Rudolf Serkin
Rudolf Serkin (1903-1991) decorated Xsonalità et cultivée . Nu skinny man will, on the face lu Apprenticeship (1) appusato (2), severe und tiennero, na myopia relieved by a pair of forked Bernardoni professorial sur nos: a la manera de Gustav Mahler. Rudolf Serkin ditto the Aresti tudesco a savant, aut, megio, Vienna: Wien vecia de la de 'before el siglo (3) twentieth. The SO (4) department to ottantott'anni of age it (5) marked the first of isparimento of pianists among them megghiu el full of the twentieth century: one of these 'monsters from the keyboard k'aco (6) 'n small population number nn na season decisive sott'el profile of the history of the interpretazion pianist Dinu Lipatti by Wilhelm Backhaus, Walter Gieseking atque by Arthur Rubinstein, Vladimir Horowitz BC by Wilhelm Kempff, et lu from Chile Claudio Arrau in Canadian lu Glenn Gould .... Rise 'n Eger, the district' n land of Bohemia, the fifth of acht (7) figghj, und soon they started to study music from all fathers lu, nu low of Russian origin, Serkin avian 'n Vienna debut at the age it's duodeci years of age it Appenna (8), much admired child prodigy, the Orchestra de avec 'Wiener Philharmoniker. El in 1920 and account (9) Ferruccio Busoni ava, from which he would have pijjà (10) lezzioni (11) ardently longed, But the Italian pianist and composer judice Iddu you veel (12) y expert streetwise yet masters necessitae x (13 ) habere. 'Bohemian musician O' n quiddu tiempo strinsesi of friendship and musical association fes (14) Cu (15) lu great Teutonic violinist Adolf Busch, y tantosto fora (16) Quess (17) legendary duo doventato: Acconci, x asiggenze music (18), formation of a s'ampliar in trio, quartet, und, und quintet. As the year of Our Lord 1935 Rudolf spliced \u200b\u200bIrene Busch, Adolf fille to the manager, und appriesso four years, 'n ruin el mundial de la guera secunda, et it the pressure of the Nazi Diktatur, the couple with their fameie shall be for repair constrained 'n Sguizzera (19): addove' the pianist will get consacrazion internationally, deinde 'n U.S. ground: soon to home soa (20) adoption (21). The drie (22) gods of the youth of el were on Mantua Busch Serkin, Arnold Schoenberg and Arturo Toscanini sues. Durant'i Primieri agni (23) of the dwelling (24) american the friendship and the Admiration of the Italian director lu x Bohemian pianist feciono yes ke the prestigious New York Philharmonic Orchestra is zovasse of syphilis (25), 'n as a soloist, x assaie symphony performances. Unanimously by the critics deprecated (26) and lu Proclamation by the public, Serkin dedicossi equal Fervenza avec la musique de la prattica chamber: a Busch's departure, and 'intro' n el Quartet Budapest, paradimmatico left, and maybe ' nsuperato nor the interpretation of 'Beethoven Quartet. In el dopoguera ru (27) invocòllo cellist Pablo Casals (28) to lu "Festival de Prade," the authoritative mentreké Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, neither the State of Pennsylvania, them (29) committed to the chair, and afterwards the direction of the section of pianefforte. As subsequent years the artist Abba 's merit of founding the School of the Marlboro Music Festival and el, among eminent of America, the performances kui cumm (30) art d'el xsonalità about Pablo Casals, Isaac Stern, Leonard Bernstein, Alexander Schneider, a silence of caves .... El maestro entrusted ada, in addition to a generous ke discography, a collective memory knows n'indelebile (31) art propia piano. Is' I 'n public' in the nzino bedd'etade eighty-five of springs (32). Seventy years of his career, sanz'unquemai the countless aficionados itali oblivion. Gl'anni (33) will allow us to postrema itself only votar in Zeren beloved bucolic lest (34) radially (35) breeding de 'chickens and chickens, cows from the dairy, de' nimble cuniculi (36), for use in the wet to the aut roast it the vegia omnes farm kept ... Letting apart testes (37) from band Fowl & C. hath been agreed by 'competent ke noted the substance of Serkin piano fondavasi sur la finesse de evoked and the