But what good is the music critic?
BUT WHAT IS THE MUSIC CRIC? Qual'est King (1) specific function is k'attribuir dè (2) to critique de la musiek (3) Art on the newspapers made explicit? Und ki xe, aut ess (4) doverebbe (5), ir (6) music critic? And in quegno (7) report Pones Products (8) them his readers? Ete (9) though the musicians had long ke critics, holding up the newspaper section of the Mayan, complained Ionno (10) uma (11) ac Dramatica gradual reduction of them to the space already reserved fringuellante their field. But ki aut ke kosa sottràegli priziosu ir (12) right? Kaks (13) and (14) Mazor responsible dl (15) great crime. Ir Primiero: ig (16) fatuous arguments + y mnd sciapo dl (17) of the show, street + bullies on the invasive et ola (18) of the (19) tragic 'nvoluzion culture' n k'ete la société (20) trassinata (21). Ul (22) seconno (23): ir de prevaler presentations, from the chronic (pink) and dl gossip from the music "events" on the chest of rational und stern critic of 'myself. Presentations y chronic k'insufflan a priori nl (24) human player feeling of wonder, of cunzento (25) uncritical ac preconceived k'abba ere pleased to blind (26) Mùsica the concrete life of k x and the 'event' matter-site car: homo Penz, verbigrazia, to ul ke glowing hype precedes the inaugural xformance istagione de l'opera of La Scala Mediolanium (27), lamb (28) 7 dzember (29), pages pages of newspapers et flooding. Blew n'aura of apology, the forged x + disasters ridiculous xtinenza musical, x nn DIRI (30) musicology. Mais istessi criticize the faghn ke (31) critical of the newspapers sunt prepared to sweat their lu officio stuffs (32) loads of dainty (33)? There Songo (34) musicians gazzettieri pressapochìstichi ke ke it is only human ignorance "diminished seventh", an aut (35) "fifth interval" But lezar ke (36) nn sanu (37) I miss singing and an elementary score x pianefforte (38), I miss the notes 'n treble clef written: as an Italian ke fudess (39)' n can lezar Italian, an aut sinologist an bok (40) Chinese, aut an art critic blind nn khang judice formula of valor in the face of unprecedented human canvas. Nn -, j (41) also permitted to serious music critic sur translate what is any human power to gazette the propagation through an lenguaggio onninamente specialist? What benefit 'the common reader k'ignora not 'the lenguaggio de' it would sound? Re Mùsica basal culture in "the fatal land" (42) x chidda (43) of the country an 'n isviluppo way. Sarria (44), pro veritate, confacèvol Cossa (45) k'ir musician, critic, although the indispensability of technical knowledge und cultivation has, et sem (46) Nevertheless they fall lu the sink of banality - the worst of all - , an immediate lenguaggio serenante atque endeavor: of course: I can dl the field, being k 'n the hopes of its breath (47), und ergo (48) de l'art, en tout cas sagen nn hypothesis (49) limpidly All of things are immediately and ke Vonn et / aut Polna (50) sagen (51). And by Sezze uma dimanna (52) paradoxically: The Music Critique Have an angry Objekt (53)? Knows all too obvious (54) repost (55): Obiekt the Critique de la musica musique making this the king. The obiecto (56): nn puòtesi speech of the Musik (57) beyond na atque cold examination of the structures de un'impassìbil registrazion know (58) lenguìstiche. What ever Saravia (59), 'n fact, ir content of the music? Fuorze (60) ir sentiment (61), as an dicèasi time ke kr (62)? Aut forces (63) the expression of an Absolute? Aut manifestazion immanent re de sa music "mundane, or music is king of the silent stars ke nl cosmos resonates? Aut King VUS (64) of Nature? Aut ir reflection of the harmony of the ego, since the protestavan Romantic? Aut u "monomers" (65) magic, the right doctrine (66) Pythagorean? ... And if, in