Saturday, March 8, 2008

Can You Paint On Ski Helmets

Luigi Nono (1924-1990) Luigi Nono, ona or both (1) significant between imago na (2) + controversissima Itala MUSEC issue de la de la secunda half dl (3) twentieth saecula: saecula poor as Job genes to ac ESTABLISHED masterpieces. From singing in the thinner in width dl mand (4), the intellectual de la Kultur, a singular talent lu dl MUSEC, zi (5) posters misunderstanding which is based suntu aesthetics, to (6) poetic musical ac prattica dl master Vegnesa (7): ponato (8) to center dra lu (9) life atque de music controversy dl time to know the hegemony of Marxist work ona culture matrix. Already exponent dl PCI (10) Veneto (11), Luigi Nono heeft (12) the emblematic Kunsten (13) configured engagé, organic nu ideological system in which 'n manera aware, aut arraro + (14) Products (15) acts of' immediate and naive affection haves (16) und a sacredness in vrijheid (17) de 'de l'art-related content. Nu fulfilling process' nverso to chill just hope the "disinterested" aesthetic reality dra, ol (18) musician have, 'n dens terms, reduced to absolute transcendence immanence poetry dra de' worldly phenomena so as to reaffirm ona thesis "political" or both "prattica", id est anesthetic: cumulative (19) would notice 'the Vegio Pescasseroli by Benedetto Croce (20). With similar goals ideological, in the campo de lu applied dramaturgy, moved s'edera triato mighty lu (21) epic by Bertolt Brecht. All time (22), a difference (23) between na und lenguistiche methodological default state seems to do (24) decisive mentreké lu writer (25) Marxist writer tudesco consistent cn ell '(26) the assumption of political emphasis and de la destinazion popular deed de l'art et employed ona flat writing a lexicon "low", although it the scope of a strict stylistic rigor, Nono avi (27) the emotion (28) 'from the masses catch NTES cn nu lenguaggio sound very aristocratic ac esoteric at times. Ona writing at all dedalea und abstract at a time narcissi calligraphic et at Fiat, in academic mannerism: write 'et ntellettualistica next to the paralysis (29) dl silencio (30) - paradimmatico the case of "I, fragment by Prometheus" - yet the shift to electronic techniques nl und lu tape. Er master custodian xe lu (31) par excellence status (32) of Chilla ivory tower 'n ke rinserravasi, his own free will,' the avant-garde composer 'round about the mid-twentieth century dl. Iddu xe lu de l'isperimentalismo tissue sample, the lieutenant de la musique tetragona dictatorship essercitata from the radical sixties und postweberniana it the Seventies: chill music at all alien to the sensibilities of lu y taste of the masses, paradoxically placed programmatically ac as subject to "capture" and seduction 'er of the aesthetic principles of "socialist realism" on the object to the cultivation of Nono sentìasi absolutely nn (33) foreign (34). Nl un'interview course, Nono specify in letters to soy clare (35) cogitatio (36) Marxist 'round about the art, et, in especial manner, to' the triato musician - he said to you from the "theater of consciousness" - what instromento political propaganda: "For me making music xsonalmente x 'ntervenire it contemporary life,' n the contemporary situation, nor the contemporary struggle of class, so a way to produce something x provocazion et discussion." Und en otra party (37): "The avant-garde music east that s' expresses, suggests ideas nine k 'nu can nteresse certain political movement, over' all 'the working world its technological und kon them problems crop. "But Iera (38) do not license ke the naive social engagement of Nono sank in front ona muziek ( 39) the ZUA, ke poeva (40) the least 'nvolvere (41) to arbeidersklasse (42), they taste of the music which bows eram (43) nn early as lexicons et structuralist syntax, postdodecafonici, et cetera, corn Plut ^ ot a flat tonal melodies, harmonies rotating on the tonic, dominant, subdominant, sensitive, und und cadences Xfetto agreements, et cetera (44). Atque 'ntramente (45) hy (46) compuoneva "Do not consume Marx," Ein Gespenst geth um in der Welt "sung ona jokes about the newcomers dl "Communist Manifesto" by Marx und Engels famously raised it the year of NS 1848. Et hy EXAMPLE went to "Factory enlightened d'el 1964: cola (47) 've Iera direct artistic goal to" make known to express et' l ke particular existential moment was in the interior of the Italsider of Genova, 'n lu specie conditioning ac harmfulness to which they subjected the workers were in the blast. " Truth is k'in appriesso, qnd (48) irrefutably diventette (49) of the inaction of the constatazion the masses by the masses chille MUSEC x, Nono legalization have (50) k '"u mass concert passed east to 4 nu xsone make public. " Ol theatrical license er componist (51) + ke Have enthusiasm apologetic y sensational controversy touched (52), shouts of triumph et quashed toxic (53), tissue ze "The great sun load of love ',' n mundial first represented at ol Opera House Milà (54) 4 of them abbrile (55) dl 1975, et la Scala taken mexo nl (56) of Febraro (57) DL 1978. Inspired to a line from Arthur Rimbaud wrote to Jeanne-Marie, whose "powerful hands are wonderfully pale sun of the great load of love by making the machine guns of bronze de l'arose Paris", y el devoted to Donna (58) revolutionary de the last cent'agn (59). Ona 'ntrapresa voted, while dessa, l'amour na exploited classes x, u' (60) the figure of