Friday, March 7, 2008

Cheap Blankets For Horses

"Traviata" at the bustling Regio di Parma

"TRAVIATA" HANDLED THE ROYAL PARMA Alli Zenari XII (1) 1990 Parma (*) Since 'the afternoon' n on the lips of convulsive All of 'Parma other question hovering ke nn' the following: "But fie (2) giungente at the end?". The attendèan Oima by dhiet (3) years. The time urtima suta ivy feral 'ntermisa lu ultim'atto third y ... But chente (4) Parma attendèan them? But ke Sare (5) the right to come? Come on: we understand well: the beloved La Traviata. "La Traviata" at the Teatro Regio di Parma lu: 'n et el boasted strissemo (6) Temple de la opera, with a gallery of ke Valley by supernal und inexorable sat x uvula how daring, those you buy as gl'impicci ke in cash, you s'avventùrin to vibrate. X sovrammercato in the evening ol (7) curtain is raised Sarea sur unna (8) mise en scène d'el melodrama produced in Reggio Emilia and is accompanied by universal cacodossìa (9), imagine mo '! The polis of Marie Louise radially (10) 'N ferment. Nu in the electric atmosphere of el capital will fall accident. On the remaining el, ell 'iuorno inante,' the standard VLS, aka Alfredo, ava (11) 'mprovvido indigenous to the "Official" I said kha (12) opinion, the great attraction nn ce mica made the averebbe to land a third act lu: able (13) na debacle (14) short-range .... Now 'n el gremitissimo foyer, nu flaming-eyed (15) threatened to music lovers, mixed them thin ironic risarelli et de l'aromatic Parma: esquís yet Hellene' ntenditrici - you the PUE (16) well dicere - de ' Verdi songs: traviateschi et. Xe true, threat and we smile a priori, the idea of \u200b\u200bunna Traviata allotted by the directing be strange for IG nor the fifties of the twentieth century el: el boom years of the economic, upon a movie set, kon ups and downs of giraffes atque cameras as naughty 'n el de buso the lock: a frugacchiar between them violent pathos and scombugli de l'mundane heroes-Po ... "Ah, Peppino, forgive, if able; forgive the insane rage of the junk scenic xpetrate you in spite of the sacred 'Muse, forgive them foretold of the Matter", aqusé (17)' the gallery it will mploravan conversations Verdi in el salir to 'put them to fight: on up, ver' el gallery justice (18 ).... Sur podium of an orchestra called, with patriotic pump, "Italian International Orchestra" istàvasi ol master MDB performance Prenn (19) the damping action: et est sur la guillotine at once (20). Along the first scene 'where the public attends to the commendable tour de force de la soprano NM it' fatal role of Violetta, k and sings to the appearance frou frou: terror, pro veritate, 'n weighing the mouth. Und in de la lu-term fourth scene, a nobilesco of Messer in 'twixt pubbrico, x nothing angry, au contraire, avec une nonchalance of good-natured candor veined, de cosifattamente begins to address the representation: "But is propi na bela crap! " Sancti gods! Some defiant applause itself (21) soon overwhelmed by unna forest of silent, 'n el unna while typical boce gallery of face Chiovere sur podium: "Ve 'maestro ke Violetta more in the third act, nn lu Primiero!" Perbacchissimo! Panic 'n among them singers, fàttisi cool. Since Unna boat moored to the bank, the parterre swings between healthy laughter applause y pro-states. Silenced the soprano for "It 's strange," lu et paro silenced "The hot spirits" of el content: both of them' n henceforth prey to acute distress. Y merciful bold, nu nu medicated send spectators to experience! "Bravo!" to the director: and nn ae (22) yet finished speaking ol ke motto from 'je l gallery (23) bounces xfida the argument: "Mo' you 6 Patocchi also deaf." A gallery ke dovien way + bold Lorka, 'n do an arguably ballettonzolo of dancers' n tails, wedged dimolto a dubious en (24) landfill "woman" English: at her sgonnellar mustrar et de benen (25), as well as the pick Nariz (26), it discovers the male: tomboy. Oh, oh! U cchiù nn gallery holds, en wag high boce insults: "But the good fairy !"