Thursday, March 6, 2008

Emerson E20-27 Disposal

The gargantuan drum roll

The Cyclops ROLLER DRUM llujjo de Rome to the nineteenth of the year Grazzia From there Fonni 1996 + and meanders Sekretär de la noche (1) appeared on the soft Quirites polis, from the Estival Kalura dislombita (2), weighed giugner atque n'apprietto (3), na rut, piercing n'arkana d ' Angoisse (4). Dera (5) a sound, or rather a hesitation + (6) 'ndefinito: rekato ac dissolved at whim' ntervalli by wet gusts of vientu (7): like waves of on (8) lake affatturato. Sharp hesitation: and akrimonioso. Ke I (9) Tangee hearing 'n dresses for indecipherable waarschuwing (10): perhaps disguised mminazza (11). Now sgussando (12) from the parched cracks de la tera (13), from the rails of 'deserts trams (14), from the leaves of' plane 'n makabre act of jigs, from underground lu kasamenti of crumbling, the fleeting hour crowd et de strelij them (15) sekando, quer (16) via hesitation drew nigh to Nosu + (17), to speed kriptica: to brief him on pace k'in ketàr el de l ' air kupo wij (18) xcepivàm Konstant: obsessive und sikkome existence. Spektar (19) ner Nymphaeum Villa Giulia or t (20) el tenuous lunar light: from the lights grotteske de 'spotlight soprestati (21), which sfacean k'illividivan and sandstone and' Renaissance bas-reliefs, et them fresh, (22) et and 'de vortikosi rabeski time aiming to' adorn the temple. Ne (23) volvevam (24) dattuorno, risky ver '(25) frightened look up lu (26): a kaptar and rikogliere quer qualms: spell unheard Let Us Rejoice ke part of Huns, sikkome mortiplikato ad infinitum, tuttodì Zekka (27), Geometrika, spèriko, sikkome na ke bubble igneous upheavals et perzo (28) na docile will dream. Aggattati it sasemo (29) on one of kadrega, 'a kapa reklina, the kapo sur vrazza (30)' nkrociate: at Illinois (31) assekurare (32) from the advent (33) xkussivo, rather serebbesi ke 'n Mamertino a roll of flan (34) konfigurato. Roller deadly accuracy and enormezza estraordinarie of the tetragonal Authority er which twijfel buiten (35), ava (36) already phalanxes of militant (37) und heroes of egregious' ntraprese brought him: a vector (38) exterminate us. Nu roll the kui 'nflessibilità aviva (39) already did the ancient myths kadenzato und intervals of the modular nature: nn differently from 'er of the temple Kolonna doriko d'el Ninfeo, k and the spaces astonished cirkumstanti Skandia. Er mounted rollers, krescéa sight of oeucc (40): purpo (41) ke ravvolgea Villa Giulia, gauze petrous ke band: impekkabil mostruositate k'iggnottiva (42) atque vanifikava all 'and Kose: verbigrazia memories istorike et d drawings 'The Musik isviluppo cirka life Tiber beings and tools, from palaces back atque trees Sekula, et Quirites remains oblivious passers-by, jewelry and Kanine donneski filth, the Akademia di Santa Cecilia en (43) the musike Institution .... Arrete (44), 'n up, roll Oima ciklopico lu' ngenerato, lu und ruled ignited by Professor Giorgio Angelini, a rare master of the Orchestra de xkussioni de 'Cecilian, k and the extrusion' n el Ninfeo, sikkome on infernal organ ke up the metropolis annikilata premises, which threw und Menade 'nvasata over the troubles de l'stormenti caves (45) sinfonial. Flavie (46), et viola, et harps, oboes of satyrs et et et bakkanti bassaridi to celebrate hegemonic roller quer y revere: a medegare (47) 'nTry the impotent men of enthusiasm, rinsanikar (48) smandrappati fantastikerìe of the men (49), to whip the human meaning of truth 'rikuperande skalmane und ecstasy .... Ivy er er delirium of "Bolero" by Ravel er numinous spasm (50). ************************************************** ************************************** NOTE - (1) "night", spag. (2) "bulging (3)" concern ", nap. (4)" distress ", fr. (5)" was "Tosca. (6)" noise ", nap (7)." Wind ", sic. (8) "a", loins. (9) "us" (10) "warning", nl (11). "threat", sic (12). "slipping", T. Folengo (13) "land" Roman pronunciation (14) "tram", plural in the low Roman idiom, as "knock", plural of "bus" (15) "the stars", ant. Romag. (16) "that", Roma (17). " us, "Sardinian (18)" we ", nl. (19)" expected, "sec. XV (20)" under "Piem (21)." overwhelmed ", arc (22)." frescoes "arc. (23) "us" (24) "vulgar" (25) "to" (26) "look" (27) "more accurate" (28) "cut" from perzo (29) "we", ant. Fri (30) "arms", sic. (31) "we", Sardinian (32) "protect" (33) "occurrence", Roma. (34) "drum" (35) "without doubt", nl. (36) "had", par. (37) "warriors" (38) "wins" (39) "had", sic. (40) "eye," mil. (41) "Octopus", sic. (42) "swallowed", Roma. (43) "and" nl. (44) "behind", abr. (45) "instruments" (46) "flutes" nap. (47) Medicare (48) "heal" (49) are among them smandrappati sti + uommini misadventure, k without Fantasticar high x 'l risico total paralysis, oh yes! And singing John Keats: "Always leave full rein to the imagination, / No is never the pleasure of the house" (50) sur podium to direct 'the complex will Cecilian the famous Frenchman page d'el compositeur, moveasi no conductor in the eastern plaghe birth: the unknown M. Shao-Chia Lu


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