rhetoric, if nn firefighting, x attemperata (61), where nn dissolved by lu savoir faire Baroque: Mon theatrical sense 'n possession overseas teacher. El Nono HAD (62) de toonkunst (63) Istud sotta (64) led by Gian Francesco Malipiero, with Bruno Maderna xfezionando in prepara el ac Dirigent Hermann Scherchen. He graduated 'n Law. In Back to the Fifties agn, Karlheinz Stockhausen cn BC istesso Maderna, est'ello 'ntra hoofdpersonen zi (65) de' famous "Ferienkurse", Darmstadt, primary centers of irradiazion dra "Neue Musik" - woe to lu musico ke partecipassevi! Fora banned from the fabric of the international symposium "MUSEC ke is" und "ke counts." Ele (66) remove (67) x Mojje 'to fijja to Arnold Schoenberg. Nl 1955 imposes cn "Canto suspended" x soloists, chorus et Orkest (68) on texts from the letters of 'condemned to death of the European Resistance derivatives. Take dri (69), between the cave, "Journal Polish," "Intolerance 1960", "Remember what you did in Auschwitz." Cn "Fragmente, Stille an Diotima" x string quartet (1980), Tras' n el munno fantastic Nono the golden poetry of Hoelderlin. Texts by Massimo Cacciari (70), "Das atmende Klarsein" x stormenti (71) and live electronics. A musician of Vegnesia postrema creativity dl (72) - the route I dl + high art - de suta targeted to sedate forms of lyricism, of intimate self-absorption, by a pensive mood ona melanconiosità xcorsa: as compared de lu creaking scaffold of ideology, of a political, dl live myself. Tal interior tension ie (73) Objetkt (74) censorship by suta de 'sovravvissuti und isparsi gendarmes de aesthetics Marxist orthodoxy. But the Times svorta zi 'Rama (75) by unavoidable ederan omnes. ************************************************** ****************************************** NOTE - (1) "a , mil. (2) "the" Game. (3) "of" writer. Thurs. Eur. (4) "man", dan. (5) "i", sca. (6) "the", port, Lomb. et lig. (7) "Venice", T. Folengo (8) "place" (9) "of" Lomb. sec. XIII (10) lu "Italian Communist Party, born 'n Livorno Mon January 21 1921 x dl by Amadeo Bordiga and Antonio Gramsci, was dissolved on February 3 dl lu 1991 the Congress of the Bolognina, party secretary Achille Occhetto, Turin atque passionate Quaker vote naive as they are in Turin (11) "Venice", the Byzantine era (12) "ha", nl. (13) "artist", nl. (14) "rarely" (15) "ha" (16) "freedom", nl. (17) "with" v. Note 2 (18) and "the" berg. (19) "as" cal. (20) x Benedetto Croce was the only Italian philosopher of breath 'NTERNATIONAL k' el Novecento Aunt xvenuto a la clara formolazion d'ona rigorous philosophical theory of aesthetics. It fonno faith 'n chief and wise' written on the basis of four idealistic: "Aesthetics" of el 1902, "Breviary of aesthetics" of el 1903, "New Essays on aesthetics" et d'el 1920 "Poetry" d ' el 1936 (21) "theater", nap. (22) "however" (23) "diversity", Eng. (24) "appears" (25) "writer", Eng. (26) "the", Tosca. (27) "ha", sic. (28) "emotion", Eng. (29) "paralysis", Eng. (30) "silence" spag. (31) "Guardian", Eng. (32) "state", sic. (33) "entirely", engineer. (34) from the eighties et urtimi, soratuttum, it 'nineties, the vanguard fie et radical criticism rejected by the generations Giovene de 'composers, yet wary Eglin henceforth de ideology, determined to reformulate na et hinged on poetic expression rather ke on the experiment:' n nn cchiù of a relationship of mutual juxtaposition But avec el engaged users. As for the results out of the new poetic coziddetta "neo-romantic", x tutt'antro atque nos rosy discourse (35) "his" nap. (36) "conception", lat. (37) "elsewhere", spag. (38) "was" arc. (39) "music", nl. (40) "could", loins. sec. XIII (41) "involving" (42) "working class", nl. (43) "were", port. (44) et cuzì dl the rest of Marxist aesthetics' n vogue nor the Union Soviet suggested compuorre: conquider in the minds of the masses of workers, exploited by Hellene fuss lu capitalism, hegemonic 'n the West, or fussino initiated lu happy' nver de er the dictatorship of the proletariat, which s'andava profile or the USSR et it 'countries of Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, et cetera ..., forced, as' the F sharp 'n tone alone, sucking from the' Soviet emunta sisa (45 ) "while" nap. (46) "he", Fris. et Afrika. (47) "there" (48) "when", see Note 3 (49) "became" (50) "would", mar. (51) "composer", nl. (52) "aroused", arc. (53) "slating" (54) "Milan", Bres. (55) "April", nap. (56) "month", Venice. ant. (57) "February", Venice. (58) "Women", mil. (59) "years," berg. (60) "where" (61) "attenuated" (62) "had", nl. (63) "art music", nl. (64) "under", mol. (65) "stars", nl. (66) "he", port. (67) "off" (68) "orchestra", nederl. (69) "behind", Romag. (70) birth 'n Venice in the year 1944, university professor, an eminent philosopher and east et aesthetology of international renown, whose dense doctrine to shine as, consequently, in his political parliamentary et, k little or nothing, since 'nvece them to his high school. Quanno it 'televised debates debating Messer Cacciari et qualsisìasi an Italian politician, it soon becomes clear is Cacciari et ki ki 's policy. You can tell 'n ke under de la culture sets them apart. But note ke nn is particularmente Cacciari is caught, is ke 's political qualsisìasi east particularmente ignorant (71) "tools", Tosca. sec. XIII (72) "Venice", pop. ant. (73) "is" bar. (74) "object", Ger. (75) "now", Trev.


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