... (27) Nu spassatiempo (28) sociology, not much Fresko (29) environment, unna vivid lesson in devotion to the sacredness of the opera, sed yet unna sadness of art, among the litany of spectacular scempiataggini knows brancicante run musicals, knows the near-paralysis of opifizio ugolante ... The master MDB nn sape 'scogitar nent megio por ke itself to those baccajar avec d'er ke pubbrico rimbrottan him, nor cease to be the repetition: "Wait! Wait! "(30): nn lu dissimilar to delay the pugnacious leader kha yield conclusive desperately experience!. More generally, quanno 'n unna Traviata nejente works to save the feathers esti ol baritone nor the PC case, Germont of a patre weighed cunzenti (31) manifolds. megliora Madame NM n'anticchia the ultim'atto it, making this the quanno the given 'n el log paced poured out, for ela + consonant; ol partner VLS hereinafter correct en anonymous . Faces sa (32) nude scene: furniture, lights, of ideas: an emblem of the inconsistency before, afterwards de la de la rappresentazion hiding. Chisti In moments, the performers x x already vectorial na (33) be lu come to term. But xò k'intrapresa Sisyphean! Acta est fabula .... At dusk ol dl (34) x curtain roam the room sparse clapping und bloodless. Saettan sharp whistles lu Dirigent. To join the 'Royal dl the public plebiscite marks: "Re-gi-sta! Re-gi-is." The volume would be, on the proscenium lu, x ki sapi which corbellatura aut Burlata pouring out. Sed syphilis, ol metteur en scène, what wise man will, s'ingrotta. "But it turns out, come on, if you asto (35) courage!" nu cn sgòlasi this music lover (36) parenthetical tone (37). Which flutters et en sbercia sgòlasi, yes, occhèi, corn co 'the Amiga ZUA berth, it has' seen from (38),' the bravomo, as if the core of laughs, cn ol heart rejoicing, en fizzes as iucunde sa foam fizzes Lambrusco (39) uncorked just now: this is what kon ke, notwithstanding all at nn things, xe lu party Regio di Parma. Daddivero (40). ************************************************** ***************************************** NOTE - (*) polis pleasant und feeding, from nn cunfonnere cum chilla Parma he topped the year of grace 1925 from Italy Zenti dans le territoire de l'apo Cliveland northern Ohio, nor the USA (1) "January", T. Folengo (2) "will", arc. (3) "ten", sic.-alb. (4) "what?" Arc. (5) "would" (6) "famous," glory and strissemo "binomial" (7) the 'berg. (8) "a", gen. (9) term derived from greek church el: kakodoxia. Rc x is "bad reputation", "discredited" (10) "was", patav. ant. (11) "had", par. (12) "his", sic. (13) "possible", Roma. Verbigrazia: "E 'ke ce venghino able to break them Zebedee" (14) could be imagined' s debt circumflex over the "a" of the "debacle". Merci beaucoup (15) "eyes", dial. (16) "you" (17) "as" emi. sec. XVIII (18) east, is considered 'the famous gallery + lu et de mundo implacable. Under his truck Caudine + year yet the acclaimed 'NTERPRETATION pains (19) "takes" rom. (20) "Knife", fr. (21) "is" (22) "ha", arc. (23) "the", Roma. (24) "is", nl. (25) "legs", nl. (26) "nose", spag. (27) already Baldassare Castiglione, the 'el n "Courier", he complained: "Having eyes inanza the beaten track, we try to go diverticuli." Nn esti ki nn know them to be "diverticuli" You will (28) "fun" , nap. (29) "fresco", Ger. (30) implies el maestro of the petition: "Before k'abbi end, the pole representation, so x dicere, self-righting et lu take flight, or to both el Iusta , et facer, then turn 'the pretentious your thumb downward ver' upward. " In other words, I want 'The Master' stand: "Spes last goddess", or yet to allude to Terence: "Mode liceat live, spes est", "Up to k'edè allowed to live is still the hope" ("The Punisher of himself '), et Metastasio: "The last Eastern ke lose hope" ("Dido abandoned"). Ki sape ke nn maybe the mind also has returned to' the memory to Montale "But joy in waiting is more polite "'n' Glory of lying south", from "Ossi di sepia" (31) "consensus", nap. (32) "the", Sardinian (33) "victory" (34) "of" writer. Thurs. Eur. (35) "you", trie. (36) "with", see note 34 (37) is x "esortante," from lu greek "paraineo" call (38) "must see", Roma. (39) wine from Emilia, from Latin lu "labruscum" roscio ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, a mild alcoholic content: 10.5 percent. Piacente is very dry, the first x et d'Emilia dishes which Presciutti, culatelli, risotto, lasagna, tortellini, tortellini tortellini in ac lu sauce, sausages atque trotters, boiled with Cremona mustard, eggplant parmigiana, et cetera, is lovely, x a spherical end table. Pregiandi notice them Lambrusco di Sorbara, Castelvetro S. Croce, Fiorano, et cetera . Please note in order ke chiste nectar numinous olisce violet (40) "really" arc.


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