Vladimir Horowitz
VLADIMIR HOROWITZ (1904-1989) United States of America I will Diffin ivy (1), and self Diffin benignavasi (2), "The Last Romantic," the last romantic. Ometto succianespole (3 ), his cheeks hollow stony ac, ac u nas hump dilated the gays (4), the uocchie (5) thin, et Taming of the episode glances. papillon in the Cou Nu (6). Vladimir Horowitz: Legendary pianist Ukrainian-Yankee. In compliance with the intention of the roar of Wanda fijja LESS at the Arturo Toscanini, Horowitz fop (7) in el Monumental Cemmeterio Melano buried, 'n the grave of the fameia (8) Toscanini: la fille berth Sonja, suicidal' n Giovene age it, lu et suocru (9) . Ne 'respect de l'art horowitziana, manti (10) critics lavished, every season,' n praise exaggerated, caves, 'n el ricognòscerne them Merti singular, nn xplessità was silent about the ways they ZUA original at all, et nos arraro ( 11) und exasperating exasperation of victims (12) und make 'n de la littérature are piano and (13) texts. Ul (14) of Spain, cellist Pablo Casals (15) nn hesitated to conziderar Horowitz nu "giuculiere" modest et ul musicologist and composer Virgil Thompson from Yankees Kansas City, a "master of the shot (16). U Preclaro Russian pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy na-Icelandic garg (17) sospezione nurtured on the spectacular element, Guaso a showman, a k'ae Diffin the xsonalità of the artist contributed. X v, u violinist Nathan Milstein, from that genial executive magato whirl, exclaimed: "Horowitz has cuntrari nn (18). Sbaja if ke Pol Perhaps the most votes, occhèi, sed ki Poria unquemai yet shall argue ke er of Niagara Falls sbajate? ". Horowitz seva (19) bimbino yet, Aleksander Skrjabin et je facets applause; boyfriend, seva already admirers atque 'nvidia by Sergei Rachmaninov; fur (20) by Maurice Ravel, Franz Liszt resembled. And kidnapped Toscanini I fop: benanco elo. Visionary as na dipintura by Pieter Bruegel the Younger (21), et very huge Ariostea (22), trasamava Horowitz (23) Mon répertoire und late romantic romantic: from Tchaikovsky to Schubert, Schumann Chopin, Scriabin and Rachmaninov. Nn je polite, et nn sounded mica, or Beethoven, Debussy nn or Ravel or Bartok. Nn them contemporary, Deo forbid! Venava Mozart melanconiosità of a boring time of el, et de style. Rafrontava (24) Domenico Scarlatti as' nnanze is the sort of elegiac parasse na ghost: in the mysterious mists of the "Romantik" surfaced. Ac dogmatic authoritarian since no school (25), made a turn to the faith (26) the deeds of any you want OMPETENT Guaso ke Fuss (27) Ellen (28) an end an axiom aut et aesthetic poetic already on the sheet previously established, merely the necessary instromento ke (29) in order to reinvent dera travolvere y 'n most clearly the virtue of Chillin way to put an arbitrary sonar and phantasmagoric. A pianist by the bard et tightrope between er; of capriciousness y commisto arrogance, of talented épatant inopinabil and complexion. Save strigner pacts with the devil stormento lu (30) keyboard, el dominio atque 'nfeudare (31)' nzino us to virtue (32) und stainless confess unprecedented images inspire. Ul piano under the gentle hand of syphilis figures piegavasi: scioglièasi 'n humble wax, ready to be shaped scratch 'n mirage simolacri et d'Agne rule it out. Doventava tout à coup ke a Vesuvius erupts dazzling gems assembled a note essultanti trasfigurazion it in the act. Lava of authority (33) and pedal tones k'el agitated et dough doth in mingle, ke MA et (34) left-handed, 'n el abysmal record, and impels us pascèa avec dark strokes und paventevoli roars. Ina (35) superlative technique, + more especially the youth nor the istagioni et de primero de la maturitas. The can involvente (36) de l'his eighth Was (37) proverbial and suggezione 