol forge a sound sur rhythm 'Nfiniti et de lu soaring spirit: yes ada ke ol sound appriesso yielded the yearning' nsostenibili of the "Tristan und Isolde" from the difficult (10) spasm 'er "Parsifal" und de muziek (11) x expired. Then Wagner: it was (12) and was Snervatezza Decadence was Mask and delightful ol 'de ll'Illusione deception, and ll'Incredulità les Chagrins. Nu sabbiàn (13) mo 'on the threshold of silence lu: dop (14) assumed havere atque experienced lamb' deception in order to sing lu, from scratch, it was glory was munificence et de muziek. Et xò (15) the song came on the CryptoStream to harness assecchite and planed our lips: Guaso k'avess (16) de lu experience all the genius lipsiense (17) out of breath. Wagner avia postrema the cosmogony of the music INASTI, beyond which the disclosed has run the 'void, et access to which x and fabric only to' trusting allowed: AUT to apostasy (18) ke known valgon quai supernal acts d'amour, atque of faith (19): voila mon memorable event Nietzsche. Wagnerian ideology Ll'unitarietà de esti (20) und tetragona radical myth, saga, legend, history, chronic risolvonsi it the transcendental dimension of the space-time: it the identificazion de la redelijkheid (21) in a huge bath dusche of (22) ecstatic 'n proportionate to the performance of the contradictions de la conscience' n Katharsis a mystical pantheism. From "Der fliegende Hollaender" in "Lohengrin" from "Tristan und Isolde" to "Parsifal", the human el und sensitive matter of the live und d'el lucubrar, the undertake action (23) und the cogitations, nature und determinations will transcend its own borders, the assuperano musura (24) of symbol x el annihilate 'n el ke them sound remodels' n consider it (25) of them will fall the Infinite. At the dawn of the "Romantik", Art field All Avia lu, ir with Wagner (26) report capovòlgesi: Everything or al'Art aims: the esti und accident 'extraordinary und unrepeatable' ol ntravvenuto xokké language ac Architecture de la MUSEC oats (27) 'nver the poetry of their absoluteness, which cchiù s'adeguan nn er of them contained real, But it facune (28) INTAKE sublimated. From cheste condigioni (29) and did not fail evadon "Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg" or is "We Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" the only great deed-long comedy tour ir monumental Wagner (30). What is of any effort to extrapolate from the corpus monument chiste de paced the music er "Ring" at the end of the conziderar istessa na happy mundane sort of brace on the floor of the linguistic expression et de 'content Dramatic, ave it removed the significazion + ima de la yl'essenza on 'bieltà which, xl'avverso, Whole risiedon it the act of foundation el Mito de la Historia I: lu + solemn homage and sfurgiuso (31) - Iusta exegesis inobliato Guido de l'Manacorda - ke jamais be made to the fabric Allemagna: und in the civiltade Soy (32). There, through the epic of raffigurazion d'el cotidiano, The Renaissance in effigy tudesca s'aderge und emblem of a Puopolo (33). Sed the istesso cotidiano, 'n Wagner, if nn nn Pones if comm'etterno und yearn for ol divine inspiration, such a self-resolving them "Meistersinger" in the religious epic from Germany Country, complementary poems tragic berth al'antri et de lu Musiker Alemannic. The inexhaustible interest emanates from chissu ke opus summum satisfàcesi onninamente will score the ocean, which, on a metaphysics of "do more" to Goethe Majesté (34) lies, 'nvoca self,' raising to imago of mondizia (35 ) atque to austere romantic sentimentalism, the expression Lutheran Reformed spirituality und Bach's counterpoint. However, appeased turbine in el nn el chromaticism of Tristania music tradition tudesca mondasi Iscor de l'Academie de l'y de to the pedantic rules through the irony about the Wagner essercitata istesse with lu xsonaggio of Beckmesser. On the "Tablature" d'el Meistersang impressed ol song lyric winged und Walther von Stolzing und hailing to the reasons for the fantastic trasfigurazion de la libertad de l'inspiration, which dominates over the "morality tough" by Hans Sachs (36), or both may de l'Alma Wagner to the everlasting glory of 'homeland' nTry: to reconcile the co 'destinies of the people been Thovar (37): the obligations to protect from dangers of' toxic lethal et de k'insulse the fatuity so gay, de la Oima Latin (38) corrupt: og (39) corrupting. ************************************************** ************************************ NOTE - (1) "the 'berg. (2) "Ich ich well" (3) "follows", nap (4) "has," arc. (5) "feeling", spag. (6) "is", dial. (7) "having", arc. (8) "him", the course (9) someone, No members ki farther, ada called the universe a by-product of the Nossa sadness. In true tragic diffinizione und imperfettibil to assess the strunzaggine de l'ke man will never cease No, despite the wounds, blows k'ogni votes received, to set 'n Cup in reality, in the center of the universe munno lu, to believe a smitten lion de savannah mentreké is poor nu et co unknown worm crawling 'the caves billion vermicelli it lu und boundless dark motionless air (10) "sublime", Dante (11) "music", nl. (12) ", the" pious. (13) "we", Lucca. (14) "after" emi. (15) "But," written. Thurs. Eur. (16) "had" Lomb. (17) "the", emi. (18) 'denial of their religion ", a word derived from greek lu" apostasy "," apòstasis "in Italian lengua strive to start from lu sec. XIV (19)" faith "poet. (20)" is "ant. sic (21). "rationality", lengua nederl. istesso the concept x ke use some skill yet the motto "verstandelijkheid", albeit with different nuances (22) "light", luc. (23) matre all the vices, the sape (24) " measure ", sic (25)." contemplation ", sec. XIII (26)" the ", Piem. (27)" have ", otr. (28)" do ", sal. (29)" conditions "(30 ) the deed compuosizione de l'collacasi 'n from "Tristan und Isolde" und "Goetterdaemmerung", sed them Primieri sketches date back to the glorious fulfillment of the register at 1845 und in The 1867: The premiere site abbe in Monaco di Baviera, el apo National Theater, 21 of them giugnu of the year 1868 (31) "pompous", nap. (32) "his" nap. (33) "people", Roma. sec. XIV (34) "majesty", fr. (35) "purity" (36) choirmaster Calzolaro (37) "his", instr. (38) "now", arc. (39) "e", Norvir.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Much An Eagle Cost