poetry of' modes of expression in the END 'mpiegati. Ru avia master the strong conscience de l'adaptation de inescapably subjective reasons of the performer to the intimate nature et qualité de l'interpretandi deeds. Lu nn performer already conziderato it the act of a blind and passive submission to the deed, but 'n a strictly relation avec she, defined by the exalted et xspicacità analytical sensitivity of the historicist, from lu x taste the juste milieu 'n lu between written signs sur staff, while k'edè eloquent und lu riot of trepidation in the doventar, chill sign, poetic sound vibrations of the hand of its el piano. Sotta (38) profile that no pianist Serkin xe "Olympic", supremely Iusta und tempered fabric: the urtimo de 'classic twentieth century, k'ago (39)' n Walter Gieseking el auto suprem bishop. Aut, if you prefer, the Mint (40) contrast (41) to a temperamental piano et fuocoso, say, the Horowitz, aut a 'nterprete provocative and revolutionary as Glenn Gould. Well, marvel nn ke ru territory historian et poetic delight by syphilis Fussi the golden age it MUSEC de la occidental art, und Austro-German 'n inspected, between' the eighteenth century advanced the first atque Romantik: from Mozart to Mendelssohn, Schubert und Beeethoven via: el lenguaggio xvegnuto to fulfill a harmony, imperfettibil system, just ere de 'twilight sad, aut digg incurring the beginning of cracks el decay. OMPETENT, und max 's Salzburg, it ke sunt essuti by Serkin went to lessons of n'essemplar pays et poured lus: Goethe lezzione Licet you, yet' n virtue of the nitidez (42) d'el touch of the brilliance of technique, master lu unquemai by the aim to vile mire Effector aut adoprata narcissism. Sarea from syphilis tissue compartment s'attender all the clowning of amazing tricks: eva by syphilis (43) chaos (44) natural s'attender the mouth of an old-gentilhommerie (45) aesthetics k'anco save het geheim (46) conception de muziek ( 47) What noble et esquís iuocu (48) 'n between scientia et utopia: comm'alta concord' between real n og (49) ideal. ************************************************** *************************************** NOTE - (1) "together," bol . (2) "judicious" nap. (3) "Century", spag. (4) "his" course (5) lu mourning accident site abbe 'n on the farm of Guilford, will the American state of' er Vermont, eight of them say el "month of love" as it is wont to be known as el May (6) "have", Roma. (7) "eight", nl. (8) "soon", mil. (9) "known" (10) "take", Roma. (11) "lessons", Roma. (12) "too much", nl. (13) "necessity", cent. XIII (14) "made" (15) "with" course (16) "would be" (17) "This", ant. et pop. visiti. (18) "needs" (19) "Switzerland", T. Folengo (20) "his", par. (21) "ubi ibi good home" (22) "three", nl. (23) "year", ant. Lomb. (24) "lounge" (25) "Jupiter" (26) "appreciated" (27) "The", CAS. (28) "invited", sec. XV (29) "Member", "him", ant. visiti. (30) "invited" nap. (31) "the", Sardinian (32) with + vague poetry, the ancients Greeks denominavan spring "opening" (33) "years", A. Firebaugh (34) "what", arc. (35) "was", patav. ant. (36) "rabbit", from lu lat. "Cuniculus" (37) "hour", Dante (38) "under", mol. (39) "have" dial. (40) "exact" (41) is called "contrast" that ke is opposed to a "thesis": According to the contrast between specular Hegelian thesis antithesis und 'ngenera manera incontrovertibly in the glad und harmonious "synthesis" ... Oh, so maybe it Fusse! The munno Sarea 'nviolabile et na vote placed all x, et of God, or of el Caso, there would be nn cchiù occurrence x k'esistono und justify things happen all at ... In truth, nui ke likely to retain a semo from the meeting of the "thesis" and de l '"antithesis" afloat nn already the "summary" peacemaking, But the "contradiction" (or "antinomies"): Ah! chilla "contradiction" Fetus Caperea ke nn na fuck face: to be born as soon quanno scendemo underground (42) "sharpness", spag. (43) "was", mol. (44) "thing" ant. Fri (45) "gentility", fr. (46) "the secret", nl. (47) "music", nl. (48) "game", sic. (49) "e", Norvir.
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