Friday, March 14, 2008

Star Wars The Clown Wars Hentia


SERGEJ Prokof 'EV (1891-1953) Prokofiev, MUSEC' n between them protagonists of the music life of the twentieth Seculo er widely among them. OMPETENT (1) ke estraordinarie the ideal voltage of a Gustav Mahler und intellectually nn ave (2), the pure artistic genius aut d '1 Stravinsky, aut the dense charge of an extremist Schoenberg, Webern of an aut, aut The poignant lyrical effusion of an Alban Berg: patri in the twentieth century 'n sound. But even forge ke (3) knew the 'right lenguaggio about the vibrant feel of an incontrovertibly Originality: et for a whimsical chimerizzar. The abondantissimo nutamento (4) Thovar (5) has, it pages + happy, the virtue of manly strength of a plant atque of a liquid (6) sincerezza of inspiration, corn away + na suddenness et Thersites notes ke Render Current (7) et ZUA poetic fantasies they live: by aliens and 'rodimenti of the Central European avant-garde radical, any of which is cerebralistico arravuoglio (8). Acussì lan (9) symphonies, concerts, x instromenti them solo, and 'Ballet, LAN x piano sonatas, the chamber, the deeds of theater, music x films de lan' legendary Russian directors. D'el Sontsovska Ukrainian native village, to the Prokofiev esti Musik 'ntrodotto by Mother Mary Grigorievna Zitkova: bona pianist. U pear (10) este agronomist: ominu (11) dolz, calm, methodical. Child prodigy at the age it's SEZ (12) Agni (13), Sergei ae already waltzes, marches und und Rondo compuosto, y tres (14) poses agni (15) Hail to the already pristine deed theatrical sketches. Others Remain ke nn he starts to study methods musicians ac Menara him to the Conservatoire de musique de Petersburg, directed by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov from the year 1871: you asto (16) ditto turf! (17). E 'à tantiduni (18) orrevoli y gallant teachers: by Nikolai Rimsky listesso x Cerepnin the conducting, at the very severe Essipova Anna (19) x lu pianefforte: Prokofiev in concert debbitore (20) de l'acquisition d' a transcendental technique Fira (21). In St. Petersburg, the 'Ukrainian Giovene pages hears contemporary of Debussy, Strauss, Ravel, Scriabin Reger und; elo xe lu Primiero sonar Schoenberg. Elo goddess (22) recitals, compuone now gasa et hours scandalized audiences with 'the talent et antiacademico rebel. Xcorre on veciu cuntinenti (23) et d'age it goes down to 24 lambs anc'a Rome, 'you are' on 'Second Concerto for piano and orchestra "' NTERPRETATION under the guidance of conductor el Quirites Bernardino Molinari (24): a the Augustan. Paris, London, rendez-vous avec Diaghilev et Debussy. In Moskou (25) kon Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (26). D'el he saw the young man (27) trasformasi step by step 'n corybant a succession of compositional activity ac concert:' n of a continuous wandering between Europe and America, which accepts Iddu as "the Chopin Caucasian x manera lue of the sonar acrobatic and burning. He falls in love de la Révolution d'el-October 1917: maar (28) from the subsequent years, the duranza x et d'Agni Quine (29), to dwell in foreign countries get. Thirty, gets married 'n California singer-Iberian Russian Lina Ljubera, je ke dua Scodeller criatura. Intratanto them cun relations (30) another great magician Russian k'in el munno rage, id est Igor Stravinsky, is rinfrìgidano y s'infestano: Duje tàcciansi them one lair of a creative sovravenuta inauthenticity. In truth, you'll want to qlcno (31) will discern the irrepugnabile record de l'euro-American OMPETENT of the "Upcoming" lu ke Spigno primary reason to Prokofiev facere final return, 'I n 1933, the USSR afterwards na series of triumphal performances' n Moskou, Leningrad y Kiev. Oima fifties, et smògliasi rispòsasi with Mira Mendelson. The attendon home agni sorry: sibbene and 'studies to help you cum in the radiant deeds ZUA premessioni (32) of Socialist Transformation in the sense of the already miserable enough societad (33) Soviet-et there is even granted the fulvido + (34) title of "Artist of the people been" on the 'musique esti well soon branded a "bourgeois formalism" (35) ac "elitist decadence" (36), from' poetic canons of er demagogue M. Zhdanov, censored. Lu A flush of so many other artists, Prokofiev studiasi self-steering a middle course: face miserable na atque compuone pages laudatory self-criticism on the dictatorship of Lenin et de la apologetic story Alemagna war against Hitler. Throw the bucket at the age it sixty-two years, 5 of them March (37): chill zorn (38), Quill meis (39), chiddu jaar (40), yet pulls Beppe Stalin in the true CARDASCIA (41 ) All of Communists of the universe mundo. FIATA Tegner touches all the obligatory haesione ke into account (42) prokof'eviana to 'el dictates of "socialist realism" finds' n na manera Quaker partially match it' beliefs nor the inclinazion atque musical de l'OMPETENT istesso. U k and the states which they MUSEC à "melodious", "of a melody and simple clara, y k'el composer, more especially 'Or Soviet ke it ought to take into account the USSR zu (43) piece of art is addressed by the millions and millions of xsone (44): nn nu already a handful of aesthetes. A judicii Prokofiev's "the mad vogo (45) na large MUSEC the MUSEC large accidents, major love, vivid dancing." Et nn - feel the artist, Guaso contradicting himself: "I consider n 'error x a composer effort to simplify itself. Agno effort in lowering the level of the ascoltator eni lu (46) unconscious contempt de la maturitade cultivation of Chisti et de l'isviluppo de 'tastes her. this attempt Nu' encloses 'n itself n'elemento of pretense. MUSEC And the' nn nsincera endure pole. Pro veritate, nor the deed of urgency and a Prokofiev iconoclastic modernism of the twentieth-century lifeguard el admirably fòndonsi et la remembrance to the echoes of the classical tradition. Hence the Derivan na und compassatezza un'assignatezza (47) essemplari 'nseme et innovation. Ruling 's sense of the musura (48), ig (49) iuoco pizzuto (50) sed de nos desecrating the hue, which aspires to lead the dissonance + harsh and rubella corn every hour afterwards he returns to the bed of harmony of the eighth, it makes up listening to family pages et unannounced 'n el the same time. The art of Prokofiev nn content disocculta capital, so - abysmal: Besides: what MUSEC of what music is poeva (51) 'n el rasping ac demolished Seculo twentieth century? E nn - allide, seizes, scratch the sensitivity of ognaruno (52) co 'the determination Gajardo de' its rhythms (53) ignited ac obsessive co 'sparutezza the sharp lines of melodic and lyrical regretter ke (54) they seem, aut cojonar Magara, the abundance cantabile d'el romance; avec piercing characteristics of a lan ke lenguaggio tends always learning with Quadrella lan (55) et d'el de grotesque irony, aut, mejo, er of sarcasm. Havva 'n that' n er of Prokofiev ke a clown. Xe 'n lu, lu ave melosofo Guido Pannain as noted, serious atque zu zu facetious: "U serious s' lighter' n el smile, u will k'assume facetious tone of the provocative (56) impudence, but ke ricomponesi also 'n accents simple: in a folksy candor. " The ripruova it resides' masterpieces. Siena 'n between them such as al-cited the "Fifth Symphony" zu "Third Concerto for Piano and Orchestra", er (57) from Cantata "Alexander Nevsky", she (58) "Seventh Piano Sonata," the deed "The angel of fire" og (59) and 'ballet "Romeo and Juliet." ************************************************** *************************************** NOTE - (1) "author", Roma . (2) "had" umb. (3) "forge" (4) "catalog" (5) "his", instr. (6) "clear", sec. XV (7) "Present" (8) "muddle", nap (9) "the", Bergell, lt week. (10) "father", sic. sec. XIII (11) "man", cal. (12) "six", nl. (13) "year", ant. Lomb. (14) "three", spag. (15) "after" (16) "you" (17) Roman expression to indicate to ischiettissima wonder, to understand: e ke + wilt, MOREOVER? (18) "some" (19) she, ere to teach the APPO de MUSEC Russian choir, ivy the official pianist of the Prussian court suta (20) "debtor", Roma. (21) "will", arc. (22) "from" (23) "old continent", Sardinian (24) Molinari nos fue na rod summit mapper heard the concerts in the Rome of Augustus or dispose by the year 1912 to year 1943. Moritte it the year 1952, being birth nor the year 1880 (25) "Moscow", nl. (26) of a 'revolutionary poets amazing + et de lu twentieth century Soviet lived' n him between 1893 et \u200b\u200b1930: Suicide in Moscow, double havere advocated et miso verses into practice 'nfocati et mottos' nventati, in el de tourbillon them dissolute excesses of el core de la feverish political class (27) "life", Tosca. (28) "But," nl. (29) "fifteen", Roma. (30) "with", Sardinian (31) "someone", written. Thurs. Eur. (32) "promises" (33) "company", spag. (34) "brilliant" (35) considers the aesthetics Marxist el "formalism" 'no rio address, send ke research de la pure "form" of contents without inane est un oziar, loitering, amuse pinzellàccherescamènte, losing sight of Mo content, the goal which art ought to look upon: el id est contribution, in this case Aesthetica, a bright lu process emancipationist atque social policy of the working class (36) the "decadence" x is possible, ways of censoring + er "formalism". The name says listessa: decay, decay. E nn already a question of inevitability of decay, which Chillin in a car in every kind of worn on part: from the carburetor to the front, to 'basic ganglia, or what the human Chille de Old Age, against which nn Havva lifting, Botox, pill, liposuction aut aut clisteruccio supposed to the end, But d'el alma de l'decay, k et vicious spring s'avvoltola it the worst depraved lusts, nor the esquisitezze + débauchés, et gaude it has' to see ', as' crazy possessed na (37) "in March , mil. (38) "day", Fri. (39) "month", Piem. (40) "year", nl. (41) "condolence" nap. (42) "Accession" (43) and "the" maturity. (44) workers and peasants, socialism et Ommin pregnant women pregnant for the socialists, right-thinking Regazzi et criatura dainty in training, et cetera .... summa summarum, the masses (45) "want to" dial. (46) "is", dial. (47) "composure" (48) "measure", sic. (49) "the", Tosca. (50) "bold" (51) "could", Lomb. sec. XIII (52) "everyone", luc. (53) "his", cal. (54) "regret", fr. (55) "arrows" (56) "of" the LORD. (57) "the", tick. (58) "the", emi. (59) "e", Norvir.


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