Wagner's "Iphigenie en Tauride" Gluck

"Iphigenie en Tauride," Gluck's poetic wonder of affection Gajardo, high fascination, et inzembra (1) the emotional saccenza (2) in front of haver na mondizia absolute peak of (3) obtained from the art, every hour it (4) rapiscon al'ascolto of "Iphigenie en Tauride." Which Edi (5) the deed sezzaia (6), avec la vague "Echo and Narcissus," by Christoph Willibald Gluck went to the scene, the year of grace 1779: poster postrema und Gluck-fulfillment of the "reform" d ' el drama musical, with ol (7) lettered Raniero de 'Calzabigi (8) y known to elaborate theorized, tres (9) ennante decades,' n the preface to '"Orfeo ed Euridice" of el Alamanno Musiker (10). Giera (11) Understanding, dicta "reform," against the abuse of el vocal virtuosity al'italiana; against the feoffment subordinationists et de l'afflatus maker in hedonism singing half-naked: madness, chist'utema (12 ), one of Decadence 'n between + Sumptuous, und even kinky, de l'historia d'el tiatro 'n MUSEC: Mon lu tiempo beginning to present. Ol vocalism late eighteenth-century L'Italiano serious deed - the contents of the Old and the de-Roman mythology greek frustrated Vacuum stereotyped formulas reduced, redundant factories from papier-mache 'content henceforth prohibit aut atrophied tutt'affatto - libravasi' n hallucinated spasms ornamental: in such a voracious as sderenata (13) bieltade (14). Risen to supernal chance de 'artistic narcissism k'accompagnano et ab ovo celebrate and adorn the depletion of the gorgeous and followers of' mannerisms, the deed serious hopes dera (15) to a civiltade atque atque vitaiola aristocratic society, on the k'in Daemmerung d'el Seculo diecim'ottavo s'accomiatava from the historia: 'n el isconnesso swirling, ethical & aesthetic of a jig tumida Epicurean. The raison d'etre of the "reform" of Gluck risiedea onninamente 'n voglienza to revive the axiom in the poem text litterario et ol; to inhibit lu hand tinsel and UNGA will connect to the hysterical But in a indissoluble manera needs Dramatic de l'action; voglienza of the exalted role of the choir, to give an austere lu "recitative" to have the incunabula et de l 'air', to restore the pristine solemnity of el declaimed y aut rationalize censorship pantomimic et choreographic elements (16). The ancient greek and Roman mythology and would avec Gluck ascend due to 'values \u200b\u200bde la +' ncontaminata Fulgenzi moral: it fate, au contraire, a mantle funèbre, if x k to a corrupt world the operatic genre, the freeing ' n by the end of the scale of 'shameless hedonistic senility, x sanctioned another, across ol un'astrazion of intellectual rigor d'el musico language, simulation, the death mask of the deed istessa. Under this respect, "Iphigenie en Tauride" in the guise delineasi + unreal and the larval de selfsame deeds "in crisis" of them Italian composers, or true Italianized, de la postrema baroque decadence. Lords 'n the static elastic +' mponente; atque constant aspiration to constantly xseguita Edi lu "sublime." The xsonaggi is dazzled fonno spirits, 'n el while the tragic events they engender contradictions nn ac contender (17) mundane but longhi immense spiritual streams them as' n el cielo de l'universal s'espandon und vanish. The heroes chiste glukiano valgon divinity poetic masterpiece 'of a nl'aureola MUSEC to the Summo balanced ideals transcended in the space of a provocative and ineffable castimonia. Elle vibrates in a mysterious cosmic religious pathos, or reverse lay hidden from the liturgies the deed of serious Italian. Nn cchiù puppets, the xsonaggi, nn or-miss Ellin und attengon in the flesh to 'the nerve of man, et al paro, the MUSEC, ancorké vocalist freed from the abuse, not even xe el al'espression of concrete time: in fact, despises chiddu, ignoring him, making aut slightest thing: lu crushed under a great weight of pathos dehumanized, clotted. Manera nos in 'chilli mpari from sentimental motions by Gluck tapered' n atoms el starry void, the fast-paced action, he would have had to do ke 'reformist intentions it returns to a roll (18) leading, extinguished or the reason flight un'ispecie of inzzogno (19): kon, the final projection in a lyrical stasis. "Iphigenie en Tauride" mustra al'oratorio to aspire, and ol tiatro receives the final of the death penalty sentence. + Neighbor in Monteverdi Mozart contemporary kha lu, lu Höhepunkte (20) of the Gluck there epicedium sings of a tradition: since the will sing the Wagnerian drama 'n el Seculo avenir, und deed the expressions of Alban Berg in el Nosso: deeds held, very aspects x, x "progressive" and "reformist": 'n true archetypes déracinés (21) sanz'avenire, protagonists of the applicants Aguni (22) de la Historia de l'art og ( 23) d'el musical taste. ************************************************** *********************************** NOTES - (1) ensemble (2) "awareness", sec. XIII (3) "purity", arc. (4) "there" (5) "is" cal. (6) "last", P. Bembo (7) "the 'berg. (8) Tombeur de femmes, x girandolone Europe, valuable intellectual, poet, librettist und decent in Livorno birth nor the year 1714 et Napule expert in it the year 1795, afterwards essuto be in Vienna the emperor's advice x them more especially financial stores. (9) "three", spag. (10) "German", G. d'Arezzo (11) "was", ant. patav. (12) "last", nap. (13) "exhausted", Roma. (14) "beauty", arc. (15) "mirror" arc. (16) yet the aristocratic Venetian Benedetto Marcello, a magistrate, lettered ac emeritus composer, he wrote memorable lu d'el 1720 "The theater fashioned whims and puts them in ridicule them Ticchi de 'singers, composers,' mpresari, etc ...: in sum: the distortions dimolte de l ' Itala musical life (17) "contrasts" ant. (18) "role" (19) "dream", Roma. (20) "summit," Ger. (21) "disoriented", fr. (22) "agony", nap. (23) "e", Norvir.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bracelets With Meanings


On 5 July, the Penta is back with a must . In fact, with "Strangers in the Night" is celebrated the first anniversary of the Penta (29/06/2008). For this reason it was decided to organize this event with phantasmagoric Gandi news in a new summer location.
Given the situation must occur strictly in elegant dress!!
Open the evening concert of the super "MANOLO AND HIS FINGERS" who with their R'n'R triggered by warming the night making you dance and have fun straight away. Followed by dancing with DJ Ronzo until late at night. To top it all, a rich Openbar and treat as you can cool off in the evening ... POOL! yes yes you got it, certainly not just an Olympic pool, but enough to entertain big time. In fact, under the dress elegance, it is advisable to bring a costume ...
... all these and many other surprises on July 5 CASCINA OTTAVIO St. (Route Rivalta corner of Via San Luigi Hospital to St. Louis) ORBASSANO

Honeywell Thermostat Conversion

From Piazza Pitagora take over in the direction Beinasco Orbassano. After the bend to take the Mondialpol Beinasco (no ring). Upon entering Beinasco go straight on. After the Esso petrol station and the bridge to reach round two at the mall furnaces. Turn right at the second round after the Brico Via del Risorgimento, Ospedale San Luigi direction. Continue straight ahead on the left box to take tenedovi Via San Luigi. Princpale Follow the main road and after a while Rivalta Road junction on the left. It 'easy to recognize because the road is slightly downhill and to the bottom of the intersection there is a Madonna. The farm is also very large and visible from the street.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stomach Pains Headaches Evening

They Call Me Penta

It ended just the latest exciting festival Penta. For the latter event we wanted to change locations and move to Padiglione14. The theme of the evening was the Far West, hence the title: "continue to call repentance." According to many, the evening was most successful in demonstrating that we are growing and we hope to get better and better and offer new things. New in this festival a concert that opened the evening: the "Audiopsia. Also this time the costumes have made the festival, the real fun. So many twists, such as the spectacular costumes created by the trio of super friends: Dario Italian, Luca Simone Ruella and Manyara (Pina), "Fury", which won the 1st prize for best costume along with Elisa Parrino winner of the category female, with the catchy "Saloon Girl". Among other things, even the "big bean", as in Western tradition.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spacewalker Mv42v1.3. Driver