'ncuteva. A speed limit drew moody (38). The lordship of the hand Was a bully, absolute. Yet Maize 'n very advanced age it or master the keyboard adunghiava kon limille spells of wrinkled hands (39) feet as Tortoise (40), et el pianefforte moltiplicavasi of a sudden, they proliferated cent'antri: omnes by lu venerable Mephistopheles caught tutt'affatturati 'n lanky metaphysical aut rides. With a hero's boldness ina et cum hip a cynical detachment sailed: at the Diogenes of Sinope (41), x shall be deemed, co de la Quilla tetragona consistency k'esti neuroses result: sharp and clever (42) amiga, k ' accompanied atque tortured steeds (43) the artist: mucho et tribulation (44) EDF (45) the istessa Wanda, beloved of 'wife and the victim: Oh yes. Sa (46) Falotico (47) posture of Horowitz at the keyboard and 'seemed' n dua split: the burden (48) fixed, statuary, removed from the pianefforte; the princely looks, abstract sora (49) el-moving and foams de 'keys, or all of a sudden lightning glimmers of a satanic rictus (50), aut ina undisguised morph (51) Voltage: a 'de ncurvar the intention of the lips. But deta le Long (52) was extended (53) 'n an uproar in the pyrotechnics PURPOSE fairy (54) from hordes of overlapping agreements, alivoli of arpeggios, trrrilli of multiple scales of x ac straight motion to do so without citara Scalelle here, scaluccine, steps, Scalandrini, scalapertiche, steps, stairs, climbing stairs atque xlacee ... (Et c'est mieux que nous aussi nous ici glissons). Daveva Horowitz (55) rare concerts; radissimi discs recorded: the ultin (56) made chez-soi, a testament Guaso artistic Paggino with Mozart und Schubert transcribed by Franz Liszt. Weird, smaniuso und fremitante, devoured by the stress ac, has run company, whose major forms of depression, Horowitz constrained kr (57) from the public activity in s'astener long periods dimolti de la ueite (58): x a total of vent'agni (59). And to nu Huns rentrée Triomf (60), ina shining dilatazion er of myth. Dindo cupid de l'built esigèa x eighty percent. And if s'esibiva nn nn sa Duminica (61): sixteen hours in the split. And the temperature 'n Attinger room ought, But No overmasters (62), how many degrees of Hecuba them his sons (63) ederan. Laonque (64) 'n el munno I give you (65)' s recital, er ke Fusse pretendea master suite de l'hotel et host adapted to the environment in the furniture home. E '(66) pretendea er nigro Stenway know, and wants' (67) accompanied only by them nn lu seggretariu (68), sed de lu woo' her family (69). And yet coeugh lu (70), 'ncaricato to find myself, flat expanse sur, to the defendant now, gray sole na: nn Settle point, er master of the sur-colored oval pisciolin (71) de la famijja Soleidae. Tell the time chronic k'un'isventurata believe facto fue to the master, 'n tour' n Florida, the sole sevi ke (72) gray. Sgam Lu lu 'deception, or is the fish bin: sonar rifiutossi, and veneers on your bags if they interpose partitte without hesitation. And Lorka 'n el 1986, expiration of sixty years of volunteer vacation, Redi' n Russia, welcomed by the political authorities and by the crowds as a Czar, the historian onne iuorno ke ke said no man will stay lasted areoplano zealous' l Moscau route Helsinki-sur-Moscau performed adversely x dinner table d'er na master dewy gray-Soul. Horowitz, verrizzuso (73) dandy, wandering the streets of Moscow giovenotto x 'n the throes of bitter colitis, et rigged dress madame. The October Revolution robbed of lamb well on the wealthy bourgeois famijja. U pianefforte thrown from the window was. Li Bolsheviks killed one brother I know u deportaro et patre 'n Siberia. N'antro suicidòssi brother, 'n frenocomio ... Omai co lu several years amounted to back, from the patient's wife and guarded by the butler, James, of