Monday, March 17, 2008

Best Victoria Secret Bra

Viva (indeed come back) the slating

"VIVA (EVEN BACK) THE slating the music critics' n Italy essuta east, x Agni (1) & lambs from the suspect (2) de la subjugated to 'weapon critical questionable without pietansa (3), und excessively heinous murderers, yea ke s'edè to drop by drop' n pecorellesco Essercizi praise bastardized. Laudi Aprutii wilt (4) and redundant Dicer lu good (aut el nn-bad), he wants his teeth, k'edè the very watered down version (5) et de la Shitter vegia harsh criticism from 'roaring critics of yesteryear prattica . De muziek (6) 'n Esperia (7) Have decades gosu x (8), atque still enjoys, a critique of' n trumpeted them in varying degrees tamed it 'respects de' stars & divazzi, et to a bureaucratic silencio (9) I 'to de' mediocre. Nn tango les vedettes, not even by the slightest Lorka cummenienza (10) deràglino, y s'ignòrano tutt'affatto them change their music presumptuous kha nn s'incaponìscano trades (11) mean. Lu critical judicii x doventato compartment, being already pre-fabricated 'n relation to the orranza (12), in the can, a market of lu el music composer Musurgia aut (13) is ke sea. (14) pejus (15) will picturesque campora (16) de la opera muziek, 'them there tiatri + Opera celebrated the advertising Are caring de ler (17) performances nn - de l'istesse performances. The office of the critics seized labeling (18) from the office printer, ke wont many times previously shredder reviews and mail to Bedda (et's east tones easily imagine them) what k'èllino promòvon. Directors to set designers ac cry of a swarm of critics usufruìscon & criticuzzi ready to wiggle the pen, aut the mouth, in what is their any whim: for every kind of (19) pazzarìa to foul 'NTES the pristine nature, pristine semblance de lu the sacrificial deed. Singers from the star system on which to squeeze the throat or even the Verecondo cchiù pen (or boce) d'el resigned s'aventura chronicler: fora et kui nu + late ke sovvenente silent retirement. Diseva (20) lu Lombard Carlo Dossi (21) ke esti de la Critique of having to switch off them candles et ingagliardire them bonfire. Au contraire, the music critic of (22) and being given thought to bring supporting documents to a court of 'miracle thus paving redotta. All is bbona; all goes well, Madame la Marquise. Life and the productions of the Itala sunt MUSEC the megliori possible. The time esti de 'Leibniz (23), already criticized nn et ruinose arrogance! Wij omgekeerd (24), robust und lively s'àuspica the rentrée de la slating the accident if he asks! Et co sérénité y honestidad the indispensability (25) d'estimation. The harsh criticism of the metamorphosis nn x 'Messer critical addimesticato' n a bondage (26) critical cannibals, but x iscoter Monno er appennicato MUSEC atque de la rout 's xvasivo undergrowth: x denounce 'ncompetenze d'onne stack: x commending them decent et will distinguish between them in marshes el mezzocalzettume: evaluate x el sur meter of merit, et de nos Quillo on the cliques they belong, the novice composers : und the substitute. Music Critique de ave much of the original function and xduto, k'eni pejus (27), gravitas of the original (28). It is only to selfsame ela, a la 'ntrepidezza on' Survivor, iterum (29) overcomes the positions of a tiempo remote paths, which wine (30) 'nfàuste conveniences & partnerships succeeded. On obblegh (31) x deference dictated by the arduous ministry (32) et x chilla k'anco audience had to trust (33) 'n soul lu ne l'attendibilità iudicio critical. If sape, judging (34) is pol will fail. But a lot (35) MEJ (36) miss bs funzione of k'èsser disànima esànimi lu bs finzione criticize. ************************************************** ************************************* NOTE - (1) "anni" ant. lomb. (2) "paura", Dante (3) "impietosa" (4) "aperte" (5) "assai", see. (6) "Italy" (7) "music", nl. (8) "goduto" (9) "silenzio" Spago. (10) "decenza" (11) "s'intestardiscono" (12) "fame" (13) "interpreter" (14) "and" sec. XIII (15) "worse", Sardinian (16) "fields", arc. (17) "their" ant. Lomb. (18) "is", sal. (19) "each" ant. visiti. lu from the Latin "Omne" (20), "he said," dial. (21) pen name of Carlo Alberto Pisani Dossi (1849-1910), homo et genial pen disheveled, in whose writing the engineer Lombard Carlo Emilio Gadda, yet genial +, it would be watered, et miss little laxity in dowry drops Quintessenz Lumbard to the devout Alberto Arbasino. A great piece on confirmation ke in Lombardy, nn - k in Tuscany, Havva de l'orrevoli inks (22) "is", Tosca. Merida. (23) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, lived between 1646 et the 1716, here given the optimism of what philosopher par excellence. Optimism inevitable consequence of the balance if the bon ke Deo à lu munno created in such a manner contrary to another ke, ke, which means the east chistu meglior + de 'Munni possible. Taliduno hypercritical, in veretade, à bold ke note that our world from the eternal factor occhèi east, ça va sans dire, but increasingly to make the best of possible worlds is lacking, perhaps, in un'anticchia + health, Justiz et welfare of the x Ommin (ancorké "ad astra per aspera", of course). The Ommin have field 'na single vote (except the eternal life, appriesso) et nos always "i" if they ke fatigue sèmmenano hymn sciuri co 'the dot accuonci' ncoppa. Not if sape sin if Ommin et "i" stay up 'or mmeglio munno ke Chillin à penzo have: the right of high specular on Mantua el maestro tudesco (24) "we reverse," nl. (25) "righteousness", spag. (26) "wild", Roma. (27) "worse", Sardinian (28) "dignity" (29) "again", arc. (30) "is" ant. patav. (31) "an obligation", mil. (32) "task" (33) "had" Lomb. (34) "judge", spag. (35) "very", spag. (36) "better" front. Piem.


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