" Don Carlos "by Giuseppe Verdi

"Don Carlos" by Giuseppe Verdi Avec "Jerusalem" and "Les Vepres siciliennes", "Don Carlos" c'est une de les trois deeds 'n origin compuoste on libretti by Giuseppe Verdi' n lengua Franciosa. Mais aco (1) k + is, "Don Carlos" is included, kon "Otello" and "Falstaff" in the category el de l'graceful deeds + ac musically polished de l'art d'el Busseto. In virtue of 'ell'eccellente score, whose pristine edition' n dates back five acts per annum of our Lord 1886, the third and last y 'n quattr'atti (the version I et' n Itala lengua) lu, 1887 Verdi staccasi and frees 'n et unequivocally definitive manner by the Italian provincialism melodramatico by lu sou tend emphatic language, to know (2) connected to the melodic pleased facilitade nn sa rare d'el melensaggine parameter harmonic et la cheap de l' instromentazion, of which he radially (3) while the essuto irrepugnabil atque acclaimed bishop, x pigare (4) its writing and its acconcezza (5) and a fantastic streme (6) et multifaceted complexity spirtali (7) et procedural, or true to the highest in his poetic + lyric el tiatro Europe: a que 'tiempo xmeato them from the dense waves of "Decadence", and from the footprint gigantea d'el musical drama by Richard Wagner Signa. Cum ol (8) de mediocre filler 'librettists Joseph Méry et Camille du Locle et, and the Italian review of this Zanardini, esta deed ke al'utore Diffin wanted, the beloved fijja ZUA, Prenn from the tragedy by Friedrich Schiller nu given subject, 'n inter caves, yet by Vittorio Alfieri, id est "Philip II". Already ere d'el "Don Carlos", in The Forties el of apprenticeship, ava Verdi drew on the dramaturgy of Summo el vate tudesco (9): rammèntansi "Joan of Arc," "The Robbers" and "Luisa Miller" But the results were essuti 'nfelici, d' significance of a small assaje atque servatio expressiveness: musical and theatrical. In el "Don Carlos", au contraire, Green Goddess (10) boce a subtly powerful lyrical vein 'ndagatrice: as noted ada Gianandrea Gavazzeni. This is (11) grannezza resides in judicii musicologist und d'el musico critical Fedele D'Amico (12), 'n fact el ke Musik restores the complexity of meanings atque riconquide + complexes of them under the action of necessity by 'librettists sfrascata (13). Ol musician plasma 'n 1 juoco robbery chiaroscuro dipintura Dramatica na de split between the human conscience throb de' + stored siento und lu kategorischer Mandatory (14) d'el atque political public duty. Xe puntaglia the nerve (15) of between instinct and reason of the cold heart el reasons of state, corn, + in general, between liberalism el et el despotism: between tyranny and tolerance: State of the Church und lu . In a lurid glimpse of the Renaissance Spain, intent on press (16) de opstand (17) et de l'Flemish Dutch hard working people to it feudalised (18), de la xsonaggi s'adergon and romantic youth, 'n an overwhelmingly I desire the yearning et d'amour captured in La Libertad. Ol frail Carlos, Infante of Spain, s'abbruscia utopian ideal of political passions y denied the events, the Dorze Elizabeth vrouw (19) y unsatisfied sad to Philip II, the illusion to believe maternal amour k 'edda' n secritudo (20) et cum redness (21) Try, reciprocated, x ir (22) stepson Carlos, et ir wise diplomat Rodrigo, Marquis of Posa, strives to balance the asiggenze (23) of irreducible moral universes und ideological + Zeren the handsome and frivolous Main flowsetting d'Eboli, ke "sing sings like the frame of a mirror if the seventeenth-century work of a goldsmith could have a voice": Eugenio Montale acussì dixit, el fue as well ke dramatic poet, ça va sans dire, hip music lover sailed music critic apo lu et Tiatro at La Scala in Melano. These figures do contrappòngonsi's fascinating and monumental xsonaggi de l'bitter Old Age, enclosed knows Caiola iron (24) ideology of 'a fierce mprontata und tragic obscurantism: the portrait of Emperor Philip II nor the frustration of the immedicabil 'it affects the disperaggine y de la solitude psychological Essercizi which requires the absolute power of el, y, this Above all, ol et nonagenarian blind Grand Inquisitor, ir as a guide, cu (25) ac na sort of numinous tirribbile charisma The intention of the crumbling of Philip II, which will impose ar damage (26) to death Rodrigo yl'istesso figghju Carlos, guilty of libertarian inclined et democratic: xsonaggio without doubt among them admirably fulfilled by Verdi: among them glittering + d'el tiatro know. Sa mundo de lu pessimistic conception, k'accomuna (27) et transcends 'n 1, the givenness particulari histories intertwined' n el "Don Carlos" Stimmung of a pitiless decay ac yield of the radical homosexual from y the battles from the anguish of the ego exhausted: so + + effectively represented there as Verdi conductors 'n el framework pompous' n el solemn decorum it the grandiose structures et d'el model d'el franzese grand opera . No only do the vocal writing, 'nchina both the lyrical poignancy of a trash (28) melodic, is a mottled declaimed multanime y, también it until the elettezza achieved by the orchestrazion og (29) it worthy of the el parameter sinfoniale, art Verdi propina 'n such a manner , 'n the late nineteenth century, a capital contribution to know the diffinizione de muziek (30) und d'el opera house mirror, such as (31) spietosi progressive de la crisis (32) und k'ingolla the individual, With Him, sa ( 33) Modern beschaving (34). ************************************************** NOTE ************************************ - (1) "it", ant. prov. (2) "the" Sardinian (3) "was" (4) "fold" (5) "attitude" (6) "thin" (7) "spiritual" (8) "the" berg. (9) pro veritate, the bard Summo todesco xe, without doubt, Wolfgang Goethe, Schiller contemporary, amigo a youth of Sturm und Drang. Goethe xe also the supreme poet of the European 'modern times (10) "gives" (11) "his", CAS. (12) Roman de la Historia inzzegnò MUSEC apo Quirites the University from the year 1963 in the year 1988 et scrivette books atque et articles in various newspapers magazines, living co restless nature et goodness of mind by the year 1912 in the year 1990. Heron's authoritative reviews> Li et feared. Massimo Mila j'era sincere friend. Mila D'Amico and Mario Bortolotto from Pordenone, guru de la Musik contemporary music critics them mejjo de lu boot the Sixties (13) "simplified" (14) we have doubts about 'sti "categorical imperatives" them who pretend to be what the man will ke nn may lay the man will give a superhuman effort without painful et et unnatural, et intimately Guaso s'incazza und says to himself: "His mortacci them!" while performing it in, 'I'm I force Sisyphean. Fue this Above all lu todesco philosopher Immanuel Kant in debating with such "imperative" to them in his deeds of moral figure, or are the "Foundation of the metaphysics of 'morals" und "Critique of Reason prattica, et sentenced precisely because follows: "(the categorical imperative) is a rule is qualified by a duty ke, k expresses the objective need to undertake action et de ke ke mean, if reason will determine fully, the action would take place according to this rule unfailingly" (15) "struggle" (16) "repress" (17) "revolt", nl. (18) k and this time they did x Nederland them against the Spaniards' n el Seculo XVI made the Italo Zenti, only three secula afterwards, against the Austrian Hapsburgs, but well ac ke el civilized selves had ruled Lombardo-Veneto. And they were infected Netherlands el Primiero State of Europe to officially recognize the Italian State (19) "wife", nl. (20) "secrecy" (21) "shame" (22) "the", Piem. (23) "needs" (24) "cage" (25) "with" course (26) "Order" (27) cacophony discarissima: sorry daddivero (28) "purity" (29) "e", Norvir. (30) "music", nl. (31) "mirrors" (32) "crisis" nap. (33) "the", Sardinian (34) "civilization", nl.