the end, knows more No fuss Musik (67) k'uma nubècola (68) 'n between the bundles of them wandering clouds x shekels (69 )?... Millanta imaginations (70): neun (71) 'nfirmàbil, neun demustrabil (72). But if Acsi (73) own (74), another da-fe (75) no (76) remains behind ke if limited to listening, King Musik: et be silent on. And in this case is useful for nothing (77) returns ir musician critical. Of k and debating what little '(78) und send prints x ke pìccasi Kolu' ntenditor of an lenguaggio own substance characterized by human k'edè they could numinous, mysterious tend, und to Secure (79) elusive? ************************************************** **************************************** NOTE - (1) "the", rotated. (2) "must" (3) "music", Afrika. (4) "be", mil. berg et. sec. XVII (5) "should," arc. (6) "the", Piem. (7) "which" are. arc. (8) "with" writer. Thurs. Eur. (9) "is", lec. (10) "are" bar. (11) "a" port. (12) "valuable," Sardinia (13) "two", ext. (14) "I", rc. (15) "of the" v. note 8 (16) "the", Mon. (17) "world", see note 8 (18) "wave", gra. (19) "of" the LORD. (20) "company", fr. (21) "dragged" (22) "the", gen. (23) "second", nap. (24) "in", see Note 8 (25) "consent", nap. (26) "have" sen. ant. (27) "Milan", T. Livius (28) "each", Fri. (29) "December", Piem. (30) "say", sic. (31) "make", par. (32) "packed" (33) "responsibility", Machiavelli (34) "are" nap. (35) "a" mantle. (36) "read" mantle. (37) "know" (38) "piano", nap. (39) "was" mantle. (40) "book" Sved. (41) "is," buoys. (42) "Italy", Manzoni (43) "that", sic. (44) "would", nap. et sic. occ. (45) "thing", Venice. et Lomb. (46) "without", port. (47) "spirit", arc. (48) "therefore", lat. (49) "say", Ger. (50) "may", arc. (51) berth in the most excellent reasons dimolte et d'el pure et simple to say, we keep track of inquando lu honor of the dark dicere. The oscuritade of a word - is present in ancorké difficult of apprehension by el patient reader, difficillima penetration by the unfortunate city of el ke credèasi to read it to his beloved mother tongue touching et et of a sudden of having the par rincojonito ke understand + Ke what it says - a word of ell'oscuritade pole breakers in some meaningful + et radiate large messages, et precious remote paths + (52) "application", nap. et sic. (53) "object", Ger. (54) "the", Sardinian (55) "response" (56) "objection", lat. (57) "music", Ger. (58) "his" course (59) "would", Venice. (60) "maybe", nap. (61) "feeling", fr. (62) "fu", loins. sec. XIII (63) "maybe", nap. (64) "voice" mantle. (65) "number", J. Sannazzaro (66) "doctrine", nl. (67) "was", mil. et emi. (68) "cloud" (69) "heaven", gra. (70) "hypothesis" (71) "no" arc. (72) x that reason, lu et philosopher scientist Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes disputing cum in another context, the papal papal exclaimed: "Hypotheses non pretend." ("True rationem Harum gravitatis, proprietatum, nondum ex phoenomenis Potu contends, et Hypotheses not pretend"). Today, however, the science of the very giòvasi instromento of the hypothesis, benki nn few scientists are reputed to eschew the idea ke it a disturbing factor, it k'introduce scientific experimentalism et priori an arbitrary element: an assumption with insufficient evidence. Hence the chemical tudesco et philosopher Wilhelm Ostwald, Nobel Prize in chemistry x it the year of grace 1909, opine de veritate nn able to achieve things if nn according strictly to the facts alleged by the experience, building up a science et freed from what you want to assumptions, namely limgua in German, "eine hypothesenfreie Wissenschaft" (73) "as" mantle. (74) "is" (75) "do," Piem. (76) "no" arc. (77) "useful", Sardinian (78) "may", arc. (79) "certainly" Provence. sec. XIII
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