Wilhelm Kempff
Wilhelm Kempff (1895-1991) Anemia AE hunted Pusitano, int 'villa in soybean with bell'etade ninety-six the years. Isso ivy lu from Parkinson's disease (1) affection. As the little Cite (2) de l 'Amalfi coast, where she lived from the year 1950, ol (3) pianist Wilhelm Kempff Alemannic ava impurzo (4) given to the Foundation Orpheus' ancestress und' n manera egregious taught courses 'High specializzazion piano: to them it Gioveni graduates' conservative party du d'Agne Munne (5) Reserved. Gentile (6) Musurgia (7) of the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann und Brahms, ol master dera a glittering among pianists of the twentieth century el considered: one in the chilli k'appartenevan cuzì fingers "Scola classic" the authoritative exponent of k + fop (8) without doubt Wilhelm Backhaus. Birth tera in (9) from Brandenburg na famijja of music, a child-prodigy dureci a rookie (10) years in Potsdam, expert de l'art et de lover 'vague scenarios of Italy,' ve toured the pristine 'n el remote paths 1921 accomplished, prolific, even if a dozen, composer; omminu (11) rigorously from parir lu (12) ascetic from the profil hooked by 'professorial ways (to' tudeschi happens frequently): influential musician in Berlin, was able to maintain ke dicere Aresti (13) nu grand'uffizial of Prussia. Na und methodical attentive existential parable, forth pavonerìe, onninamente dedicated to ISTUD, to the inexhaustible prattica de l'instromento, a 'concert' n around x ol munno - exhausts (14) in the past performances historia her with the Berlin Philharmonic, led by ol Summo Wilhelm Furtwaengler - to et them with care to family: from bon todesco er of the North. Even with Sendo, it 'megliori years, a wealth of rare technical virtuosity, Kempff nn emphatic loved the tumescent nn sounded by surge of passionate inquetezze wrapped, aut of them between flights of fancy of the imagination soaring. Au contraire, et spetialmente (15) nor the deeds atque Beethoven Schubert, the beloved, it will s'immergea poetic contents of 'x texts them "suck" from the inside, without smover round of the toxic Aque de l' eccitazion popular, sanz'alterar lu the context of a relationship of subordination ke istretto the conscience of the interpreter keeps to himself et le compositeur. In surface, then, naturally un'imperturbabil, na kind of understatement, of elegant souplesse poured out de vibration; ac however, under the serene authority of the urban perfectione y de fulfilled in the form, voila el el refined talent of pianist s'appalesar in the reception hall, or rather its re-creation of the subtle nuances of the soul 'n song:' n the Transformation of the inert sign lenguistico 'n Parpia noble life of opera. Alquantuni (16) de 'critical Adanna (17) nondianco Cresto (18) d'avisar (19) propio' n assignatezza Quilla (20) und Teutonic Académie d'el extend 'or limit Kempff. X Iusta dicere et judice, nn so draconian they s'avria categorical cum ol und Brandenburg; maize nn cert'esti k'ei Have there ever ventured the intellectual adventures, à jamais achieved the top 'ntuitivi et expressive de' summa lu contemporary pianists, as they at Mantua und Backhaus Gieseking, Edwin Fischer und Arthur Schnabel, ke kon l 'daring them, even kon et d'inquando removes stains caused them, onno (21) et promoted to varying degrees marked the interpretazion historia de piano' n el Seculo twentieth. To be on 'hand, the pedagogical intent risiedèa sou' n el circulate it to 'Gioveni the Beethoven piano style, d'el qualities of being the last of the Aredia (22) x held as legitimate firm. The aristocratic maggnera (23) of tudesco el piano, el of the Goethe olimpicitade know Extending essute they were partially obscured 'postrema recitals. Remembrance ke na de lu month ago discemmre (24) from the year of Our Lord 1978 na big crowd eva (25) in the Auditorium of Saint Cecilia Roman rushed to pay him homage to master lu, lu which to sue beautiful yet boring report them balsamic sayings of Madame de Stael: Sometimes the soul, as the flower emanates dolz olor + (26) 'n up the evening. Allegations nn kr (27). 'O pianefforte Kempff dera of "closed" a long piece. In chilla pulled up to the audience fue provident, + ke listening, claw el remember to keep the myth intact. Ké listening rivelavasi, 'n brief, melancholy sound of past glories, as' the great weight of increasing the existing' nflessi. Restàvansi glimpses, suffered shock of a sophisticated virtue 'NTERPRETATION; restàvansi the footprints, casts them from the pristine Sophie; ac restàvasi lu delicate gesture of heroism gaunt: a can of Dinegro shewn (28). Ol result Kempff listened, et ol public Vulso (29) he would have to be rescued by the loopholes imaginazion und de la Misericordia de la reverie, henceforth, so far as to integrate worn vanito et d'el maestro: 'n them the slip de Jorna (30 ) 'ngrato .... The audience applauded Quirites, chill evening et Iusta Cossa (31) Iera (32) k'applaudisse. Chille deeds of Beethoven und Brahms under the bony deta (33) of the artist AVIEN x na de hidden vote "waarheid" (34) their everlasting et d'simulazion accondiscendèan to a compromesso 'nterpretativo ke vagheggiava of fuoravia and rimpiangèa l'istessa "waarheid" (35 ).... But today Wilhelm Kempff ene (36) former major new: und integro (37). ************************************************** ************************************** Note - (1) Lu miedeco inghilese James Parkinson, tra lu lu 1755 et 1824 vivuto, x cousin described chist'affezione chronic reading cellule nervosa, Which leads, right colpitis l'essere, et via a senettute early as Nol + inamabile says simply says GIA x itself. Damn Old Age, ke point wisdom goes, as the unctuous consoling legalization of office, but gradually, incurable rincojonimento, ah! The precipitous age it closed xe nn only the joys of living el - ki do not care, 'n since de' accounts of the life of Russian caviar et de 'throbs with love, of Aristotelian katharsis et insatanassati coitus - But also in the hope to survive yet, and besides alema still a bit'.... The Romantic writer Jean Paul noted it tudesco lu "Titan" ke "Old Age esti sad nn xke xke Cessnock Cessnock joys but hopes": à peu près the selfsame concept in Montaigne: "The Old Age wrinkles it marks us + lu ke spirit lu face up "(2)" city " emi. (3) "the 'berg. (4) "impulse", Roma. v. GG Belli (5) "world", mol. (6) "brave", latin. (7) "musical performer" (8) "was" Romag. (9) acussì the Quirites Zenti pronounces the word "earth" (v. hip "guera", "bureaucratic", et cetera): if lu comme Dorze live in the shadow of sluggish et er Dome ammosciasse way + sloth verbal (10) "twelve", luc. (11) "man", Laz. (12) "semblance", sic. sec. XIII (13) "would" (14) "are" cal. (15) "special," Francis of Assisi (16) "some" (17) "have", gro. (18) "believed", front. Lomb. (19) "see" (20) "composure", nap. (21) "have", umb. (22) "heirs", sic. (23) "in", rom. (24) December (25) "was", mol. (26) "perfume" (27) "fu", loins. sec. XIII (28) "sad", sec. XV (29) "wanted" (30) "days", sic. (31) "thing", Venice. et Lomb. (32) "was" arc. (33) "fingers", Roma. (34) "the truth", nl. (35) "truth", nl. (36) "is", umb. sec. XIII (37) "Lu recorde east the only paradise from which nn lu potemo be expelled," as quoted supra lu dicette Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, alias Jean Paul
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