Monica Rocafforte Clips

" Les Dialogues des Carmelites "by Poulenc

"Les Dialogues des Carmelites" by Poulenc It you x (1) an old-fashioned to chill deeds chierono ke (2) ell'assenso: nn el already beat mane. Opra shadowy, flickering, k from s (3) lossura (4) of the flaming Noons escapes, like corn on (5) glow occiduo k'un mélancolie en automne exhale. Alma ke subdued nor should know of siege strigner et adunghiar life, one thousand corn avec aggarbatezze come forward to the question, if craintive de tromper (6): in exagérer; ready to kick back in your lu solipsism him refuge tacit 'n the forces of the ego: the' ve only the data sunnu (7) et warmth of course, and none of the heavy cchiù MENAZZA mundo: cchiù from which none iniquity, contumely aut. Xe ke n'opra to Secure (8) holds in the fertile tonitruanze melodramatiche vile, aims to épater ke les bourgeois, or in satisfaction to 'er gajiardi vulgar appetites of music lovers: Bramante, you sapi, sinking them fingers it the Juno concupiscibil pulp and singing; But recollect, avec la delicatura (9) of parks attractiveness et blandishments of myths, a national Quaker (10) subtle musical curiosity atque culture: if you ever sea (11). CCA is called "Les Dialogues des Carmelites" deed en trois acts, and dodeca paintings, over a text by Georges Bernanos, finished compuorre by Francis Poulenc (12) As the year 1956 p. No Ch Singles ir (13) made k'edera Poulenc, et x temperament cultural, musicien to the reluctance of frail er inclined core point: to them the sudden redness of the womanish castimonia: remote paths + ke never be a subject of religious figure und ascetic ke onninamente s'incardina, as chiddu of Bernanos, upon check-ups lu et ell'introspezion over which eni (14) mash (15) 1 riguardosissimo psychological universe. Pro Vereto, radially Poulenc (16) nu gay charmer of immanence, a musician of esquisitezze mundane; artist slight, hilarious ac chic Parisian Aeros et ironic, el which, à peu près six ans auparavant "Les Dialogues," ventured s 'ivy' n teatral a matter of substance any different, "Les Mamelles de Tiresias", avec end of the comic poet Guillaume Apollinaire derivative: poet charmer, x 'ntenditori, birth, fortune x' n Rome mapper Frenchman 'nzino' n er marrow: in the antipodes of Bernanos. Libretto by Georges Bernanos esti assessed by virtue of a higher than the corresponding musique Poulenc. Ké one follows avec The motto prefixed ir order to define the outline pays et d'el carmelo und absorbed existence, knows empathy k'un 'n nn only a single breath dolzure (17) de la vocation et de divine aspettazion the women religious, yet corn el their swell (18) x er transition, the humani ke + their horror in front of 'insults et de' feri ke the disfrenatezze accidents de la Révolution Française de pressed to the door on an enclosure. The pen sophisticaded Bernanos Highlight na tiny coterie of figures 'n glimmer of pathos which harmoniously ascend from the anxiety in the ocean of ecstasy, from the little girl gladness trascoloran nun lu spasm of the' ngoscia from the cuietanza (19 ) not pursuing the lu mundo de la tetragona accettazion er of torture. Et, comme d'boci a counterpoint, and 'slow wave dialogues k'intreccian faghn the Carmelites (20) de l'istesse Sisters (21) wilt drapery opera ensembles, wants cameos of individual atque xsonaggi clearly identified: the verbigrazia prioress, Sister Bianca, I know brother, matre Maria, sisters Constance. Au contraire, nos, forgetting the lezzioni lenguistiche Massenet, Fauré et Debussy, et at times perhaps even Puccini, la musique Poulenc's transparent robe which presents itself sound far from k 'ncigne (22) nn But tempers himself or herself or transformed 'n life sound really knows dramaturgy of the story. Although convenient, eni na MUSEC vague, "eccentric", echoing; How about the Guaso diaphanous backdrop to spend on emotional de '"Dialogues" stranger to the peculiarities of the accidents ac de' siento Quill realtade art. But note on compositeur français d'el artifact itself (23) fine assaje, suggestive of a refinement: na tonal writing k 'al'ascolto persuasive resonates:' n the finiteness of the slight et instromentazion elusiveness, he suspended the wide melodiousness 'n arcanicità y aura between fragrance, nor the voice of a task ke Prenn declaimed airy. Une musique ke, 'n el de la top twentieth-century music mayhem, with each and every abhors cerebral avant-garde, from the Huns kakofoniko muddle: how the pallente madame, from 'Mpreveduto spot Moreover, it basically long y (24) vesta janca' ncede x away from the sordid filth of ac attuorno unaware. C'est musique ke assumed has specific responsabilités: s'aliena from 'protagonists el drama, aut, x acussì dicere, et peaks will plane them the abyss: and their diagrams of spirits (25). Nn x + propitious moments when they de l'invention poulenchiana riscòntransi 'n the few scenes of concrete factual et social' mpregnate in firmness 'mprontate such dynamism und al'immediatezza de ir' phenomenal data: Exemplar grace, emotion and speech; (26) from White et ir a la her brother against deliberazion religious' n el Primiero act og (27) in el SECUNDO; up overshadowing ac coral (28) de lu martyrdom of the Carmelites Poulenc al'opra de conchiuder. ************************************************** *********************************** NOTE - (1) "is", Fri. (2) "seek", arc. (3) "the" Sardinian (4) "lust" flowers. sec. XIII (5) "the", Sardinia (6) "afraid to make mistakes," fr. (7) "are" cal. (8) "for sure", Provence. sec. XIII (9) "delicacy" (10) "some", Roma. (11) "and" sec. XIII (12), musicien Cozi scrivette of himself: "I sum dans le coeur de Paris birth, apo la Madeleine. Mon père d'Espalion native ivy, I l'Aveyron, Paris et ma mere ivy pure blood from CCA mea double inheritance. patre part de lu meo, er mountain of religious faith, the taste x Roman art, by the passion x matre mea de Paris, there's coffee-concert, les quartiers Popular, bals, musettes, lu show de 'markets, et cetera Na .... vote, a critical dicette ke sunt in me et Monaco a time an Arab nomadic c'est exactly this character lu meo. " Lue from the beloved composer Mozart ivy, corn actually the inspiration his Heron et Debussy Ravel, Chabrier et Satie: send Stravinsky u know spiritual patre, et l 'instinct' ZUA the guide. And among the poets Apollinaire and Paul Eluard adored (13) "the" Piem. (14) "is" (15) "moved", part. pas. el of the verb to move (16) "was", ant. patav. (17) "sweet" arc. (18) "anxiety" (19) "calm", nap. (20) "make", par. (21) "Sisters" (22) "around" (23) "is", dial. (24) "fundamental" Pekka to judicii Wolfgang Goethe, the "white" color of the east central (25) "spiritual" (26) "agitated", latin. (27) "e", Norvir. (28) "representation"

Monday, March 17, 2008

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Viva (indeed come back) the slating