blessed among the paintings of Picasso, Renoir et, Horowitz diligere star holed himself to us' n el sumptuous APARTMENT (74) in Manhattan, dond'esciva x brievi BC the Mayan promenades avec les deux farts scen (75): Pinco and Milca (76). The networks will ultem the agni (77) to the ac intervistorno postrema xformances it seized in the keyboard, than postrema boutades: toxic en (78) extravagant. ************************************************** NOTE ******************************************* - (1) "was" Tosca. (2) "was pleased" (3) "wiry", nap. (4) "nostrils", nap. (5) "eyes", nap. (6) "neck", fr. (7) "was" Romag. (8) "family", Fri. (9) "father", dial. (10) "some" (11) "rarely" (12) "read", Piem. (13) "i", rc. (14) "the", gen. (15) lived from 1876 to lu lu 1973, the greatest cellist of the twentieth Seculo el: of course: after Mstislav Rostropovich (16) "exaggeration", "excess", "nimietas" (17) "some", gra. (18) "rivals", nap. (19) "was", tick. (20) "fu", ant. Piem. (21) great Flemish painter, born 'n Brussel' n el 1564, celebrated x the paintings his "hell" (22) by Ludovico Ariosto, d'el OMPETENT chivalrous poem "Orlando Furioso". Cca x is the adjective "imaginative" (23) "loved much" (24) "faced" (25) Auto follower Istud de scholastic philosophy (or philosophy is the chief of the Middle Ages el, et inevitably closely related to the subject theology), it ke studiavasi Scholar of the churches, convents et universities. Or Landmark ivy Aristotle 'n + el mejo lights while speculative furno Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus und Occam: quiddu der razor (26) "in truth", Fri. (27) "were" arc. (28) "S", arc. (29) "necessary" (30) "instrument", Tosca. sec. XIII (31) "Subject" (32) "truth", ant. nap. (33) "color", nap. (34) "hand", dial. (35) "a" lig. et Piem. (36) "overwhelming" (37) "was", nl. (38) "swirling" (39) "rough" (40) "turtle", sic. (41) wondrous greek philosopher (413-373 a. No Ch), ditto el Cynic, from nn confuse cum Diogenes of Apollonia, V sec. a.Ch.n., flattering disciple of Anaximenes, Diogenes of Babylon, or cum, sec II. a.Ch.n., Stoic philosopher, nor cum Diogenes Laertes, el primero half of the third century. p. Ch No point philosopher But dear writer of things, deeds et philosophical figures, or Diogenes of Enoanda cum, sec II. p.Ch.n., philosopher nn - hopelessly 'nvaghito de la Epicurean doctrine than it is nowadays a supporter of the "magic Rome," a ultras de la Juve, a fan of snake el Milan, et cetera (42) smart (43) "always", nl. (44) "very much", spag. (45) "made" dial. (46) "the", Sardinian (47) "bizarre" (48) "body", P. Bembo (49) "above", gra. (50) "grin" (51) "grin," T. Folengo (52) "fingers", Roma. (53) "were" Piem. (54) "done", Venice. (55) "gave" (56) "last", Friuli. (57) "fu", loins. sec. XIII (58) "life", abr. (59) "years", ant. Lomb. (60) "triumph", nederl. (61) "Sunday", sic. (62) "overcome", gen. sec. XIII, Provence. (63) were known to them his sons of Hecuba nineteen (64) "anywhere" (65) "gave" arc. (66) "he", arc. (67) "wanted" (68) "Secretary", sic. (69) "his" arc. (70) "cooking", mil. sec. XVII (71) is called "sole, lu from Latin solea vulgaris", x form a sandal sole. In regions of the sole companies talidune Sugnu hip "sheets". Pregianda meat, which was greedy greedy Henry III of Franza, among all the dainty + de 'fish, which would them the puppet x levity on a rendez-vous avec lu et el palate in the opifizio digestive k'el brave chef pol cook 'n protean et grateful variants verbigrazia,' n grill, a lu wine, cream, a la Helen, et cetera ... ça va sans dire: varietas delectatio (72) "was", mil. (73) "capricious", nap. (74) "APARTMENT", mil. (75) "two dogs" (76) wow, wow ... (77) "last year", mil. (78) "and" nl.
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