"VIVA (EVEN BACK) THE slating the music critics' n Italy essuta east, x Agni (1) & lambs from the suspect (2) de la subjugated to 'weapon critical questionable without pietansa (3), und excessively heinous murderers, yea ke s'edè to drop by drop' n pecorellesco Essercizi praise bastardized. Laudi Aprutii wilt (4) and redundant Dicer lu good (aut el nn-bad), he wants his teeth, k'edè the very watered down version (5) et de la Shitter vegia harsh criticism from 'roaring critics of yesteryear prattica . De muziek (6) 'n Esperia (7) Have decades gosu x (8), atque still enjoys, a critique of' n trumpeted them in varying degrees tamed it 'respects de' stars & divazzi, et to a bureaucratic silencio (9) I 'to de' mediocre. Nn tango les vedettes, not even by the slightest Lorka cummenienza (10) deràglino, y s'ignòrano tutt'affatto them change their music presumptuous kha nn s'incaponìscano trades (11) mean. Lu critical judicii x doventato compartment, being already pre-fabricated 'n relation to the orranza (12), in the can, a market of lu el music composer Musurgia aut (13) is ke sea. (14) pejus (15) will picturesque campora (16) de la opera muziek, 'them there tiatri + Opera celebrated the advertising Are caring de ler (17) performances nn - de l'istesse performances. The office of the critics seized labeling (18) from the office printer, ke wont many times previously shredder reviews and mail to Bedda (et's east tones easily imagine them) what k'èllino promòvon. Directors to set designers ac cry of a swarm of critics usufruìscon & criticuzzi ready to wiggle the pen, aut the mouth, in what is their any whim: for every kind of (19) pazzarìa to foul 'NTES the pristine nature, pristine semblance de lu the sacrificial deed. Singers from the star system on which to squeeze the throat or even the Verecondo cchiù pen (or boce) d'el resigned s'aventura chronicler: fora et kui nu + late ke sovvenente silent retirement. Diseva (20) lu Lombard Carlo Dossi (21) ke esti de la Critique of having to switch off them candles et ingagliardire them bonfire. Au contraire, the music critic of (22) and being given thought to bring supporting documents to a court of 'miracle thus paving redotta. All is bbona; all goes well, Madame la Marquise. Life and the productions of the Itala sunt MUSEC the megliori possible. The time esti de 'Leibniz (23), already criticized nn et ruinose arrogance! Wij omgekeerd (24), robust und lively s'àuspica the rentrée de la slating the accident if he asks! Et co sérénité y honestidad the indispensability (25) d'estimation. The harsh criticism of the metamorphosis nn x 'Messer critical addimesticato' n a bondage (26) critical cannibals, but x iscoter Monno er appennicato MUSEC atque de la rout 's xvasivo undergrowth: x denounce 'ncompetenze d'onne stack: x commending them decent et will distinguish between them in marshes el mezzocalzettume: evaluate x el sur meter of merit, et de nos Quillo on the cliques they belong, the novice composers : und the substitute. Music Critique de ave much of the original function and xduto, k'eni pejus (27), gravitas of the original (28). It is only to selfsame ela, a la 'ntrepidezza on' Survivor, iterum (29) overcomes the positions of a tiempo remote paths, which wine (30) 'nfàuste conveniences & partnerships succeeded. On obblegh (31) x deference dictated by the arduous ministry (32) et x chilla k'anco audience had to trust (33) 'n soul lu ne l'attendibilità iudicio critical. If sape, judging (34) is pol will fail. But a lot (35) MEJ (36) miss bs funzione of k'èsser disànima esànimi lu bs finzione criticize. ************************************************** ************************************* NOTE - (1) "anni" ant. lomb. (2) "paura", Dante (3) "impietosa" (4) "aperte" (5) "assai", see. (6) "Italy" (7) "music", nl. (8) "goduto" (9) "silenzio" Spago. (10) "decenza" (11) "s'intestardiscono" (12) "fame" (13) "interpreter" (14) "and" sec. XIII (15) "worse", Sardinian (16) "fields", arc. (17) "their" ant. Lomb. (18) "is", sal. (19) "each" ant. visiti. lu from the Latin "Omne" (20), "he said," dial. (21) pen name of Carlo Alberto Pisani Dossi (1849-1910), homo et genial pen disheveled, in whose writing the engineer Lombard Carlo Emilio Gadda, yet genial +, it would be watered, et miss little laxity in dowry drops Quintessenz Lumbard to the devout Alberto Arbasino. A great piece on confirmation ke in Lombardy, nn - k in Tuscany, Havva de l'orrevoli inks (22) "is", Tosca. Merida. (23) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, lived between 1646 et the 1716, here given the optimism of what philosopher par excellence. Optimism inevitable consequence of the balance if the bon ke Deo à lu munno created in such a manner contrary to another ke, ke, which means the east chistu meglior + de 'Munni possible. Taliduno hypercritical, in veretade, à bold ke note that our world from the eternal factor occhèi east, ça va sans dire, but increasingly to make the best of possible worlds is lacking, perhaps, in un'anticchia + health, Justiz et welfare of the x Ommin (ancorké "ad astra per aspera", of course). The Ommin have field 'na single vote (except the eternal life, appriesso) et nos always "i" if they ke fatigue sèmmenano hymn sciuri co 'the dot accuonci' ncoppa. Not if sape sin if Ommin et "i" stay up 'or mmeglio munno ke Chillin à penzo have: the right of high specular on Mantua el maestro tudesco (24) "we reverse," nl. (25) "righteousness", spag. (26) "wild", Roma. (27) "worse", Sardinian (28) "dignity" (29) "again", arc. (30) "is" ant. patav. (31) "an obligation", mil. (32) "task" (33) "had" Lomb. (34) "judge", spag. (35) "very", spag. (36) "better" front. Piem.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

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Wilhelm Kempff

Wilhelm Kempff (1895-1991) Anemia AE hunted Pusitano, int 'villa in soybean with bell'etade ninety-six the years. Isso ivy lu from Parkinson's disease (1) affection. As the little Cite (2) de l 'Amalfi coast, where she lived from the year 1950, ol (3) pianist Wilhelm Kempff Alemannic ava impurzo (4) given to the Foundation Orpheus' ancestress und' n manera egregious taught courses 'High specializzazion piano: to them it Gioveni graduates' conservative party du d'Agne Munne (5) Reserved. Gentile (6) Musurgia (7) of the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann und Brahms, ol master dera a glittering among pianists of the twentieth century el considered: one in the chilli k'appartenevan cuzì fingers "Scola classic" the authoritative exponent of k + fop (8) without doubt Wilhelm Backhaus. Birth tera in (9) from Brandenburg na famijja of music, a child-prodigy dureci a rookie (10) years in Potsdam, expert de l'art et de lover 'vague scenarios of Italy,' ve toured the pristine 'n el remote paths 1921 accomplished, prolific, even if a dozen, composer; omminu (11) rigorously from parir lu (12) ascetic from the profil hooked by 'professorial ways (to' tudeschi happens frequently): influential musician in Berlin, was able to maintain ke dicere Aresti (13) nu grand'uffizial of Prussia. Na und methodical attentive existential parable, forth pavonerìe, onninamente dedicated to ISTUD, to the inexhaustible prattica de l'instromento, a 'concert' n around x ol munno - exhausts (14) in the past performances historia her with the Berlin Philharmonic, led by ol Summo Wilhelm Furtwaengler - to et them with care to family: from bon todesco er of the North. Even with Sendo, it 'megliori years, a wealth of rare technical virtuosity, Kempff nn emphatic loved the tumescent nn sounded by surge of passionate inquetezze wrapped, aut of them between flights of fancy of the imagination soaring. Au contraire, et spetialmente (15) nor the deeds atque Beethoven Schubert, the beloved, it will s'immergea poetic contents of 'x texts them "suck" from the inside, without smover round of the toxic Aque de l' eccitazion popular, sanz'alterar lu the context of a relationship of subordination ke istretto the conscience of the interpreter keeps to himself et le compositeur. In surface, then, naturally un'imperturbabil, na kind of understatement, of elegant souplesse poured out de vibration; ac however, under the serene authority of the urban perfectione y de fulfilled in the form, voila el el refined talent of pianist s'appalesar in the reception hall, or rather its re-creation of the subtle nuances of the soul 'n song:' n the Transformation of the inert sign lenguistico 'n Parpia noble life of opera. Alquantuni (16) de 'critical Adanna (17) nondianco Cresto (18) d'avisar (19) propio' n assignatezza Quilla (20) und Teutonic Académie d'el extend 'or limit Kempff. X Iusta dicere et judice, nn so draconian they s'avria categorical cum ol und Brandenburg; maize nn cert'esti k'ei Have there ever ventured the intellectual adventures, à jamais achieved the top 'ntuitivi et expressive de' summa lu contemporary pianists, as they at Mantua und Backhaus Gieseking, Edwin Fischer und Arthur Schnabel, ke kon l 'daring them, even kon et d'inquando removes stains caused them, onno (21) et promoted to varying degrees marked the interpretazion historia de piano' n el Seculo twentieth. To be on 'hand, the pedagogical intent risiedèa sou' n el circulate it to 'Gioveni the Beethoven piano style, d'el qualities of being the last of the Aredia (22) x held as legitimate firm. The aristocratic maggnera (23) of tudesco el piano, el of the Goethe olimpicitade know Extending essute they were partially obscured 'postrema recitals. Remembrance ke na de lu month ago discemmre (24) from the year of Our Lord 1978 na big crowd eva (25) in the Auditorium of Saint Cecilia Roman rushed to pay him homage to master lu, lu which to sue beautiful yet boring report them balsamic sayings of Madame de Stael: Sometimes the soul, as the flower emanates dolz olor + (26) 'n up the evening. Allegations nn kr (27). 'O pianefforte Kempff dera of "closed" a long piece. In chilla pulled up to the audience fue provident, + ke listening, claw el remember to keep the myth intact. Ké listening rivelavasi, 'n brief, melancholy sound of past glories, as' the great weight of increasing the existing' nflessi. Restàvansi glimpses, suffered shock of a sophisticated virtue 'NTERPRETATION; restàvansi the footprints, casts them from the pristine Sophie; ac restàvasi lu delicate gesture of heroism gaunt: a can of Dinegro shewn (28). Ol result Kempff listened, et ol public Vulso (29) he would have to be rescued by the loopholes imaginazion und de la Misericordia de la reverie, henceforth, so far as to integrate worn vanito et d'el maestro: 'n them the slip de Jorna (30 ) 'ngrato .... The audience applauded Quirites, chill evening et Iusta Cossa (31) Iera (32) k'applaudisse. Chille deeds of Beethoven und Brahms under the bony deta (33) of the artist AVIEN x na de hidden vote "waarheid" (34) their everlasting et d'simulazion accondiscendèan to a compromesso 'nterpretativo ke vagheggiava of fuoravia and rimpiangèa l'istessa "waarheid" (35 ).... But today Wilhelm Kempff ene (36) former major new: und integro (37). ************************************************** ************************************** Note - (1) Lu miedeco inghilese James Parkinson, tra lu lu 1755 et 1824 vivuto, x cousin described chist'affezione chronic reading cellule nervosa, Which leads, right colpitis l'essere, et via a senettute early as Nol + inamabile says simply says GIA x itself. Damn Old Age, ke point wisdom goes, as the unctuous consoling legalization of office, but gradually, incurable rincojonimento, ah! The precipitous age it closed xe nn only the joys of living el - ki do not care, 'n since de' accounts of the life of Russian caviar et de 'throbs with love, of Aristotelian katharsis et insatanassati coitus - But also in the hope to survive yet, and besides alema still a bit'.... The Romantic writer Jean Paul noted it tudesco lu "Titan" ke "Old Age esti sad nn xke xke Cessnock Cessnock joys but hopes": à peu près the selfsame concept in Montaigne: "The Old Age wrinkles it marks us + lu ke spirit lu face up "(2)" city " emi. (3) "the 'berg. (4) "impulse", Roma. v. GG Belli (5) "world", mol. (6) "brave", latin. (7) "musical performer" (8) "was" Romag. (9) acussì the Quirites Zenti pronounces the word "earth" (v. hip "guera", "bureaucratic", et cetera): if lu comme Dorze live in the shadow of sluggish et er Dome ammosciasse way + sloth verbal (10) "twelve", luc. (11) "man", Laz. (12) "semblance", sic. sec. XIII (13) "would" (14) "are" cal. (15) "special," Francis of Assisi (16) "some" (17) "have", gro. (18) "believed", front. Lomb. (19) "see" (20) "composure", nap. (21) "have", umb. (22) "heirs", sic. (23) "in", rom. (24) December (25) "was", mol. (26) "perfume" (27) "fu", loins. sec. XIII (28) "sad", sec. XV (29) "wanted" (30) "days", sic. (31) "thing", Venice. et Lomb. (32) "was" arc. (33) "fingers", Roma. (34) "the truth", nl. (35) "truth", nl. (36) "is", umb. sec. XIII (37) "Lu recorde east the only paradise from which nn lu potemo be expelled," as quoted supra lu dicette Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, alias Jean Paul

Saturday, March 15, 2008

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Rudolf Serkin

Rudolf Serkin (1903-1991) decorated Xsonalità et cultivée . Nu skinny man will, on the face lu Apprenticeship (1) appusato (2), severe und tiennero, na myopia relieved by a pair of forked Bernardoni professorial sur nos: a la manera de Gustav Mahler. Rudolf Serkin ditto the Aresti tudesco a savant, aut, megio, Vienna: Wien vecia de la de 'before el siglo (3) twentieth. The SO (4) department to ottantott'anni of age it (5) marked the first of isparimento of pianists among them megghiu el full of the twentieth century: one of these 'monsters from the keyboard k'aco (6) 'n small population number nn na season decisive sott'el profile of the history of the interpretazion pianist Dinu Lipatti by Wilhelm Backhaus, Walter Gieseking atque by Arthur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz BC by Wilhelm Kempff, et lu from Chile Claudio Arrau in Canadian lu Glenn Gould .... Rise 'n Eger, the district' n land of Bohemia, the fifth of acht (7) figghj, und soon they started to study music from all fathers lu, nu low of Russian origin, Serkin avian 'n Vienna debut at the age it's duodeci years of age it Appenna (8), much admired child prodigy, the Orchestra de avec 'Wiener Philharmoniker. El in 1920 and account (9) Ferruccio Busoni ava, from which he would have pijjà (10) lezzioni (11) ardently longed, But the Italian pianist and composer judice Iddu you veel (12) y expert streetwise yet masters necessitae x (13 ) habere. 'Bohemian musician O' n quiddu tiempo strinsesi of friendship and musical association fes (14) Cu (15) lu great Teutonic violinist Adolf Busch, y tantosto fora (16) Quess (17) legendary duo doventato: Acconci, x asiggenze music (18), formation of a s'ampliar in trio, quartet, und, und quintet. As the year of Our Lord 1935 Rudolf spliced \u200b\u200bIrene Busch, Adolf fille to the manager, und appriesso four years, 'n ruin el mundial de la guera secunda, et it the pressure of the Nazi Diktatur, the couple with their fameie shall be for repair constrained 'n Sguizzera (19): addove' the pianist will get consacrazion internationally, deinde 'n U.S. ground: soon to home soa (20) adoption (21). The drie (22) gods of the youth of el were on Mantua Busch Serkin, Arnold Schoenberg and Arturo Toscanini sues. Durant'i Primieri agni (23) of the dwelling (24) american the friendship and the Admiration of the Italian director lu x Bohemian pianist feciono yes ke the prestigious New York Philharmonic Orchestra is zovasse of syphilis (25), 'n as a soloist, x assaie symphony performances. Unanimously by the critics deprecated (26) and lu Proclamation by the public, Serkin dedicossi equal Fervenza avec la musique de la prattica chamber: a Busch's departure, and 'intro' n el Quartet Budapest, paradimmatico left, and maybe ' nsuperato nor the interpretation of 'Beethoven Quartet. In el dopoguera ru (27) invocòllo cellist Pablo Casals (28) to lu "Festival de Prade," the authoritative mentreké Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, neither the State of Pennsylvania, them (29) committed to the chair, and afterwards the direction of the section of pianefforte. As subsequent years the artist Abba 's merit of founding the School of the Marlboro Music Festival and el, among eminent of America, the performances kui cumm (30) art d'el xsonalità about Pablo Casals, Isaac Stern, Leonard Bernstein, Alexander Schneider, a silence of caves .... El maestro entrusted ada, in addition to a generous ke discography, a collective memory knows n'indelebile (31) art propia piano. Is' I 'n public' in the nzino bedd'etade eighty-five of springs (32). Seventy years of his career, sanz'unquemai the countless aficionados itali oblivion. Gl'anni (33) will allow us to postrema itself only votar in Zeren beloved bucolic lest (34) radially (35) breeding de 'chickens and chickens, cows from the dairy, de' nimble cuniculi (36), for use in the wet to the aut roast it the vegia omnes farm kept ... Letting apart testes (37) from band Fowl & C. hath been agreed by 'competent ke noted the substance of Serkin piano fondavasi sur la finesse de evoked and the poetry of' modes of expression in the END 'mpiegati. Ru avia master the strong conscience de l'adaptation de inescapably subjective reasons of the performer to the intimate nature et qualité de l'interpretandi deeds. Lu nn performer already conziderato it the act of a blind and passive submission to the deed, but 'n a strictly relation avec she, defined by the exalted et xspicacità analytical sensitivity of the historicist, from lu x taste the juste milieu 'n lu between written signs sur staff, while k'edè eloquent und lu riot of trepidation in the doventar, chill sign, poetic sound vibrations of the hand of its el piano. Sotta (38) profile that no pianist Serkin xe "Olympic", supremely Iusta und tempered fabric: the urtimo de 'classic twentieth century, k'ago (39)' n Walter Gieseking el auto suprem bishop. Aut, if you prefer, the Mint (40) contrast (41) to a temperamental piano et fuocoso, say, the Horowitz, aut a 'nterprete provocative and revolutionary as Glenn Gould. Well, marvel nn ke ru territory historian et poetic delight by syphilis Fussi the golden age it MUSEC de la occidental art, und Austro-German 'n inspected, between' the eighteenth century advanced the first atque Romantik: from Mozart to Mendelssohn, Schubert und Beeethoven via: el lenguaggio xvegnuto to fulfill a harmony, imperfettibil system, just ere de 'twilight sad, aut digg incurring the beginning of cracks el decay. OMPETENT, und max 's Salzburg, it ke sunt essuti by Serkin went to lessons of n'essemplar pays et poured lus: Goethe lezzione Licet you, yet' n virtue of the nitidez (42) d'el touch of the brilliance of technique, master lu unquemai by the aim to vile mire Effector aut adoprata narcissism. Sarea from syphilis tissue compartment s'attender all the clowning of amazing tricks: eva by syphilis (43) chaos (44) natural s'attender the mouth of an old-gentilhommerie (45) aesthetics k'anco save het geheim (46) conception de muziek ( 47) What noble et esquís iuocu (48) 'n between scientia et utopia: comm'alta concord' between real n og (49) ideal. ************************************************** *************************************** NOTE - (1) "together," bol . (2) "judicious" nap. (3) "Century", spag. (4) "his" course (5) lu mourning accident site abbe 'n on the farm of Guilford, will the American state of' er Vermont, eight of them say el "month of love" as it is wont to be known as el May (6) "have", Roma. (7) "eight", nl. (8) "soon", mil. (9) "known" (10) "take", Roma. (11) "lessons", Roma. (12) "too much", nl. (13) "necessity", cent. XIII (14) "made" (15) "with" course (16) "would be" (17) "This", ant. et pop. visiti. (18) "needs" (19) "Switzerland", T. Folengo (20) "his", par. (21) "ubi ibi good home" (22) "three", nl. (23) "year", ant. Lomb. (24) "lounge" (25) "Jupiter" (26) "appreciated" (27) "The", CAS. (28) "invited", sec. XV (29) "Member", "him", ant. visiti. (30) "invited" nap. (31) "the", Sardinian (32) with + vague poetry, the ancients Greeks denominavan spring "opening" (33) "years", A. Firebaugh (34) "what", arc. (35) "was", patav. ant. (36) "rabbit", from lu lat. "Cuniculus" (37) "hour", Dante (38) "under", mol. (39) "have" dial. (40) "exact" (41) is called "contrast" that ke is opposed to a "thesis": According to the contrast between specular Hegelian thesis antithesis und 'ngenera manera incontrovertibly in the glad und harmonious "synthesis" ... Oh, so maybe it Fusse! The munno Sarea 'nviolabile et na vote placed all x, et of God, or of el Caso, there would be nn cchiù occurrence x k'esistono und justify things happen all at ... In truth, nui ke likely to retain a semo from the meeting of the "thesis" and de l '"antithesis" afloat nn already the "summary" peacemaking, But the "contradiction" (or "antinomies"): Ah! chilla "contradiction" Fetus Caperea ke nn na fuck face: to be born as soon quanno scendemo underground (42) "sharpness", spag. (43) "was", mol. (44) "thing" ant. Fri (45) "gentility", fr. (46) "the secret", nl. (47) "music", nl. (48) "game", sic. (49) "e", Norvir.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Star Wars The Clown Wars Hentia


SERGEJ Prokof 'EV (1891-1953) Prokofiev, MUSEC' n between them protagonists of the music life of the twentieth Seculo er widely among them. OMPETENT (1) ke estraordinarie the ideal voltage of a Gustav Mahler und intellectually nn ave (2), the pure artistic genius aut d '1 Stravinsky, aut the dense charge of an extremist Schoenberg, Webern of an aut, aut The poignant lyrical effusion of an Alban Berg: patri in the twentieth century 'n sound. But even forge ke (3) knew the 'right lenguaggio about the vibrant feel of an incontrovertibly Originality: et for a whimsical chimerizzar. The abondantissimo nutamento (4) Thovar (5) has, it pages + happy, the virtue of manly strength of a plant atque of a liquid (6) sincerezza of inspiration, corn away + na suddenness et Thersites notes ke Render Current (7) et ZUA poetic fantasies they live: by aliens and 'rodimenti of the Central European avant-garde radical, any of which is cerebralistico arravuoglio (8). Acussì lan (9) symphonies, concerts, x instromenti them solo, and 'Ballet, LAN x piano sonatas, the chamber, the deeds of theater, music x films de lan' legendary Russian directors. D'el Sontsovska Ukrainian native village, to the Prokofiev esti Musik 'ntrodotto by Mother Mary Grigorievna Zitkova: bona pianist. U pear (10) este agronomist: ominu (11) dolz, calm, methodical. Child prodigy at the age it's SEZ (12) Agni (13), Sergei ae already waltzes, marches und und Rondo compuosto, y tres (14) poses agni (15) Hail to the already pristine deed theatrical sketches. Others Remain ke nn he starts to study methods musicians ac Menara him to the Conservatoire de musique de Petersburg, directed by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov from the year 1871: you asto (16) ditto turf! (17). E 'à tantiduni (18) orrevoli y gallant teachers: by Nikolai Rimsky listesso x Cerepnin the conducting, at the very severe Essipova Anna (19) x lu pianefforte: Prokofiev in concert debbitore (20) de l'acquisition d' a transcendental technique Fira (21). In St. Petersburg, the 'Ukrainian Giovene pages hears contemporary of Debussy, Strauss, Ravel, Scriabin Reger und; elo xe lu Primiero sonar Schoenberg. Elo goddess (22) recitals, compuone now gasa et hours scandalized audiences with 'the talent et antiacademico rebel. Xcorre on veciu cuntinenti (23) et d'age it goes down to 24 lambs anc'a Rome, 'you are' on 'Second Concerto for piano and orchestra "' NTERPRETATION under the guidance of conductor el Quirites Bernardino Molinari (24): a the Augustan. Paris, London, rendez-vous avec Diaghilev et Debussy. In Moskou (25) kon Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (26). D'el he saw the young man (27) trasformasi step by step 'n corybant a succession of compositional activity ac concert:' n of a continuous wandering between Europe and America, which accepts Iddu as "the Chopin Caucasian x manera lue of the sonar acrobatic and burning. He falls in love de la Révolution d'el-October 1917: maar (28) from the subsequent years, the duranza x et d'Agni Quine (29), to dwell in foreign countries get. Thirty, gets married 'n California singer-Iberian Russian Lina Ljubera, je ke dua Scodeller criatura. Intratanto them cun relations (30) another great magician Russian k'in el munno rage, id est Igor Stravinsky, is rinfrìgidano y s'infestano: Duje tàcciansi them one lair of a creative sovravenuta inauthenticity. In truth, you'll want to qlcno (31) will discern the irrepugnabile record de l'euro-American OMPETENT of the "Upcoming" lu ke Spigno primary reason to Prokofiev facere final return, 'I n 1933, the USSR afterwards na series of triumphal performances' n Moskou, Leningrad y Kiev. Oima fifties, et smògliasi rispòsasi with Mira Mendelson. The attendon home agni sorry: sibbene and 'studies to help you cum in the radiant deeds ZUA premessioni (32) of Socialist Transformation in the sense of the already miserable enough societad (33) Soviet-et there is even granted the fulvido + (34) title of "Artist of the people been" on the 'musique esti well soon branded a "bourgeois formalism" (35) ac "elitist decadence" (36), from' poetic canons of er demagogue M. Zhdanov, censored. Lu A flush of so many other artists, Prokofiev studiasi self-steering a middle course: face miserable na atque compuone pages laudatory self-criticism on the dictatorship of Lenin et de la apologetic story Alemagna war against Hitler. Throw the bucket at the age it sixty-two years, 5 of them March (37): chill zorn (38), Quill meis (39), chiddu jaar (40), yet pulls Beppe Stalin in the true CARDASCIA (41 ) All of Communists of the universe mundo. FIATA Tegner touches all the obligatory haesione ke into account (42) prokof'eviana to 'el dictates of "socialist realism" finds' n na manera Quaker partially match it' beliefs nor the inclinazion atque musical de l'OMPETENT istesso. U k and the states which they MUSEC à "melodious", "of a melody and simple clara, y k'el composer, more especially 'Or Soviet ke it ought to take into account the USSR zu (43) piece of art is addressed by the millions and millions of xsone (44): nn nu already a handful of aesthetes. A judicii Prokofiev's "the mad vogo (45) na large MUSEC the MUSEC large accidents, major love, vivid dancing." Et nn - feel the artist, Guaso contradicting himself: "I consider n 'error x a composer effort to simplify itself. Agno effort in lowering the level of the ascoltator eni lu (46) unconscious contempt de la maturitade cultivation of Chisti et de l'isviluppo de 'tastes her. this attempt Nu' encloses 'n itself n'elemento of pretense. MUSEC And the' nn nsincera endure pole. Pro veritate, nor the deed of urgency and a Prokofiev iconoclastic modernism of the twentieth-century lifeguard el admirably fòndonsi et la remembrance to the echoes of the classical tradition. Hence the Derivan na und compassatezza un'assignatezza (47) essemplari 'nseme et innovation. Ruling 's sense of the musura (48), ig (49) iuoco pizzuto (50) sed de nos desecrating the hue, which aspires to lead the dissonance + harsh and rubella corn every hour afterwards he returns to the bed of harmony of the eighth, it makes up listening to family pages et unannounced 'n el the same time. The art of Prokofiev nn content disocculta capital, so - abysmal: Besides: what MUSEC of what music is poeva (51) 'n el rasping ac demolished Seculo twentieth century? E nn - allide, seizes, scratch the sensitivity of ognaruno (52) co 'the determination Gajardo de' its rhythms (53) ignited ac obsessive co 'sparutezza the sharp lines of melodic and lyrical regretter ke (54) they seem, aut cojonar Magara, the abundance cantabile d'el romance; avec piercing characteristics of a lan ke lenguaggio tends always learning with Quadrella lan (55) et d'el de grotesque irony, aut, mejo, er of sarcasm. Havva 'n that' n er of Prokofiev ke a clown. Xe 'n lu, lu ave melosofo Guido Pannain as noted, serious atque zu zu facetious: "U serious s' lighter' n el smile, u will k'assume facetious tone of the provocative (56) impudence, but ke ricomponesi also 'n accents simple: in a folksy candor. " The ripruova it resides' masterpieces. Siena 'n between them such as al-cited the "Fifth Symphony" zu "Third Concerto for Piano and Orchestra", er (57) from Cantata "Alexander Nevsky", she (58) "Seventh Piano Sonata," the deed "The angel of fire" og (59) and 'ballet "Romeo and Juliet." ************************************************** *************************************** NOTE - (1) "author", Roma . (2) "had" umb. (3) "forge" (4) "catalog" (5) "his", instr. (6) "clear", sec. XV (7) "Present" (8) "muddle", nap (9) "the", Bergell, lt week. (10) "father", sic. sec. XIII (11) "man", cal. (12) "six", nl. (13) "year", ant. Lomb. (14) "three", spag. (15) "after" (16) "you" (17) Roman expression to indicate to ischiettissima wonder, to understand: e ke + wilt, MOREOVER? (18) "some" (19) she, ere to teach the APPO de MUSEC Russian choir, ivy the official pianist of the Prussian court suta (20) "debtor", Roma. (21) "will", arc. (22) "from" (23) "old continent", Sardinian (24) Molinari nos fue na rod summit mapper heard the concerts in the Rome of Augustus or dispose by the year 1912 to year 1943. Moritte it the year 1952, being birth nor the year 1880 (25) "Moscow", nl. (26) of a 'revolutionary poets amazing + et de lu twentieth century Soviet lived' n him between 1893 et \u200b\u200b1930: Suicide in Moscow, double havere advocated et miso verses into practice 'nfocati et mottos' nventati, in el de tourbillon them dissolute excesses of el core de la feverish political class (27) "life", Tosca. (28) "But," nl. (29) "fifteen", Roma. (30) "with", Sardinian (31) "someone", written. Thurs. Eur. (32) "promises" (33) "company", spag. (34) "brilliant" (35) considers the aesthetics Marxist el "formalism" 'no rio address, send ke research de la pure "form" of contents without inane est un oziar, loitering, amuse pinzellàccherescamènte, losing sight of Mo content, the goal which art ought to look upon: el id est contribution, in this case Aesthetica, a bright lu process emancipationist atque social policy of the working class (36) the "decadence" x is possible, ways of censoring + er "formalism". The name says listessa: decay, decay. E nn already a question of inevitability of decay, which Chillin in a car in every kind of worn on part: from the carburetor to the front, to 'basic ganglia, or what the human Chille de Old Age, against which nn Havva lifting, Botox, pill, liposuction aut aut clisteruccio supposed to the end, But d'el alma de l'decay, k et vicious spring s'avvoltola it the worst depraved lusts, nor the esquisitezze + débauchés, et gaude it has' to see ', as' crazy possessed na (37) "in March , mil. (38) "day", Fri. (39) "month", Piem. (40) "year", nl. (41) "condolence" nap. (42) "Accession" (43) and "the" maturity. (44) workers and peasants, socialism et Ommin pregnant women pregnant for the socialists, right-thinking Regazzi et criatura dainty in training, et cetera .... summa summarum, the masses (45) "want to" dial. (46) "is", dial. (47) "composure" (48) "measure", sic. (49) "the", Tosca. (50) "bold" (51) "could", Lomb. sec. XIII (52) "everyone", luc. (53) "his", cal. (54) "regret", fr. (55) "arrows" (56) "of" the LORD. (57) "the", tick. (58) "the", emi. (59) "e", Norvir.